Ylyl bloodborne

Ylyl bloodborne

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last one, good luck with your far too specific thread OP


This shit is hilarious!

i've never played bloodborne but i suppose insight is something that makes you see characters and bosses way disgusting and creepy right?

It lets you see things normally hidden from view.
for instance at 40 insight you can see lovecraftian Great Ones clinging onto the sides of buildings.

makes sense like in man in black when disgusting aliens looked like normal people from the outisde

o noe!


No that's because they wore disguises and were well hidden

The things in Bloodborne are just so horrifying and otherworldly that normal minds cannot even conceive the mere sight of such creatures, but Insight in this game acts as knowledge

So when you have enough insight, you're finally able to comprehend these things and "see" them


Here is a funny one!


OP here

Thread's dead :(



Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes

Do you dream?

I'm glad I never saw that as a child