Is Multiculturalism bad thing? If yes why?

Is Multiculturalism bad thing? If yes why?

Other urls found in this thread: in japan&lr=&as_brr=3&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=islam in japan&f=false

If you go to their country's they will tell you to fuck off
Teacher lived in the middle East
She had to wear that shit on her head
And be treated like a thing

It is bad for white people, and only promoted in majority white Countries. Bringing failed ideas and cultures into a successful Country, and then trying to change said Country leads to ruin.

Because mixing races is proven to not work. Look at Japan,China or fucking Israel do you see this sort of shit over there?

Because it does not work...

Multiculturalism can be both good and bad. Allowing immigration can help a country grow (e.g. immigrant labor in the United States), and with immigration comes multiculturalism. Although multiculturalism has it benefits, culture clash is inevitable; mass immigration can destroy countries. Germany's open border policy, for example, has not positively impacted the country. Islamists and jihadists are coming in en masse, commiting mass sexual assaults and terrorist attacks. Multiculturalism isn't always bad, but importing backwards Muslim ideologies is never a good thing.

Average school in Malmo, Sweden. This is Multiculturalism

Adding more niggers or sand niggers to any civilized population will result in higher crime. Cannot think of an exception....can anyone else?

But what if we had a way to help these people live in relative safety and then o my have them integrate into our western society when they somehow prove that they can accept and live in peace with our culture? How would you feel about something like that? I personally feel terrible about allowing people to live in suck awful and unsafe conditions due to their land becoming a war zone butg at the same time I understand that their culture is very different from ours and feel as though allowing them to integrate into our society too quickly would be bad for both them and us.

What does "multiculturalism" mean in this context?

Do you agree with Merkel's immigration policies?

creates conflict

In the EU everyone hates each other
When they move country's
But yet we are all white and the same so no big deal
Everyone at the end of the day knows how shit runs in the EU
People that come in from outside the EU don't know how the EU works and don't Integrate and aren't trying to be the same

Having them integrate into Western society would mean leaving their Religion behind.

Everyone leaving a shit Country does not help the shit Country. There will always be people left behind. The focus should be on improving their own Country, in invading another


Lol like its even a question

But why in our countries, why not in Japan or China or Israel? Why do they not take Immigrants? Simple really. Because they see this cancer for what it is.

Look at that picture, how many of those kids are white? This was predominantly a white country.

There is no such thing as multiculturalism and successful race mixing.

You have no idea on the impact this had on other countries. The rise in neo-nazism while frightening is not unexpected, if governments will not defend the people, people will defend themselves.

It only works when you have immigrants who are intelligent and benefit society with work and paying taxes.
The filth Merkler lets in to Germany is going to be the end of the fatherland.
Refugees my ass.
Freeloading filth sub-human sand niggers is more like it.

I don't know what they are exactly. Would you be willing to ex ppl lain them and your thoughts?

No, that is a country doomed for bankruptcy.
For all the nigglets in this picture they have two parents most likely mooching off of their welfare system.

Western Europe is lost. Demographically whites cannot compete there.
It will be majority nonwhite soon, and when that happens, the locals will be targeted on the streets.

Refugees is a whole other thing.

They are leaving their Country based on war. They are not leaving because they are tired of fags being thrown off building, women forced to cover their heads or honor killings.

They are okay with that.....not many places to go in the West to compliment those "values"

Lol Sweden is so fucked

They aren't invading another though they are fleeing one that they have no control over. How can they make their country better when Isis is trying to kill them and their own government doesn't give a fuck about Then? How could they fight back without being lambs to the slaughter?

As far as leaving their religion behind they wouldn't need to do that any more than the average American has in the last 40 years. They can practice their religion peacefully like the ones in Michigan that have been there for a very long time or they shouldn't be allowed to be here.

20 years till sweden is gone

Problem is they don't leave their religion at all and demand the place to change to accommodate them.
The do not seek to integrate.
They seek to create their failed society elsewhere.

They can go to japan. I am sure there government will be more then happy to accommodate them

Japan that's on the edge of economic collapse and already has some the highest population density in the world? Are you serious? Like seriously you could have said "send them to africa" and that would have made more sense.

Many of those people support ISIS. I sure you can recall the numbers of people a few years leaving Europe to go fight FOR ISIS.

I am guessing you mean Dearborn Michigan

Yes i am:

As far as economy goes, its not much worse than sweden or france.

But both of us know Japan would never fuck up too this degree, and it was just a witty remark how immigrants should just fuck right off.

You're a propagandist. Facts won't work with you and you're not looking to have an at all reasonable discussion considering your bullshit anecdotal evidence.

What kinds of facts? Name a few.

I do not know what moral obligation is for one Nation to take on the problems of another.

I do not know the moral obligation, but I am pretty sure of the common sense answer.


when it means the death of your own country's identity and culture than yes. Those saudi fucks wont even let women drive but yet want secularism to be gone and want religion involved in lawmaking.

It's fucking separate for a reason idiots. We don't have all this planet for nothing.


Muslims... 4 generations later they are less integrated than ever

Letting people immigrate isn't "multiculturalism", and the only alternative isn't to close the borders and deport brown people. Using the term "multiculturalism" to debate immigration laws is creating a false dichotomy to pretend that the only logical conclusion to immigration is an unmanageable inter-cultural nightmare. It's like when idiots say free healthcare is communism and the pretend people who advocate it advocate a totalitarian regime with death panels. Nothing but fallacious bullshit that, and I'm sure it's purely a coincidence, benefits the conservative stance in the end.

I'm not doing this.
I'm just gonna take my meds, and calm down.
While the white race, and the world gets destroyed.

I'd like to see you be born in Syria and choose to stay in Syria with your family, waiting to either get gassed by Assad or raped by terrorists. Don't pretend you would. You're a first world pussy like everyone else and the smallest inconvenience makes you have a fight or flight reaction.

I'd encourage you take a little more time to think on this issue. Also take into consideration what multiculturalism even means in any given context. I know the SJW'S ARE stupid about it but I think we far too often don't give conversations the thought and care they warrant.

only if you're a fuckup in life

Canada and the United States are very good examples of multiculturalism. It's funny we always look at Europe, who pretty much open their borders to anyone and keep countries from doing any screening when we want to take a jab at immigration. It's really convenient, isn't it?

What do you mean? Where exactly?

Less bark if you want to have people attempt actual conversation.

Yeah. I agree. But world is a cruel place. And we are not under any obligation to care for there suffering. Especially since they are coming into our countries and are fucking up everything instead of leaving their shit religion and dogmas behind getting along within open society.

Immigration can be fine, but you really need to have people immigrate into places they fit.

People from Syria can be fine in Saudi Arabia or Iran.....Not so much in Germany or the United States.

Example: many people were left with nothing when Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. Now these people had to be moved. They were moved to places like Alabama, Oklahoma and Mississippi....Why?

Because it would not make a lot of fucking sense to send them to Portugal or Yemen

If your country was at war, would you flee? Sure it might be shit, but every Islam leader turns genocidal so maybe.... it's just Islam

That he 'may be' a pussy, doesn't make what he said wrong. He is right.
You must stop cancer by the source.
Not letting it spread out to the white cells.

Okay, let's get a few things straight:
1. Israel is extremely multi-cultural. It's like, the melting pots of melting pots. Its inhabitants are predominantly of jewish faith, but they're of a lot of different ethnicities. They can't afford to have a restrictive immigration policy because Israel wouldn't even exist otherwise.
2. Mainland China is a shitty country nobody wants to move to. Hong Kong, however, is full of immigrants.
3. Japan doesn't need to have a lot of immigration because they have a high reproductive rate. The main reason our governments push for immigration nowadays is to curb the aging population, which causes public finances to sink. Say thanks to all the brown people for paying taxes so you don't have to have your rate increased, you spoiled first world shit.

They can't. It's not a democratic regime. Staying in Syria is certain death.

Also, even if he was right, he's in no position to tell Syrians to stay over there and die just so there's less brown people in his suburban paradise.

And furthermore, guess what we're doing by draining Syria of its citizen? We're both weakening ISIS and Assad's regime. Their success depends on them having people to rule over.

I'm being extremely polite. I don't have to be convenient for you and sugarcoat that I disagree with you, especially not more than I already did, you self-entitled twat.

And how the fuck is that our problem? you fucked your own country, you deal with it, don't bring your filthy shit here.

>Japan doesn't need to have a lot of immigration because they have a high reproductive rate.

You should probably check that.

Sweden had no fucking chance to begin with. There used to be like, what... 6 millions people in the whole country? That's less that downtown Paris, and I see Paris everyfuckingday. The day Sweden adopted Schengen they signed their genetic death.

Yes and no.

Its not a bad thing, people are just pulling it from a retarded angle no matter if youre pro or contra.

We should select between the cultural traits and keep those which are good for the overall well being while banishing those which are not.

However people instrad think its about respecting some of the barbaric traits of underdeveloped cultures.
Fuck that and fuck those lefty omnigender decadency retards.

United States a good example of multiculturalism? Right. Black people constantly bitching and moaning that white people are oppressing them, while having the highest crime records per capita.

Media and the youth thinking that white men are the buggy man and needs to be exterminated, by any means possible.

I will not speak on Canada i do not know enough on the subject.

all succesful countries have migration.
only stupid idiots fall for scapegoating foreigners,
like a lot of people from eastern germany, the former german democratic republic.

Can there not exist a middle ground even if it's only for some of the potential refugees? In the United States we have 9 agencies vet any refugees that do come in. We dont have a lot of problems with them as far as im aware. Weve had some pro isis dipshits but as far as im aware they were all homegrown or where accepted as immigrants at somepoint a long time ago not refugees.

Have you ever met a Syrian? You have no idea if they're stubborn religious conservatives like you pretend they are. Those guys are fleeing two theocratic regiments. Obviously, they're at odds with this whole bullshit and they want to live in a liberal first world country. If they see it otherwise, it will fix itself over the generations, as it always did with immigrants.

You think so? I'm relatively well off, job for life with excellent prospects. Hate Muslims because they are abhorrent filth is all.

>QQ The World is a shithole bohoo
get used to it or do something to change it. Stop justifieing that these people turn us into the same shit they already have with your social justice bullshit.

You want to pull us down ot their level so everyone is at the same level


Actually we fucked their country by supporting the rebellion against their lawful government, which has allowed groups like ISIS to gain a foothold.

The world need less pussies scared of some goatfuckers

Just pathetic people who doesn't dare do to shit

Some people are born in worse situations than I and some are born into better ones. Its how the world works.

Let us not pretend that all the Governments in the Middle East are somehow dictatorships. Many of the people WANT a Religious based Government, that enforces things like Sharia law.

So the whole Syria thing did not happen over fucking night. When you build a "society" with Religion, you better expect it to turn to shit sooner or later.

Separation of Church & State is a very Western idea, and it seems to be working much better because of it.

Thats bullshit over genralization though. I don't have any problem saying that Islam is a bad thing but it's not significantly worse than chritanity unless paired with a society that is willing to write their crazy book in to law.

Maybe you shouldn't have enslaved them in the first place, fucko. You're just getting what you asked for. It will cool down over the decades unless you keep bitching and pushing back constantly.

The white vs black tension is the only intercultural tension that's really toxic in the US. You have a lot of other ethnicities and they end up integrating very well. Same for Canada, where I live. Our black people are nice because we don't have a history of treating them like subhumans and then blaming them for not becoming outstanding citizens the second we freed them. Because, you know, that's not how it fucking works.

Is. Having splintered cultural allegiances is how you ensure a self-segregated society looking out for it's own interests. Assimilation to a host country's social expectations is not optional.

A history book might enlighten you.

And yet there are a shitload of muslim countries around Syria. So why Europe and the US as a destination? Because Oilllah countries know perfectly well that when you import shit into your country, you're going to have to clean one day or the other. Also Saudi Arabia plays the game of thrones better than anybody.

I laughed audibly when I read your comment on Japan having a high birth rate. They're pretty famous for having the lowest birth rate you know

>Separation of Church & State is a very Western
...that's what they're trying to do in the middle east fucktard and it's not working because of ISIS and because of political momentum ISIS gives to ultra-conservatives.

oh so your basic problem is you were never taught the virtues of minding your own fucking business?

Sorry about having terrible parents m8.

And a basic understanding of recent events might enlighten you. Before the rebellion, Syria was a shining example of what a middle eastern country could be. Assad and his father before him have ensured peace and prosperity for decades. They have a secular government which grants religious freedoms for religious minorities. Then the West comes in and provides weapons and training to so-called "moderates." and now you see the result.

What the fuck does this gibberish mean?

You can't let everyone in our country.
Take for instance Paris.
One's the white city of love, now the black city of rape and murder.
Moslims blowing themselfs up.
people from marokko and niggers Stabbing and robbing everyone.
Real nice work saving those immigrands.
Its good to help a lion.
But you don't let him loose in your house. if he can't be tame'd.
You let him loose in the junlge.
Change that jungle, change the lion user.

It means you had bad parents who never taught you to mind your own business. You are the rotten fruit of that unfortunate union.

Shining example?

Your not accessing the internet from Universe X are you?

I never disagreed with you but you can choose to be cunt if you want. Im glad you came here looking to have an honest conversation about a complex issue.

Which business should I not be minding?

No I'm accessing it from reality. You're the delusional one.

Ok then blame Muslim society for wanting Sharia law as actual laws. That's why their shit doesn't work out in places that aren't islamic

You're right. However it's wrong to say that Japan doesn't allow muslim immigration. The truth is there's no data on muslim immigration in Japan because the Japanese government doesn't like to delve in religion. It doesn't ask about the faith of immigration applicants in immigration papers. However, prepare to have your mind blown:

In the following book, it is explained that Islam is expected to reach 100,000 believers in Japan because of their complete religious freedom: in japan&lr=&as_brr=3&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=islam in japan&f=false

The idea that Japan restricts immigration from muslims is a bold faced lie.

all but your own dumbass.

I wouldn't or couldn't call North America a place for multiculturalism. First because you guys don't have a "culture" per se, and I don't mean it as an offense, our common ancestors just kicked some indian's asses and put our flag(s) on top of the bodies. Then you created a country based on several imported cultures, european, african, asian, it's just a big fragmented canva. In Europe on the other hand, the culture(s) are thousands of years old and suddenly, in less than 50 years, the whole world is trying to settle in with its own (very different) culture in mind. The shock is bound to happen on a very larger and more violent scale.

>Media and the youth thinking that white men are the buggy man and needs to be exterminated, by any means possible.

The number of people who think anything similar to this is extremely few but you've already decided you know everything about how the world works and don't care so no big deal.

Why would you want a Third World shit hole culture to fuck up a good one?

Uh ok dude. I'm willing to concede that France has an immigration problem, but maybe with someone who doesn't sound like they're off their medication.

Besides I don't think it's fair to put refugees in the same basket as immigrants. Refugees come to other countries out of despair, and they're fleeing the same terrorists we're scared of. They're not terrorists.


Since we are getting things straight:

1. Wrong, and we can afford the immigration policy and not lose our country in the process? Get real goyim.

2. China as a whole is not bad actually. And Hong Kong is one of the "flight" cities, as in a lot of people go by, it does not mean they are necessarily an immigrants. Especially since statistics do not support your claim.

3. Japan and "high reproductive rate" are you retarded?

The reason our governments pushed for immigration was cheap labor force and morality issues nothing more to it.

Brown people paying taxes? How do you pay taxes with no job and 3-8 kids?

Get real and uncuck yourself.

Really? This is what Islamic Countries are striving for? Really?

So from what I have been told or read 99.9% of Muslims are good people, yet they are being controlled by .1%?

Seems odd, does it not?

cheap labor and lagging birthrates. Take your pick. Smart governments would enact policies to encourage childbearing. Considering real wages haven't increased in more than 3 decades, it's no surprise wealthy white nations aren't breeding.

Sup Forums would have you believe its the reason why the west is in decline.

but also Sup Forums is a bunch of basement dwellers living off of NEETbux.

In reality multiculti can be bad if mismanaged (a huge influx with too dissimilar culture to the host nation, often from underdeveloped regions). This creates a lot of tensions with local populace and paradoxically its not the immigrants that cause the problems as much as the inevitable rise of the extreme right.

If its properly managed immigration has always increased economic growth of the target region (think entrepreneurial immigrants opening stores, shops. These guys also are an additional demand that buys the local produced). The resultant diversity in ethnicities can give various benefits to the target country such as a more adaptable population where the intelligencia of shitholes flocks to as they can express their beliefs freely.

I love how age of a 'culture' some how negates everything else. Let me tell you this, outside some basic shit, most cultures are constantly changing so just because America a bit over 400 years old does not mean we do not have a culture. I can't believe people are this stupid.

All in all


would do

Mudslime detected.

That's usually how theocratic oligarchies work.

A lot of the shit going on in the middle east was exacerbated with the Arab spring, when several countries had their government couped in an attempt to shake off Islamic autocracy.