Fuck h3h3. They cry about money like, everyday. Jewtube got them to where they are yet they bitch about it every fucking week like they are fucking starving. Click baits always and then do rich people shit like driving tanks on cars and chilling with post Malone at fancy places. Seriously, fuck these reddit browsing shekels grabbing jew Niggers.
Fuck h3h3. They cry about money like, everyday...
i wouldn't hang out with Post Malone if i got paid to
ya i agree and just to piggy back he is a jew , i fucking hope he gets hit by a bus, and i am a jew for the record
Yeah dude
The whole WSJ incident was just embarrassing. Then a week later they are crying about their revenue being cut off.
I lost all respect for h3h3 once he got big. He stopped doing the funny kinds of vids where he commented on obscure funny vids that he started his channel with. Now he's just an overrated hack Jewburg. Like OP says he whines and shit now about money even though he could just start a Patreon n get like 10's of thousands a month for doing basically nothing. Also can't fucking stand his uglier than shit wife.
Lads, this guy's been lame since hila started speaking more. I don't think a single video after that feminazi video was any good. They started trying less and crying more. And their comment section, filled with children. Who else is good on YouTube? Even Maddox stopped posting.
Been gone a while. Last time I was on b he was loved by you guys. Can someone explain what happened?
They have some cringy vids but I think the dude's funny and intelligent. Cry foul.
he was never funny tho
They turned to shit once they stopped being exclusively the reaction videos... I was naive enough to think that 'this' wouldn't happen to them.
Well said OP. Fucking agreed.
I always hated this channel, they're just one step above Keemstar in terms of chasing drama, Ethan isn't funny but since he had 1 decent expose video out of 3 misses he's the "savior of youtube" hope he starves and gets cucked by his wife
Maddox is the fucking worst. dude needs to be put on suicide watch. Dick is fuckin DESTROYING the mans career
as a jew myself i fucking hate retarded fuck and his slow bitch
He's really not intelligent, you can think he's funny because it's different for everyone but he's never done anything worth being called intelligent, if anything he's done more to prove he's stupid
pick one faggot
Kek, fair enough. H3H3 and idubbz need to make a suicide pact.
He turned to shit, stopped making reaction videos and more vlogging because he can't into content anymore, he managed to make a video with fucking steve-o terrible. Cries over money/reddit browsing is the theme of 1/3 of his videos.
t. Sellout
Videos past week
>yjewtube is big baddie
>jewtoob is no longer give money
>private jet to Vegas
>thousands of dollars on recreation in vegas
now what was that about money problems?
Idubbz is actually good though, thinks his videos out and isn't a drama chasing faggot unless it really needs to be done and if he does he spends months on 1 quality ass video, not 1 evening for 4 videos like h3h3
I think idubbbz is alright. The dude puts loads of efforts into his videos and never really cries about anything or makes stupid videos of him reacting to fucking reddit ylyls
exactly, he needs to cut off h3h3 asap
Glad more people are speaking out against that whiney Jew and his hideous, grotesque sounding wife.
whaat doo yu meen? du you not like slow and slurred speeech?
I bet in idubbbz's tana video he put in so much fucking effort and it got demonetised. He didn't cry. Ethan doesn't even have fucking children I wonder where he's spending all that money
he used to be cool before he was open about being jewish and before he had money
He hoards his sheckles like a proper kike.
I think hes still good ole Ethan. Papa Bless
The best Idubbz video would be exposing h3h3, I'd probably cream
He's not but sure
I remember when h3h3 weren't degenerate sjw faggots
Don't say papa bless u fucking nigger gtfo you sound like those 12 y/os on his comment section.
He wouldn't. H3h3 does nothing politically wrong and idubbbz knows him personally. He wouldn't do it
He seems like a good dude but his content has sucked since he started kicking it with famous people. Amazing how people can change in like 4 months
i stopped liking them after the leafy video where their hypocritical asses called out the guy for making fun of someone with autism
Obviously he wouldn't, H3H3 hasn't done anything that wrong to warrant it but he's still lazy and fondled like crazy
It's almost like..... He stopped trying after he made it big.
And he makes videos with his fucking parents and with reddit and shit
Its not like there is anything to expose. Like said they don't do anything wrong. In fact when they feel like they have done something wrong they will usually correct it. The problem is that the quality of their videos has just gone to absolute shit. It went from funny reviews of obscure videos to nonstop complaining.
The whole reason I stopped watching H3H3 was because Ethan just comes off completely disingenuous and like he's just saying things to come off like a good guy
I'm starting to think it's a jew thing. They are genuinely talented till they make Money. After that they stick to mediocrity because their life goal is completed.
He's just afraid to say anything because of demonetisation. That's all he cares about really
That's why he's angry though, he's made all this money and got to a point where he's comfortable and feels that it's all going to be taken away in an instant. Regardless, in one of his new videos he says he's looking into a replacement job.
If you ever visit his subreddit you can tell he just farms the place like a crop for content. He'll make a thread, not reply to anybody and just wait for the good answers to roll through for his videos.
I hope he fucking browses Sup Forums and sees this.
Still remember him opened a roast me thread and made a video about it. And then he pinned the comment where some sjw kid says "don't listen to them, the are children. Hila, you're beautiful" or some shit.
Your really think any of his actual fan base cares what you think you whiney bitch add faggot? He is more successful than you could ever be and if you hadn't noticed in his last vid post payed for their good time just fuckoff.
They complain about YT drama yet the feed off of it
And you know what else? Fuck Filthy Frank. He whines about how he has to be edgy all the time when he actually has a dream job that all of us act like IRL and get shunned for.
Max is an annoying cunt that nobody liked until he did videos with Filthy Frank and iDubbbz. That anything4views guy is a fat auscunt that talks to much shit and deserved to be set on fire.
Leafy was a Minecraft YouTuber that saw h3 blow up and take it a step beyond him
H3 used to make quality content that was funny until he got sued by some ugly faggot
Pyrocynical is ok I'm glad he quit trying to be like leafy
Go to bed, Hila.
>calls out op for whining
>is a big whiny faggot himself
Ethan please leave
I can understand filthy. And he is genuinely talented. He helped the weekend with his party monster track. Makes dope songs. And yeah, you shouldn't cry about what made you famous. But he doesn't whine in every second video.
Agreed bout max and the fat fuck. They aren't funny. I don't even know why idubbbz chills with the fatty. But filthy and idubbbz are the best imo
Howtobasic is the biggest nigger of them all who makes shite videos and has a huge following.
I remember when he was actually funny, the good times with the Vape Nation Video and all the other shit from the past. But now, all he does is complain about youtube. Even though Youtube is the platform that got him where he was in the first place, he still shits on them like they are just there and slowing him down. Now H3H3 is "losing" money from the Youtube Ad Boycott, yet he probably has tens of thousands in his bank account, and he literally uploaded a video today fucking driving a goddamn tank over a car. H3H3 has not only lost some of his fans, but he is gaining a lot of fucking 10 year olds with unironic troll face profile pics. Ethan needs to step up and stop being a fucking pussy.
>pic unrelated
I like ethan's shit, he seems like a down to earth dude that I could agree with and get along with at a party, him and Justin roiland from what I see their just regular dudes who made it, and I guess not everyone will like their content but I still find it entertaining to see what it would look like if everyday people were famous and comical i'd rather see someone like Ethan do the shit he does than some other YouTube fuck
The SleepyCabin guys are the last of genuine quality content makers in my opinion. And the funniest.
im pretty sure getting sued for their main kind of video is what has wrecked their flow, can't shoot a vape nation level vid on command
I can't hate on howtobasic, he literally doesn't get involved in shit and does his own lol xD random shit. Frank just needs to completely drop the characters and start doing music. Joji tracks are cool, Pink Guy tracks are banging, but he should really combine them and just make straight good music with no edgy gimmicks.
Filthy Frank has a lot of edgy fetus fans
Max just tries to be edgy but fails
leafy is beyond dead
H3 was okay, but starting to fucking be an idiot
Pyrocynical is actually really entertaining to watch
He got funded for that. The fucking jew
Shit's boring in my opinion, H3H3 at least tries to bring his audience with him and really interacts with them, sleepycabin is just a podcast one way interaction
I wasn't hating. It was more of jealousy. The dudes got it made. Doesn't speak a single word, nobody knows what he looks like. Hes got no haters and just mints cash.
At least KassemGod is back. Let's hope he starts making proper vids soon
You're an idot
Never heard of him, hope he dies of cancer....
What the fuck is an idot?
Dick masterson. Cohost on the biggest problem
I want to fuck the shit out of his jew wife
Why? Why would he pussy out? He didn't have any expense. His fans paid for more than what he wanted for the lawsuit. That's no excuse to make shite videos
a lawsuit doesn't have a fixed price and buying a lawyers services for long enough to actually win the case (it's not over yet) doesn't mean you can continue to make satirical videos with the same ignorance of the potential for the legal system to ruin your shit that you had before
are you 15 or something
KassemG? The reason for interviews and podcasts got famous on YouTube. One of the few genuinely funny youtubers who had the right amount of edge and comedy. And also he makes cool videos interviewing pornstars. Check out going deep.
Hes also the only reason Jessica niggeri is famous. Kinda hate him for that
I honestly like the guy.
I don't think he is making shite, I think he is doing what he thinks is what his fans want and trying new things, he said himself he didn't expect the vapenation vid to take off like it did, he doesn't know what thing he can do next that will be great, I like that he is just being himself no matter what him and Hila and just doing what makes them happy hence those last 2 vids, I don't think that the people hating on his vids will even unsub I bet they/you still will watch his shit their just being cunts cause they/you can.
That shit ended ages ago
He knows he broke no community guidelines. He's not losing the case.
I only stayed subbed to Leafy to watch his views drop. More entertaining than his actual videos.
get butthurt more op. Go cry about them somewhere else, why do you give a fuck anyway? Here's a hot tip: don't fucking watch them, they suck ass and so do you
papa bless
It isn't about wining or losing tho, as the case go's on there's court fees lawyer fees and all the bullshit of going through the system it's a bit more complicated than wining or losing
sorry i didn't know i was talking to a graduate from internet law u
watches 4 videos and suddenly deduces every detail of other people's lives. sorry mate but life is more complicated than what you want it to be
Y'all just salty he gets free rides on tanks.
He became an unfunny nicotine junkie
>all these h3h3 defenders
Ethan Klein is a BAD FUCKING MEME who doesn't know shit about anything but wants to assign himself as the moral arbiter of youtube. He just went on and on and on about the hugh mungus shit without saying anything of substance except capitalizing on some retarded SJW's ramblings.
Its the same shit with the WSJ. Its the same shit with ANY youtube changes. JUST GET A FUCKING PATREON. DONT JUST WHINE ABOUT GARBAGE AND EXPECT IT TO CHANGE. "WSJ is killing youtube :cc" FUCK OFF GOD DAMMIT
Hila is LITERALLY the only good thing about their shit arrangement, because shes doing SOMETHING thats not the tired fucking "FUPA COUGH REPEAT" gag S M F H
You into leafy or something? Are you fucking ten?
certainly , they have two meme videos vape nation and the ethan brad berry shit but nothing great.
they did this thing that a lot of youtubers do they get an ego which i think they deserve a bit of they figured a way to market themselves to people but when it gets to the point of ignoring fans , begging for money every other week , putting out content that isn't good enough to charge money for (ie the drunken peasants podcast) , or just whining about simple shit.
>Really talented
>Dope songs
>He literally copies notorious B.I.G on lyrics and nujabes on his beats.
its kind of hard to have youtube support something they've done for so long then have to change in the matter of hours. yeah their quality has been going down but I bet for them its simply about getting videos up and not so much the content. especially when they have bigger problems like the lawsuit.
He became a shill like most Youtubers. Their content is mostly cancer now.
kek, he does not make videos about YT revenue because of them, he makes them to help the youtube community.
Also pyrocynical does that kind of videos, whats the difference?
Maybe he's not the best content creator, but he's a great youtuber, has helped to grow a lot of which are now the main youtubers like idubbbzTV, he has the same impact on youtube than filthy frank, don't blame the man for caring about the community and not just the content.
And don't be salty because he's a reddit fag and gets free tank rides.
you do realize post malone payed for all of it.
that would be a mistake, dude is so real
pyrocynical is also hollow virtue signalling garbage
why are you watching youtube videos you dont enjoy?
I've been with them since "How to grapefruit your man" and I'll say this:
They lost something along the way. Where has the good Ethan gone who would very calmly ass blast people while Hila giggles in the background? Where has the Ethan gone who doesn't give a fuck and just made funny videos for the sake of them?
He tasted money, got big, Youtube realized they didn't want advertisers associated with that type of content and took it away, and now every other video is related to how they have no money. I understand them doing this because of the lawsuit because I have actually been sued before and it's the worst, most gut wrenching feeling ever that disallows you to sleep at night.
But we know now that the judge is most likely going to throw the case out. And they had a gofundme for all of the court costs. So where does that leave them? Their videos are not funny anymore. Their videos have barely any effort put into them and I don't smile or laugh anymore. No more making fun of fat women fapping to roller coasters, now it's Ethan staring at a camera for 10 minutes giving self righteous speeches about something or other. I want the old Ethan back.
One can only wonder, user. It was all a ruse. The real Ethan is now.