We have King Arthur, Henry VIII, Caesar and Cleopatra movies all the fucking time, don't you think it's about time we got some original stories from places that are rarely used, like Africa?
Which african king would you like to see a movie made of?
We have King Arthur, Henry VIII, Caesar and Cleopatra movies all the fucking time, don't you think it's about time we got some original stories from places that are rarely used, like Africa?
Which african king would you like to see a movie made of?
Hannibal wasn't black.
bimbabwe jones king of the mudhats and pissdrinkers
Forgot to say that my favorite would probably be this big guy here, one of the most notorious rulers of Egypt.
Hannibal wasn't a king.
King, general, ruler, whatever, just some fancy names for "leader".
Anyone ever heard of this one? I never did. Why do our schools never talk about them?
>it's a Moores are Black flick
When will this meme die?
t. Suicidal historian
He was a general. Quite separate from a King since Carthage was a nominal republic with its own senate. Calling him a king would be like calling Dwight Eisenhower a king. It wouldn't be true in any sense of the word.
Hannibal was neither a king nor was he black.
He was a Carthaginian aristocrat, which were all descendants of the Phoenicians who were all swarthy Caucasians. At most he would have looked Semitic with a deeper tan, but he never would have had Negroid features.
Also, we have busts of his head and artistic impressions of him during that time so we know damn well what he looked like and it ain't black.
>Hannibal played by a Sub-Saharan
>implying he didn't have as much influence in Carthage as Caesar, Marius and Pompeius had in Rome
He was the de facto leader.
Damn, I wouldn't want to go to war with Zulu.
>implying he didn't have as much influence in Carthage as Caesar, Marius and Pompeius had in Rome
He didn't. When he lobbied for reinforcements in Italy the Carthaginian senate shot down the request. If he had as much sway as you claim, it would have been unthinkable for his will to be denied. He had less power than a consul. He was strictly a general.
The Barcids were on the down-and-out since Hamilcar was the scapegoat for Carthage's loss of Sicily in the First Punic War.
Hannibal wasn't even that popular back home and politics were part of the reason why he never received the backup in Italy that he demanded.
He had to rely on his brother in Hispania.
I'd much rather have a solid movie about Alexander
>inb4 Alexander 2004
Alexander 2004 was a solid movie. Did you not like it because of the gay sex?
Fair enough, my /lit/ friends. Pic related, though, was a black king, there's no denying it.
Pretty sure none of those guys looked like roided out black gay porn actors.
They're not all roided. I'm sensing some insecurity coming from your side, user...
They look like how all black people did before the whites corrupted the noble melanistic peoples.
Why did the whites have to fuck up the world?
Would love to see some films exploring the West African kingdoms like Mali. Also would like to see Ramsees and Nefertiti.
Trolling aside, I am baffled that we haven't had a Hannibal movie yet.
Romans have already turned his life into a narrative. The hard part is done.
You have easy motivation, a great antagonist.
Big set moments.
It's perfect.
Yakub created white people with an insatiable greed & lust for power & control. Hating white people for these traits would be like cursing a fish for swimming or a bird for flying. It is quite simply in their nature. But this is really off topic for such a board.
Why can't blacks fight back? Even today they only kill each other really. Sure, they pull guns on the odd white or asian policeman but they get quickly curb-stomped.
>this is what ameriniggers actually believe
The problem is that Hannibal should be the villain but villains aren't allowed to be main characters in hollywood.
they should do the aeneid with blacks like the brits do all the time when they stage Dido & Aeneas
I especially like that one time they made the sorceress and the witches into three black men in dresses, truly a visionary casting
Me too, my friend, me too.
>black culture is all about self-aggrandization and making people respect you
>this makes very difficult to come together and help each other
>culture is mostly defined by what we're exposed to as children
>music is a huge part of that
Who runs the music industry?
Makes you think
>Hannibal should be the villain
Not necessarily.
It's a story about avenging his father's shame, right?
Scipio can be a fine villain for Hannibal.
There's a fine line between a charming ambition and greedy assholery.
I heard that Malians actually hate that guy because he spent too much gold for charity during pilgrimage
Heroes don't lead vast conquests that rape and pillage, unless they decide to edit that out.
I reckon it should be like X men first class.
You understood where both of the main guys came from and you sympathised with them.
Would make for a better story of you ask me.
The Malis were fucking rich though.
I don't know a thing about them. Have you heard about this Mali ruler?
Performing charity is essential to build piety so you can exterminate your muslim rivals dude, it's like you can't even into caliphate, I bet you only play pagans and catholics
are the crystal gems.
why isnt his penis clearly visible dangling below his cod piece?
It's flaccid.
>those fucking colors
he pretty much crashed the enitre mediterranean market making a loaf of bread cost like a camel packed with gold
The guy on the right looks awfully white.
Is that legal?
>Pharaoh THOTmose
Here's an actual facial reconstruction of Hannibal Barca. Dude is sexy as fuck.
He also liked elephants.
Not a fan of swamps though
>The Phoenicians came from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea; land that is present-day Lebanon. Their homeland was arid and inhospitable for farming, so the Phoenicians turned to the sea to become the greatest travelers and traders of their time. The Phoenicians invented the alphabet and taught several cultures their advanced system of writing.
>The Phoenicians built a trading post in North Africa they called Carthage. The Phoenicians chose Carthage because it was located in the center of North Africa, a short distance away from Sicily and the Italian Peninsula. When the Assyrians and the Persians conquered the original homeland of the Phoenicians, Carthage became an independent state.
What is this African Kings by James C. Lewis? It seems hilarious.
At least post the funny ones
Egyptian niggas
I love how Cain looks only mildly annoyed
He was a kang however
Asian niggaz
Olmec niggaz
Slavic niggaz
Why? All the stories end the same.
>and then white people ruined everything
desu senpai i get why niggas finna to do something about it now
How is it not considered offensive or "culture appropriation" for blacks to practically steal Egyptian culture and claim they were the true Egyptians?
It is but those that point this out are drowned out by the niggers and sjws that ignore it.
These are all legitimate black kings though
wtf hannibal wasn't black..
None of those people were kings either you fucking retard
>I offered him a kingly crown/which he did thrice refuse
Or something along those lines
Hannibal was the good guy tho
>tfw no Mameluke movie or series about them rising up and destroying their muslim masters before destroying the other muslims and then destroying the whites
>slaughtered by pasty Anglos
>slaughtered by inbred Boers
Some mamluks were actually white
Most were Turkic but some were white
Yeah I meant the Crusader states and following failed attempts at maintaining them.
redpill time
Not enough Egyptians living in America to make a fuss about it and the media sure as shit ain't about to tell dindus they're wrong about ANYTHING.
>Literally wearing the Alberto Barbosa robes
This looks like a fucking Terry Crews Old Spice commercial
>tfw no movie about Hulagu Khan burning down baghdad and rolling the muslim kaliph in a rug having him trampled to death by horses ending the longest lasting arab islamic dynasty
But Cain only got dark skin after he killed Abel
Make a movie about that west african king who wanted his men to dig a new river so he could sail to his enemy's capital.
fuuuuck you
>mfw you go to corner store for some chocolate dutchs and they got is peach
>King Ten keks
Make a movie about Poland please
pls more details
Hannibal actually made his political career after Carthage lost the Second Punic War, rooted out a fair bit of corruption and beat a lot of reform into the system as suffete.
In fact he had Carthage bouncing back as an economic power so quickly that Rome demanded his exile.
plenty of movies showing them in WW2
Neither was Arthur, Henry, Caesar and Cleopatra but that didn't stop the jews from protraying them as blacks
Like overly victimized cannon-fodder, but in reality, they were far from it.
>Abu Bakr
Use your head man
No wonder you were defending glitcher 3 like your life was on stake fucking polen
If they did it there would be outrage if they don't cast a black guy as Hannibal
Wait, there is a movie about black Caesar?
>>PHARAOH Taharqa
Don't know about the rest but he was part a foreign dynasty from the South that conquered Egypt towards the end of the 3rd intermediate period, since Nubia had been dominated by Egyptian culture for about a millennium before that, you can argue he was a black Pharaoh.
>Ghana, Nubia, Mali, Zulu...
>not black