When trumpfags say

when trumpfags say
>everyone that doesn't agree with my views is a shill

is the equivilent of liberals saying
>everyone that doesnt agree with me is a nazi

prove me wrong
oh wait, you can't

>shillary posting

Because calling somebody a member of a political party that rose to power in the early 1900s in Europe is vastly different from just calling them a name


If you're already sure we can't prove you wrong why do you even post this in the first place?

sorry but trump isn't a liberal, shill

Trump didn't magically lose supporters and Cliton didn't magically gain supporters.

just wanted to see some trumpfags look retarded while trying :^)

kike hilliary soros kike hilliary soros kike hilliary soros kike hilliary soros

going along with this thread derail

Is Hillary hiring bongs or is that just a proxy?

No, we say people who don't agree with us are cucks. Shills are people who promote lies to try and influence decision-making. Shit like "Hillary's not that bad :^) she's better than that racist Drumpf after all lol" and people who blatantly lie about poll results.

>a name
shill isn't a name, it's a term

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

She's a she
-She's fat
-She's old
-She's a baby boomer
-She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:

-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"

>goes in all fields, obviously


And since then (most recent data in OP's graph is from March), the gap has narrowed and it will continue to narrow until Trump takes the lead. Ignorant shills are ignorant.

Going along with this game, sir

What the faggot is going on here.
Reason is libertarianism, op, you fucking infericuck


Correct The Record, a Hillary For President SuperPac funded by GoldmanSachs, is responsible for the current Shillary raid, pic related.

>look retarded while trying
that's a bold card you pulled, muhammed

lol so naive Trump is playing you for a fool. also rollin.

This is a good post. It has an importaint message. We needed to unified in our opposition against Dadolf Trumpler

how do you "upvote" on this website?





>people who come on here saying "wow, Trump is so bad, I'm a [insert candidate here] missile now, you guys should vote against Trump," aren't shills
Hey, shill, why are posting old polls? Because Trump upset your Lord by trying with it in one and beating it in another?