Hahaha, 2.3 million African women and girls fell for the meme that vaccination would be harmless. However, it turned out that HCG was intentionally added to cause sterilization.
On average children in the US get 49 doses of 14 vaccines until the age of 6 years. It includes aluminium, mercury, formaldehyde, anti-biotics, anti-freeze and other highly toxic substances.
In 1980 there was 1 of 10,000 children who had autism, now it is 1 of 48 children (that the autism spectrum expanded was considered in this calculation). That means 2% in the US have autism! TWO PERCENT!
There is strong shilling against vaccination opponents, pharma industry and Jews are financing fraudulent studies, silencing dissenters, spend millions to create professional propaganda.
The end goal is to weaken and dumbing down the population, so it can be controlled more easily (autists might be hard to handle in private situations, but they will not overthrow any government).
libtards and cuckservatives alike, anybody who doesn't think vaccines cause autism have probably had one vaccine too many
Lucas Robinson
>vaccination >widely done since the 50s >autism is caused by vaccines and proof is that in the 10s autism goes through the roof
why didn't autism got such huge increase in the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s?
Brayden Reyes
>implying it didn't this image took me two seconds to google and find
Colton Lopez
>why didn't autism got such huge increase in the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s? Vaccination itself does not cause autism, but the additives such as aluminium or mercury listed above.
Also it is a difference if you get vaccinated a few times or 49 times before the age of 6 years.
Thomas Edwards
>Vaccines cause autism Full retard.
Noah Phillips
I agree my brother, the Goyim should not be worried, it is pure coincidence that 2% of the US population has autism now.
The population of niggers also skyrocketed during that time.
Aiden Hill
And don't forget mercury is good for your brain, according to recent research of Jewish scientists. However, Jews should not take it, because it is unfortunately not kosher.