What is his fucking problem?
What is his fucking problem?
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He's just a contrarian
He's basically that one really cute girl that always wanted to get dicked but she was just too uptight and pretentious for normie dick and you tried to get with her but she rejects you but nobody else wants to date her even if she is beautfiul because she's just too difficult and you can only look in distance as she's slowly agonizing over her fleeting youth but you can't ridicule her because she would still reject you and so you go like yeah I really did love you but why didn't you want me and she can't find an answer so you both get old and you get married to some mediocre chick and have kids while she grows old alone and every time you meet she's more bitter and racist but she still looks good and you think of her from time to time but you will never never have her.
interesting analogy
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Whiny cunt. He's pretty much a millennial thirty years ago
He's just redpilled
Shitty post but excellent digits
He's just too good for this world.
Morrisey is the proto hipster, he was dressing like a hipster in early 1980's Britain the way hipsters dress in 2017 america.
Can you imagine being so cool and stylish that decades from now a group of terrible people all dress and act like you
Is this a The Smiths song?
I love The Smiths and I can enjoy his solo stuff, but he comes across as a smug twat. I don't know if it's just a persona he puts on or if he really is that insufferable.
Johnny Marr, however, seems like a down to earth bloke, even though he needs to stop dressing like a 15 year old from the 70s.
Hipsters these days just appropriate 80s/90s trends.
No dude, young morrissey legit looks like some retarded hipster sjw, but he was dressing like that in the 80's when shit was all hair metal and neon spandex and shit.
He also was an insufferable muh sexuality, sad boy faggot.
He should be the god of hipsters, emo kids, sad boys, faggots, and tumbler
What a fucking performance. Thanks for the link.
Loads of Indie types back then rejected the spandex look.
He wants England for the English
>Be Morrissey
>openly flamboyant
>probably hit on guys often
>sing songs about homosexuality
>can only attract girls
>all these fucking were red hipster girls
>girls that are bigger than the others
>decide to bitch and moan about literally anything and everything
>they eat it up
>break up band in an effort to get rid of your fan girls and score some boipucci
>it doesn't work
>get fat in an effort to get rid of fan girls
>they like you more now
>become the face of contrarianism
>still no boipucci
>continue to rant and rave about everything because you're sad from no qt bf
this but imagine if even the qt boipucci would be kinda repulsive to you.
Is Morrissey the most punchable musician of all time?
younger steve albini, but he would also probably defend himself
This board is full of crashing bores
Check out them dance moves
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
>Morrisey kinda has a point
>He's still annoying as fuck about it
>Disregard his post entirely
He really is. A lot of people on this site dismiss him because of his hipster fans, but his Smiths-era lyrics are very /r9k/ with it's dark humor mixed with loneliness, while some of his solo work like Bengali in Platforms, Irish Blood, English Heart and National Front Disco is Sup Forums-tier
I like him, but I would hare to have gone to school with him. He'd be that annoying kid who was always saying what's on his mind and be really snide about it.
But if you were bros when he was saying it you'd relish it.
Maybe. I tried to fight someone once because they kept talking in class.
It could be.
Nothing, he's great. So cool.
>all these Sup Forumstards who suddenly love Morrissey decide to invade Sup Forums
Fuck off
But that's correct
>>Sup Forums
But he's Irish
Irish blood, English heart.
Go fuck a goat Muhammed or explode a building
He's from Davyhulme you idiot.
lmao, do you think that people in post-industrial northern england wore 'spandex and shit'? morrissey dressed and looked like pretty much any other pasty young intellectual guy back in the day, apart from the hair maybe
shut it ya bunch of wankers.
I work in a grocery store in a highly gentrified neighborhood, none of the hipsters I see dress like Moz at all. A few have similar hair, though
He's said several times he doesn't like sex, also if you think he'd have any trouble at all scoring with fanboys you're mistaken
wtf I love Morrissey now
>talking about mental illness and the struggle to find love in a society that's telling you it's a sin is the same as whining that Stacy won't fuck you just because Chad is nicer to her
I saw Morrissey at a grocery store in Manchester yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hands shut in front of my face (pic related). I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
England is his and it owes him a living.
>Vegan buying Milky Ways
Still pretty funny, 9/10
Dude better not ask HIM that
Next you'll be saying he's homosexual
he'll stick his dick in your eye