Poles, belarusians, ukrainians, russians(a slav part of them) - this is ONE NATION - Polans. Which should speak one language - Polish.

Póki Feniks śpi, lecz kiedyś się obudzi..

Other urls found in this thread:


A russian journalist with ukrainian (Donbass) heritage

A polish man from a music video

Literally the same typage of face

>ONE NATION - Polans


a polish lady from another music video

literally the same typage


Gtfo, poleboo faggot.

It's a way to solve the russian problem, because the modern national policy is a road to nowhere and to islamization.

I have two different ideas:
1) anyone who speak Russian as a native language = Russian

2) Russians are not the nation, the actual nation is POLANS.

Зaпaдных пoлян нe cлeдyeт пoлнocтью cмeшивaть c вocтoчными пoлянaми, жившими в oкpecтнocтях Киeвa и oпиcaнных Hecтopoм Лeтoпиcцeм в кaчecтвe oднoгo из cocтaвляющих Дpeвнepyccкoe гocyдapcтвo плeмён, нo нaличиe нa дpeвних пoльcких мoнeтaх нaдпиceй c иcпoльзoвaниeм дpeвнeeвpeйcкoй пиcьмeннocти, paнee иcпoльзyeмoй вocтoчными пoлянaми, пoзвoляeт cyдить oб их тecных cвязях и дaжe o пpoиcхoждeнии зaпaдных пoлян oт вocтoчных

inb4 жиды хoтeли paзpyшить Poccиюшкy eщё 1000 лeт нaзaд

Polish just the oldest language and this is the only one still alive language of the Kievlan Rus, because Lithuania was Rus 2.0

Polish (Russia)


has soft s' except the soft sh' and hard l except the regular-polish [w]


why doesn't Russian police arrest poleboo churka

he constantly comes to our thread and says that Russia shouldn't exist

>Polish just the oldest language

Wut? Polish is a rough outsider interpretation of Slavic by German settlers. No other cause can explain its pure wonkiness.


I said that Russia Belarus Ukraine Finland and Poland should be united.

I didn't said that Russia shouldn't exist. I said that the modern Russia has inadequate national policy which can create a collapse in future.

You just don't live here and can't understand what they are doing with our country.

I'm tired of this schizophrenia and see only two ways:

1) citizen nationalism. If you are a native Russian-speaker - you are russian, and this should be written in constitution

2) my theory about the Polan nation. But it's kinda racist.

stop responding to my post you mentally retarded churka and stop masturbating to some ancient space polans

polans were a fucking tribe that lived around the place known today as poznań

they were relevant because they traded with HRE and vikings

there were other lechitic tribes and they didnt like polans very much because polans sold them for slavery

czekam na proofy

Thats not a redpill, retard, thats your pooboo imagination shiet.

Polans were everywhere and the same typages between russians, belarussians, ukrainians and poles are showing that we all are children of them.

We have to stay united if we want to survive.

Look what NATO did with serbians. what albanians did with them.

Do you wanna the same to us? I don't

it's a shame that Poland in NATO. it should leave it

>it should leave it
It sure shoud.


Jebać NATO

>be a retarded poleboo churka
>cry about Poland being in NATO

Because it's a shame.

And it was in 1999.. in the year when theese cucks had bombed our slav bros.

Kiedyś Polski nie będzie w NATO czy to już będzie nie Polska.

Did NATO help Turkey? They have a permanent citizen war in their country with kurds.

1. I don't give a fuck about other slavshits and it's disgusting that russhit dares to speak of some slavshit unity
2. stop trying to write in Polish your parody of my mother tongue is offensive

NATO support pseudoukrainian hitlerboo scum. Also you are going to be cucked, if you won't answer after what they did a few days ago.

>tfw retarded poleboo churka replies to my post three times

Oh, you are that retarded emmigrant from Belarus which tried to propagand abortion as a something normal which should exist in a healthy society.

Please come back to your potato, Źmicier. I really won't respond you again.

Our you are a Maciejczuk's bot, which is even worse.

Write which mistakes I made in Polish here or shut up, don't be a cuck which can't even answer for his own words.

I'm sorry you had to see this thread, Sup Forums.
Not all Russian posters are like that.

need more (You)s

There should be more posters like that. Poles are the master race. We should all hail the "KURWA"!

Fuck off, Pynia, I'm just writing about the fact that the modern russian nationalism is marginal and cucked as fuck, and this is in country where 90% define theyselves as russians. Don't you understand that it's a dangerous situation for our country?

I'm just talking about two ways:
1) citizen nationalism by the Russian language
2) ethinical nationalism - I wrote a lot here about my conception that Poles, Belarussians, Ukrainians and slav-Russians are the united nation by the genes.

Of course the first way is better, and I understand it.

>"Russian nationalism"
>says a retarded poleboo churka

oh how I kekked

You used to be the leads of slavs, but now you are going to be atheist, here a lot of porn with czech women and etc etc and etc.

It's pretty sad, I hope you will understand how it's wrong and be strong conservative again, because you are literally used to be the LEADS of us.


Also what the fuck you did, Czech-Slovakia should exist again as a united country.

I also hate all the mankurt scum which are saying that they are "right" but de facto love hitlerism.

I'm social-nationalist a bit, but I hate nazism and hitlerism and respect our ancestry for destroying them.

I agree with everything you said, Ivan. But polish language is god-tier, compared to our pepik shit. I rather be called a Pole, than a Czech, t b h

You'll be called Polan.

stupid pepik it's obvious that the Slovak Language is the future of all Slavdom

New Soviet-Nationalist Union of Slavs & Caucasians under the banner of Slovakia Magna is the only real chance for us to destroy the evil NATO


try "Slavia" or "Slavika" or whatever you want

>New Soviet-Nationalist Union of Slavs & Caucasians under the banner of Slovakia Magna

Accept your heritage

You language is awesome, for us it sounds very brutal.

I'm also don't say about derusification, just saying that Polish (Russia) should be a second language, for the slav-unicy.

I think it should be united country by Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Balts, Finland.

with three or two state languages - Russian, Polish, Finnish.

Like in a good old times, but in a new form.

Fuck, if I'm ""churka"" - all theese POLISH guys from video are "churkas" too.


Russian Empire already existed and it sucked.

Polish united slavshit empire didn't exist yet.

I'm just saying about TWO ways of how we can save Russia:

1) language nationalism - if you are a native speaker - you are RUSSIAN

2) ethnical nationalism

Because not all the russians are slavs actually, it's true.

Modern form of national policy can be the reason why Russia can collapse, and I DON'T want it and this is the reason why I'm writing all of this..

A union with Poland is a possible way to save our country.

you're not a Pole you stupid idiot, you're a literal churka from Moscow


your "accent" is not from Kresy (do you even know where Kresy are on the map?), it's a Russian accent of a Russian who's not fluent in Polish

you have no Polish roots, no Polish family, no Polish heritage

you are not a fucking Pole, you're a churka from Caucasus, go dance lezginka and leave us alone

>It is disgutsting poleboo episode again

And what the shit I found.

Russia had been builded by two basical ethinical groups.

Slavs, and finno-ugric group.

But, what the fact, the leadership slav country - Poland - is european by mentality and traditions. Hungary and Finland - the leaders of the finno-ugric world - are european too.

But why the fuck our country should be euroasians? This is the official way of the growing.

It's just dangerous.

One faggot (journalist) even said "I don't want to live like people do it in Europe and I won't let it another (laugh)".

Of course all the cucked scum are not european, I mean the true old Europe.

Why are you rude to someone who literally just likes your country

How did you tell that hes a churka? I dont think they wanna polish, desu.
>dance lezginka
Why do you know so much? Are you russian?

This is a liberal faggot from Belarus which moved to Poland and not define himself as a pole.

I'm a really wierd guy too, but his is even worser.


I said that I have a dark eyes and eyebrows and this autistic faggot think that it makes me caucasian.

>Russia can collapse, and I DON'T want it
Because in this case Churkas would have to go back to their republics with poor industry (do you even have anything?), agriculture, zero IT and work ethics.

do you even visit /polska/ from time to time
he comes every now and then and keeps babbling that Piłsudski should've joined the Soviet union, NATO should be destroyed, Mexicans and Quebecers should rule America and similar manyamirok bullshit

he posted his churka eye once
he's fat and brown

Tatars are not churkas, but if Russia will collapse (I'm not telling that I want it, it just a version) I guess it will be a war between Ural and Tatarstan.

So we shouldn't let it collapse

>churka eye
Does he have dark eyebags?

I'm not fat, faggot

I'm a slav, don't listen to him, he is idiot. Also I don't know what he even hate "churkas" a lot. Dagestan is a nice republic and I'm even interesting in reading about their languages.


>war between Ural and Tatarstan
Why? Most Tatars have an identity disorder anyways.

Because there are only 20-25% of tatars in Tatarstan, and tatars live in another regions too, and they have nationalism, even now Tatarstan has it's own president, it's the only one repiblic which still has president, not leader or manager - president.

>russians(a slav part of them)
are there any asian russians

So we have to save our country, because collapse will be the reason of wars and etc.

But our country's leadership makes a lot of stupid things which can make the situation even worser.

"Polans" and etc is a plan B.

Basically, I guess, we have to change constitution and write that if you are a native Russian speaker - you are Russian by nation.

This is the way to save our borders, powerful and influence.

Some russians have the finno-ugric roots, it's not a surprice.

Well you can start by writing Russian in Polish Latin script.

kill yourself churka

you're Russian only if your veins seethe with noble Russian blood, knowing the Language by heart should be mandatory of all White people, not a requirement for being Russian

>posting a big rusophobe
>tells about the russian nationalism

top kek

> finno-ugric roots
I cant tell finno ugr from typical russian

Poland who are you talking to? Come back to bed.

>seethe with noble Russian blood

there isn't a "Russian blood", you, retarded faggot

northern and southern russians are more different by genes than russians and poles, can you understand it?


kill yourself churka
you're dirt beneath my enlightened Slavic sandals
your maskirovka won't work much longer, all of you churka fucks will be expelled

why so angry and racist

It's honestly astounding how many dumb and wrong statements and implications you managed to fit into a single sentence
Congratulations, Sasza

the eurasian idea will be the reason of islamization

just compare the birth rates..

Russia lost Ukraine and Belarus

so it has only Asia as a sphere of influence

but in EAC the most people are muslims




>I guess it will be a war between Ural and Tatarstan.
Kek no, there will be a war between Urals orthodox khanate and cuckdom of Muscovy.

don't believe churka words

he will be drowned in Baikal soon

No one can.

brawo yeti

we arent that muslim fanatics like Turks or arabs. We drink vodka and eat pork

aaaaarghhh I'm so fucking WHITE
I blind myself whenever I look in the MIRROR

do you really think that this guy is slav?

he has a typical finnish typage

it's not a racism to tell the truth about his heritage

racism is calling himself worser or better, but I don't do this.

I understand

But in the modern multicultural russian society religion can has a role of identicy

this is why it's dangerous

I'm not a racist and don't have anything against the turkish group of nations

There are no pure slavs left in Russia.
Everyone who thinks otherwise is a retard.

>do you really think that this guy is slav?
I don't know. And i honestly don't give a fuck. It doesn't fucking matter.

remove poleboo churka

report his posts to the authorities

remember when someone threatened him on 2ch with sending his posts to the police?) obosrausa

Some people are still closer to poles and belarusians some not

But you have a point

I really understood that the citizen nationalism is the only one normal way for us

Polan-idea is a plan B

oпaчки, был нa cocaкe oдин пoeхaвший пoляк. Этo нe ты cлyчaeм?

Are you surely pole?

Slovak historian Jozef Safarik: "Serbs was the oldest generic name for all Slavs" (1849).

You are all Serbian

churkas everywhere

Kek, you just proved that you are not a pole. And why you have so big butthurt about me? Maybe because I'm telling the truth about your Homeland's nationalism which is cucked?

Again with that retard. Show us your channel, pls

kurwa, go away

He isn't dangerous and isn't too obnoxious. Why do you hate him so much? I'm glad that Nikita is finally gone, but this guy is alright.

To чтo я пoeхaл этo пpocтo peaкция нa пocлeдниe coбытия. Ho этoт тpeд мнe пoмoг пoнять чтo гpaждaнcкий нaциoнaлизм вaжнee этничecкoгo, тaк чтo ecли ты гoтoв к тoмy чтo твoи дeти бyдyт pyccкими - мoжeшь пpиeзжaть в Poccию, я нe пpoтив.

>Polish roots
>native speaker of Polish
>Polish passport

>poleboo churka
>dagshit roots
>native speaker of Black Ass
>Russian passport

sit on bottle

But why war and not a peaceful scession?

>Polish roots
>sit on bottle