/tv is fucking up so

/tv is fucking up so
Name a movie / movie ending better than this need more anti hollywood movies

The Invitation is a so-so movie with an ending that makes it worth a watch .

i can't OP, that was just the fucking best ending ever.

It was a brilliant ending.

Always thought Hollywood would fuck that story up. But it's a hopeless AND Hollywood ending.

The Raid: Redemption

Tops the novella's ending by a mile.

No not really you just have shit taste faggot

Shutter Island.

>oh, i'm happy, he is cured!
>oh, i'm sad, he is not cured...
>oh... wait... oh no, you don't you fucker...

Also I don't know why a lot of people (not in this thread) think that Old Boy ending was good. C'mon, incest is not that scary.

Fucking this. Hey by the way earlier there was a thread about Netflix's new rating system and some user mentioned a better streaming site called [something]tv.to? Does anyone know the site? I forgot so bookmark it

Hmm, no. No it doesn't.
But it's still good.