>read works on both sides
>actually debated people on both sides
>high IQ
>he ends up in the middle with classical liberalism and socialism
Is this why Sup Forums is so afraid of him? Because you're afraid he's right?
Read works on both sides
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Sarcuck not the child's dad.
>being afraid of Quadroon of Mossad
here's your (you)
If you're not afraid why don't you try to debate him?
Not really a fan, his videos are too long and hes buttbuddies with that gipsy Vee, but I watch his this week in stupid videos every once in a while.
On his latest this week in stupid video he said that the punishment for adultery in islam is stoning for women and lashing for men.
No love for any of that shit, but hes wrong.
He's either not doing enough research or he's slipping and turning into the kind of person he makes videos about.
He's a sophist.
I don't know who this is and your baitpost hasn't persuaded me to go find out.
>Quadroon of Mossad
Didn't some altright small fish destroyed him in the 'debate' mang?
>actually debated people on both sides
yeah, and failed horribly, fucking kek
just watch him attempt to debate one feminist youtube.com
He deletes criticism of his videos from the comments. He'll leave the retarded shit to make dissenters look bad though.
I can't take anything he says seriously because he talks like a fag.
can we all just take a moment to talk about how much worse his videos have become since he started using facecam?
Am I just yearning for the days of old borders and news articles with cosy voiceovers?
Does this mean I'm gay and don't want to admit I'm attracted to a man?
also holy shit op that picture is autistic
I would lick that quadroon's monkey taint
I can't stand this mutt blooded fake anglo.
Yeah looks like you just heard some other biased Sup Forumsack say he did poorly and are parroting it without watching it yourself.
Millennial Woes debated him. How was Sargon destroyed exactly?
>classical liberalism
>can't argue with feminists without preparing arguments made by other people that he reads verbatim
holy fuck, really?
also, you all know this guy is Jewish, right? And you also know that Milo, Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro and Lauren Southern are also all jewish? And they're all friends? And work for the same company?
You don't see anything fishy about that?
Because pol is full of foolish fanatics,this is a board of meme politics not serious intellectual rigor such as that of what a learned, moderate man such as Sargon of Akkad offers.
Sargon considers both perspectives and uses facts and reason so neither pleases one side or the other, he is only loyal to one ideology- empiricism.
nope, i'm actually subbed. he's losing my interest more and more though, i'll probably unsub soon. that debate was really an eye opener.
delete this!
Not an argument
>high IQ
>high IQ
Lol you're shitting me m8.
Quit shitposting already.
In between the Got any proof?
Sargon's a good man.
no way to prove that
we know sargon is a stupid prick so wont put it beyond him
this is probably the fifth thread ive seen where quadroon is posted with 'why is Sup Forums afraid etc etc'
pretty obvious shilling. most likely the jew himself as he doesnt have enough gg followers left to do this for him
Sargon the cuckdad
>zog pushes feminism on the west as a way to divide the sexes and distract from the truth
>west goes full retard and spergs out about feminism; exactly as zog planned and intended
>tunnelvision jew retards like sargon of akkad drive all political discussion and are heralded as cultural critics and leaders because they said feminism is 'fucking stupid basically'
like pottery
This thread ... Every fucking day!
Exactly this
Fuck off Sargon. Pointing out the idiocy of feminism is child's play. Go read some real books, not the recommended reading list from reddit's Red Pill subreddit.
I took pottery in High School. What kind of clay are you into?
I like him but TL;DR is better. Much deeper understanding what positivism mean. Sargon sometimes loose his shit completely unnecessary. Also sometimes his videos lack of researches.
>Takes 5 minute videos and turns then into 20 minute videos by pausing every 2 seconds and going on sexist, indignant monologues
So entertaining.
The fuck, have you seen how much views he has under every video? Also you really think he is counting on Sup Forums as his target audience?
>you really think he is counting on Sup Forums as his target audience?
yes, the jews take Sup Forums very seriously.
Only Sup Forums take Sup Forums seriously.
polish jew double bluff.
Nah, for generation of Catholics at least nigga.
>he ends up in the middle with classical liberalism and socialism
you know, that a failure in principle right?
What percentage of what is he?
I find his face familiar and familial to my own. I'm half Greek, which on Sup Forums means I'm black.
Sargon would be deported in an ideal world.
I've lost my interest in him pretty quickly after I went deeper into the rabbit hole. Now I'm watching Stefan Molyneux and the Black Pigeon, though the latter is more and more annoying.
calm down Sargon
Like him, but other than this week in stupid I dont watch his videos.
When he started debating feminists livestream we all saw him stubble and present weak arguments. Good at bullshitting but that only keeps my attention for so long.
Black Pigeon lost me with the LSD shit.
>high IQ
iqtest.com doesn't count.
dat fucking story
Pretty much the same desu, but I kept subscribed. His latest video about the internet doesn't even make any sense btw.
>but people will say you're a nazi
did you ever think people will think you're a nazi?
what about nazis?