Previous: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >This is not Sup Forums, this is /mai/ >No stealing (unless trips or more) >No oversexualised content >ERP in thread is cancer and should be purged >Discussion is welcomed >PLS don't ban me m000dz >3D is almost always trash >If you're not posting pics you're not claiming >If you're posting pics you're not lurking >Most importantly, EXCALIBAAAAAH
Okay first, let's all agree that Dave Franco is a very very handsome guy. Basically I think I am attracted to his (VERY THICK) eyebrows as the specific feature that "lures" me in, and thus, I, a person who has never had sex nor masturbated, can get a little oozy (VERY if I think about him for at least 15 mins) 'down there' by just thinking about someone (He is also older than me by about a decade which I usually would find unappealing but... Dave is so charismatic..) I believe I have some sort of eyebrow fetish or something because a similar infatuation I had with Joe Jonas during the jobro's prime was solely due to his brows.
David Parker
Still here
Aiden Ward
Hello everyone >juvia claimed tomo Good. I'll forgive you this time. Just don't let it happen again, understood? Cause if it does the consequences will be far worse. kanna It is fair. It wouldn't be fair if i held a grudge against you for a first offense. I enjoy you're company far too much to do so. If you feel like you truly need to aton for what you did, then you can find a way to make it up to me. And if you think I'm too kind, then by all means go ahead and go behind my back again and disobey my orders. If you thought this time was bad, see what happens if you go and do it again. I'll make you wish you never posted in this thread. But I've also learned from this as well, perhaps i shouldn't be so strict with who can pet you
Gabriel Long
Her and alive. Question for you all. What should I photoshop, I need to do something for a project and I don't know what to do (It can be anything done in photoshop sr lvl high school appropriate)
pls help I need the points
Michael Brooks
Bands like Mr. Bungle are literally the sonic equivalent of that stupid idiot from high school who went around saying "hahaha I'm too crazy already I don't need drugz to be nuts hahhaa xD see how crazy I am" then did something like start shoving a banana up his ass in the middle of the lunch room or standing up in the middle of class and saying the word "Fart" really fucking loud or something to demonstrate the he was quirky when in fact he was just a huge attention whore who tried way too fucking hard to look weird because mommy and daddy either gave him too much attention when he was a child or too little. How can people not listen to this and not go "holy fucking shit if these people think this either sounds good or think it's 'interesting' in some way they're even worse than noise artists, because at least those people are aware they're just being provocative for the sake of it but this avant-metal/post-prog/spazzcore idiots actually think they're breaking new ground in rock n roll or proving themselves in some way to be musical genisues"
Dylan Gomez
how do I achieve irony greater than Dave's brother