Cutting thread? Cutting thread

Cutting thread? Cutting thread.
I've had a small 3 mg of xanax and I need this right now
No gore please, pretty cuts only

caught up in a whirlwind
life took a tailspin
hide behind our window shades
life of sin

what went wrong in your life to lead you to this? did your dad sit on your face or something? fucking faggot.

papa roach

Come live with me in my nice apartment. We'll binge watch Netflix and I'll coddle you to no end. No need to cut yourself.


Stop being a little bitch and grow up.

OP here. Pic isn't me, just the type of photos I'm looking for. Maybe I'm just a shit human being but I'm strangely attracted to it

>pretty cuts

Tumblr is a great start for finding what you desire.

It's a type of sick and twisted art, it's not going to change no matter what you do.