How true is this Sup Forums?

How true is this Sup Forums?

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It's not.

make them all skanks like the white one, then it will be right.

>Forgets that the majority of SJWs are minorities.

I highly doubt this tbqh

>mfw woman

Traps are more woman than a woman herself

Tits or GTFO

Check again

No its not. Hispanic women are shit.

hahaha hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA



where's her

>that top-left picture

Based shades-wearing dude is recording literal animals in the zoo, LMAOOOOOOOO.

>muslim women
Get out mudslime shill

Isn't Suey Park a reformed anti-feminist now?

>you don't want this

Stop race mixing with mudshits, gooks, and spics you fucking cuck.

Wouldn't surprise me, probably started hating her pussy comrades when they started criticizing Korean men for "sexism".

She's the retarded asian.

>not covering herself
Absolutely haram

That's not muslim, I'm an expert.

That image was clearly made by a spanish guy who was pissed off about being called a muslim all the time because he was a shitskin.

>implying you ever leave the basement and fuck any woman let alone white

Arab women aren't that pretty and most hispanic women don't age well.

This image tells a lot less about race than it does religion.

Don't even own a basement you cuck. So what's your excuse for not marrying a white women and having 5 kids hmm?

>most hispanic women don't age well.

This meme is pretty funny.

Relegating the entire Hispanic community to our perception of them which is mulatos and mestizos. There's a lot of Hispanic milfs. I lived in Miami for years. Latinas when they are mostly white looking are 10/10.

I'm only 19 m8

pretty accurate desu

>Asian women
Yeah, they are alright. Every east Asian with a high iq and good morals are honorary whites.

No. Unless you want ugly dumb mud skinned shit children, stay away.

Perfectly correct

>White women
How I wish it wasnt true but all the white girls ive dated are the most apathetic and lazy cunts. Generally, yes, white women are shit now of days.

Pretty true

Pic missed best women anyways:

Slav and ashkenazi

Perfect age to start having kids. You're wife would be in her prime and be able to bare many beautiful white children.

Thats really a hit or miss. Either you get a gremlin or a 10/10

they look like milfs by the time they hit 22

I'll stick to my own kind. They get fat with age but they're loyal and good mothers.

It's true.
Yellow Fever Masterrace.

Clingy and materialistic, but still on average the most conservative and attractive
Where I live it's like 30% hispanic and they're almost all fat and/or ugly
Mixed bag
Even more obese/ugly than the hispanics, plus they act like men usually
The ones in conservative areas are generally pretty good, most of them overall are vapid sluts though so you have to search carefully


Not even remotely true

you're forgeting someone

Not muslim, not even an arab.

Genetically enhanced Korean women > all

I guarantee they've all had plastic surgery. It's the norm in SK

Yes, that's why I said enhanced.
They're better than average women.
That's the point, if I lived in a place where all the homely girls got face and body surgery to become babes that look like they're from a future moon colony, I wouldn't complain about that shit.

Pretty much this. Asians haven't been like the OP since they started throwing peace signs up and fell victim to the Western Jew. Degenerate Asians are even worse than degenerate whites, not that I think they're worse because they're Asian, they literally take everything hateable about white women, times it by 10 and then add slanty eyes on it.

Well maybe not a majority but in my area there are plenty of Asian sjws. But I think in general most women are not red pilled.

That's only American Asians, and they don't count.
You wouldn't want a Japanese girl who gets offended by the idea of wearing a kimono.

You'd want one that shuts her mouth when men are speaking and cooks you dinner every day.

What do you Americans consider as "Hispanic"?

At least they are good at it...

>Traps are more woman than a woman herself

Nice try. A true women would never say that.

According to Sup Forums this is what all hispanics look like.

Some warning is triggered inside me when I see their faces, I swear I am not a racist but I cant avoid it.

You're saying that like it's a bad thing to be distrustful of people who look different than you.
That's bred into human DNA. It's one of the most natural feelings you could have.

They're from an unfamiliar "tribe".

all of them are considered white by mexican posters kek

>I swear I am not a racist

You came to the wrong neighbourhood m8.

Nuh uh, ZimZam is a proud aryan according Salon

Can't disagree there.

why he look so photoshop
even the tattoo looks fake
is this real?


I personally find less in common with mestizos than I do with Asians. Despite being half-Spanish and understanding the culture/language. Most of them have no ambition and are happy just working their asses off for others for low wage.

I mean even the way they speak confirms their submissive nature. Mexicans always seem to respond with "manda or mando" when asking them something.

I'm afraid I don't know who the candidate between Trump and Bernie is.

I think it's Cruz. Since he's a Biblefag.


Not very. Every race has ugly trash and beautiful women, except full blacks... those are all disgusting. Mixed race blacks can be decent looking, though the negro inside usually dominates behaviour making them absolutely unappealing outside of appearance.

Pretty asian women tend to stay fairly pretty with age. Hispanic is too broad with a lot of differences in genetic makeup between different countries and even different regions within countries, including Spain itself, to really get a handle on. Given what I've seen of Arabic women they tend to have bad skin and gross misuse of makeup or they are ugly af. White women... well theres women and theres feminists amirite guise kekekeke #memehard

In short, it's just another shitpost like so many others on this board. Probably the personal "tastes" of some muzzy Brazilnut who has some Azian and Hispanic blood (or so he thinks) in him. Basically telling himself that *his* shit doesn't stink.

>all the white girls ive dated are the most apathetic and lazy cunts
This. They don't even want to go to dinner and such even though you'd pay for all of it, just sit at home and watch TV all day every day. They don't even go out shopping anymore and just whip out their tablets and go on Amazon. You could offer them a vacation in a five-star resort the Bahamas and they would whine that they're too tired.

If I had to hazard a guess it's McAfee
Cruz is the one with the cross

True, but BR women do not apply

Ugly as the black one, and retarded as the white one

>Hispanic Women
Which also includes white catholic spanish speakers

Shhh...they don't need to know about our women.

sorry breh you are all gay

Wast she the teacher that got fired for posing on lewd pics

I think it's Mccaffee

Looks Hispanic desu

>tfw no qt Hispanic fiance with traditional roman catholic family values

>teleports inside of you
>rips your body apart from the inside
>nothing personal, kid

That's John McAfee, he's running under the libertarian party. He made the antivirus software McAfee.

That's what I figured, but thought it might be one of those joke-tier candidates like Jim Gilmore or something like that.

Enjoy your girlfriend penis

t. trayvon "kill whitey" jordan

He's between Bernie and Hillary.

Yeah misread the original poster.

Don't tell them about our women you moron. Kurwa.

>Spanish woman looks andalusian
This is how the world sees us? Represented by the worst region of Spain?. You could have put a castillian, catalonian woman,or from any part of the north.

>catalonian woman

But I thought those weren't spaniards?

This picture doesn't make very much sense. Hispanic women are represented by Spain in this picture. Spanish people ARE white Europeans, minus whatever minorities and mongrels that reside there. Therefore this isn't really accurate.

Don't worry about it. That inflammatory feeling is the genocide mentality waiting to happen. Everyone is afraid of people different from themselves.

Spain is Spain. Asturians (me), Galicians, Catalans, Valencians, Aragoneses, Castillians, Canarios and from Baleares. All of the are Spaniards.

What about Basque women? I've heard that they're ugly af

Sevillanas are qts tho

>Organic being at all.

Flesh is Marxism. Real redpilled people want perfect robotic people as partners.

sideways vagina, burrito farts, already married to her cousin at the age of 12, black, or white...

I'll go white, thanks.

Don't worry, they will come to cities of Poland and Czech Republic, and the city girls from these countries are massive sluts, not that different from western ones, just maybe prettier

All women are shallow and egotistical monsters.

Most of the women i've seen when i was in Vizcaya were OK as far as i remember.

You got it wrong mate

These are "hispanics" for americans.

Andalusian women dont look that bad, thats a myth. A lot of them even have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Yeah, exactly. The "white" one on the right is most likely a dirty fucking Jew.

Also when you guys say "Hispanic" you mean mexico. Spanish women are the same as french women mentally speaking.

Her name is Gita Hadizadeh and she is from Iran living in Norway

You had 5 choices there and you picked the one with the dick?

There are ugly women like everywhere, but they are ok in general.

I restrain my sexual attraction towards the girlfriends of my Friends, for obvious reasons, but I can appreciate their beauty, and a friend of mine has a basque girlfriend who is really beautiful with black hair, blue eyes, and typical basque facial characteristics.

Ashekenazi women look pretty nice. Actually, they are genetically european for the most part.

Who is that?