>gets hit with a rocket
Do At-Ats have feelings?
>gets hit with a rocket
Do At-Ats have feelings?
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Well, they are 60 years old now...
>Am I retarded
This made no sense to me OP. It looks really stupid. An AT-AT would not react like that if it were shot.
>hurr AT=ATs should act like Godzilla
Get laid, virgin
So their hulls aren't as tough as in TESB and you can bring them down without cables?
>Tiger tank gets hit with a bazooka
>"Ow!" [turret turns slightly to the side in reaction to the pain]
You faggots would actually defend this
>Hit with rocket
>Explosion severs hydraulics in neck mechanism causing head to go limp
It doesn't go down, it just gets rocked back a little by the force of a physical explosive. AT-AT's in TESB just were functionally invulnerable to energy weapons.
Luke destroyed one with a hand grenade.
Did WWII take place in a universe with sentient robots?
>AT-ATs are sentient and not just man-controlled weapons
[citation needed]
Because they flinch
Yeah, but they got nuked
1. The force of the explosion could have overwhelmed the mechanisms controlling the head, causing it to swing over.
2. The explosion could have damaged a control system.
3. The force of the explosion could have caused the pilot to jerk the controls.
4. An automated system or a very good pilot could have tried to dodge the rocket or minimize the force of the explosion by moving the head.
>Sentient machines need a pilot
redditors will actually defend this
Machines with joints don't just stay static when they get hit with shit.
The head unit gets knocked to the side by the blast
>autists already looking for something to whine about
>laser guns everywhere
>suddenly modern day bazooka
>no some special shit shooting blue electric ball (as seen in fucking episode one) to shut down machine
Fuck logic forever
Is it me or the CGI in the trailer looked awful?
It was pitch perfect for 99% of the time in TFA but in R1 it looks cartoony, like a rendering of a video game cinematic.
Ever heard of a horse?
Jesus F. Christ, Sup Forums has some dumb motherfuckers on it.
why didnt they just attack with rockets instead? Dont tell me the main rebel base didnt have any
Are we sure it wasn't just turning its head anyway? You know, maybe in an (admittedly delayed) attempt to not have the rocket come through the front window...?
Maybe you should go back to plebbit then, I'm sure it's better.
>the main rebel base
The base on Hoth was manned by the remnants of the fleet from Yavin so they were down a ton of men and supplies
He threw the grenade inside it.
You could have the strongest armour ever, but if someone opens up your ass and shoves a grenade inside, you're gonna get hurt.
Im probably the only one that thinks these things are similar to At-Ats, maybe not though
Trailers never have finished CGI for all shots.
You're driving your car.
Something hits you from the side.
The impact knocks you hard enough for your arms to jerk to the side.
This causes you to steer the car to the side a little.
Same principle.
The impact jerks whoever is controlling the head, and this causes the head to be twisted to the side.
>An AT-AT would not react like that if it were shot.
How can you be an expert on something that doesn't exist?
You must be an expert on your girlfriend, too HAHAHHAAHHAH
literally the cause of the robot uprising
Ok Sup Forums lets settle this once and for all. How do you pronounce AT-AT. Is it (AT AT) or is it (ay-tee ay-tee)? (Ay-tee ay-tee) masterrace here and its clearly the proper pronunciation as in the movies they call the small walker (ay-tee es-tee) they dont say (at-stuh)
What looked bad to you? This was the only shot that particularly stood out to me.
Thought the Star Destroyers looked especially great.
ay-tee ay-tee when speaking english, utt-utt in my native language because "at" means horse and horse-horse robot is a funny name.
People that say @@ are subhuman
little rocket hurts it turbo lasers don't get the fuck out of here.
little puny rocket stronger than proton torpedoes.
>trivializing foot soldiers versus armorded space vehicles like that
What sorry filmmaking
Everyone I've ever met calls the @-@s
Now this is some uncanny valley shit right here
please do not bully the robot
Wait weren't these things immune as fuck from fire, even from aircraft because of their shields?
So did they retcon those walkers now too or are they gonna use some emp dues ex machina for the movie? Cause a RPG shouldn't be able to do shit let alone move the whole fucking head.
What did it scare the pilot and he jolted the controls?
would have to be a pretty strong shield to stop a rpg midair
>EU fag quoting abandoned canon
Stay salty, Georginistas.
You needed bombers to crack their shields originally so yeah, an RPG shouldn't be doing shit.
>he can't into angling your armor to reduce the chance of penetration
thanks for blowing these redditors out of the water
>only have heavy laser cannons mounted on its face
>doesn't have any medium blasters mounted anywhere
>probably doesn't even have any proton mines stored
>what is low tech
Robot Justice Warriors when?
The guy in the control room moved the controls when it hit hence he moved the head of the AT AT which made it look like a hit...
How can you people not understand simple things
I mean hence it made it look like a flinch
oh man i came here to basically say this exact same thing - saw this thread at the top of the page. does not disappoint.
that's a weird looking camel
it's the animal the AT-AT is based off of.
>implying the government would allow all the Nazis experimental weapons to be known by the general public
>what is recoil?
Doesnt really look like it did much damage to it. The burning stuff we see in OPs pic is probably the remainder of the missile and not the AT-AT itself.
I predict that it will recover from the shot with no apparent damage, keep walking and fireing towards the rebels who then have to find another way to bring it down, most likely through one of the ways we saw luke using against them. From those probably the wire trick, since its pretty iconic and will be a good fan service, but make the movie shittier.
But the head starts moving back to its original position right after it recoils.
Reminder, the real reason that rebel lasers were ineffective against AT-ATs is that it's a lot easerif or the SFX crew to scratch little "laser explosions" onto the film negative than it is to add damage to the AT-AT models. Either the AT-AT's are fully functional, have smoke coming out of their holes, or outright blow up.
When the xwings are flying through the canyon, the middle ship has its wing clip through a rock formation .I don't Know how this was missed .
>super advanced empire capable of interstellar travel and destroying whole planets
>they build giant mechanical camels for gorilla warfare
AT-ATs have no reason to exist besides "they look cool". Star Wars is for children.
>Be pilot of an AT-AT
>See a rocket heading towards you
>Instinctively swerve to the right
>Head moves
>Recoil of the rocket impact causes further movement
Why is this so hard to understand?
>Movies have no reason to exist besides "they look cool"
>movie can't suspend disbelief for 5 seconds because it has to look cool
I don't think so, I think you're mistaking a shadow passing over it for clipping. You're looking too hard for mistakes and automatically assuming you're right. Tone back that confirmation bias, mate.
Fucking thank you
It's a normie thing I swear to god
>can handle entire base firing at them with 0 damage in V
>one guy with ATGM can damage them now
ayy tee ayy tee
LOL this is exactly what i was thinking. Why did it move like it was in pain or something
They are a long range artillery. They are tall because plasma guns don't arc like normal artillery.
They were used as main machine on Hoth because it was too cold for repulsors to work without modifications. Rebels needed few days to modify their speeders and Empire simply had no time.
Why they became the go to imperial tank in games and comics? Because their authors were fucking retards with no imagination and had to use iconic shit from the movies.
>How can you people not understand simple things
We can, but bitching about arbitrary things from a 1 second scene of a trailer to an unfinished movie not due for another 4 months > logical discussion
for you
The Empire was all about big machines and intimidation to make Planets bent to their will. You see huge Star Destroyers spanning Kilometers, giant as fuck Walkers walking towards your cities that are near indestructable. It sends a message that the empires will cant be broken and that will march on.
Empire is all about scare tactics and being intimidating and their armies, ships and vehicles reflect that.
>Not knowing what a rpg charged with main character energy is
>not +5'ing your rocket to allow piercing
rebels please...
What comparing apples to seeds, what a fucking retard you are.
fanfic the post did you make the movie
something at ats don't have even when the fucking head get blown of in 5
You do know this is fake, right?
>you can hear it getting more frustrated each time the box is moved
>just wait until I get a few upgrades you human piece of shit
Yes, the rebels with a fleet of warships and laser guns and ion turrets can only give out a single bazooka to fight off an AT-AT.
>i-i-i-it's just a trailer!
>i-i-i-it's just the theatrical release!
>i-i-i-it's just the first version of the physical release, the Sequel Trilogy bundle will fix it!
It got thrown off balance.
and checked
it recoils as if its alive you dummy
It's about terrifying people into submission so you don't have to actually use them in the first place outside of a couple of fights against pirates and shit.
>Sentient machines need a pilot
What are you, not a nerd?
>concussion force gets applied to a load
>impact has force
>force moves load
Fucking retard, this is literally third grade science.
Whats funny is this directly applies to DC fans
>mfw this image has sold me on WH40K
>>concussion force gets applied to a load
>>impact has force
>>force moves load
It was the force all along
Rocket-wielding Jedi confirmed
Get hype lads!
>get hit with RPG
>the entire head moves
okay yeah that looked like shit
This chart is such bullshit, unless /adv/ has completely changed since I visited it.
As Lucas showed us already anyway, white man's evil machinery can do nothing against sweet tribal furry niglets. Those things here won't stand a chance against the power of feminism and multicuturalism.