Continuation from >>731022937

Continuation from Not OP but just want to continue the smugness and conversation.

What ya'll watching/doing/eating/drinking?

How are you all on this day? :P

Practicing my ninjutsu desu


Facebook image.. why desu

Why not

ninjaanooon, how are you?

also whrre you getting these lewds from user?

Post more beautiful

urrrg this is all i want :(

As good as a ninja can be desu

I have some tasty folders desu

Yiiis you qt, I want to snuggle in bed with you so much
That you do, making me blush

I like making people blush desu

you're literally making me succumb to cock user, now I want to dress all pretty with you

I like making boys dress pretty for me desu

you want me to be all open and ready for you? ;)

Lemme get in on this

Please desu

Are you feminine eyed ninja?


Would you a girl?

Both are fine desu

Don't stop lol

If you say so desu

what is this thread? can i join? my special snowflakes include
>borderline pd
>schizoid pd
>unconfirmed diabetic
to add, i'm only 19 :3

But are you cute

Become a ninja desu

user reppin the vital queries
pls confirm cuteness

I guess I'll go lewd for you.


hmmm pls to judge

i'm conflicted ninja, i wanna be able to sneak up on someone and kill 'em swiftly but i also want to do battle in heavy armor and use a greatsword :o

That's good keep going desu


the answer:
n o

Haha! Heavy armor desu?
The only heavy thing you'll be dragging is the corpses of our clans enemies desu


Cute desu


good, i don't wanna be cute. though for some reasons, girls with issues like me.

you make a good case, i'll go light and wield dual daggers to stab balls and titties.

All girls have issues nigga

I prefer ninja wire desu

hmmm that might be why this 9/10 chick with slender figure and a T H I C C brows liked clumsy, chubby me.

ah, to each his own but i agree with you. wires cause less mess.

And you can use them for kinky fun desu

Tfw I don't post any images to avatar so I'm totally user

>tfw you're not yet a ninja desu

Nah, I've ascended beyond that. I can be anywhere. This could be a different user replying and you wouldn't even know.

Something better than ninja desu?

More Felix plz

Then I've done the impossible

Why should I desu

Because it gives me the boner of the century

bc I'll post dick if you do

If you say so desu

keep going

Keepin this thread A L I V E

You're so demanding desu

Keep me alive instead desu

Keep Felix alive or you, the poster?

Both desu

Thank you here's the dick I offered

