Jail to whoever starts memes

So this politician in mexico is trying to prohibit memes on social networks in mexico to reduce cyberbulling. Help me doing memes and trolling her. here is her twitter account. Martha Orta Rdz @marthaor2010

here, take my meme


>le memes

Reddit is that way >>>


Will you people ever learn
>even our most cucked political figure wouldn't suggest that
>Mexican culture is the worst

Build the wall!!!!!!!!

I just memed your meme to Marta

it is just another way of con-trolling (see what i did there) expression of discontent.

What kind of fuckery is this supposed to be? Trump is the worst and i canĀ“t wait till he wins because he is going to be killed in the most violent way and then hanged from his balls at some bridge in mexico.

>what is meme magic
just fucking off yourself, newfag.

Quick, make HER a meme

she already is

Beyond the wall will stand millions of armed Americans sick of the violence radiating outward from your cartel-run shithole.

It's easier for both of us, but mostly you, if you just pay up.

Then the Mexican flag is next

>the law against memes is becoming a meme
>entire mexican gov goes to jail

I know that may look modern to you, but that appears to be a picture from the 20s. Calm down Pedro

Don't Trump want to shut down the internet?

Nowadays you do it to your own kids on penis inspectioon day and illegals get offered benefits in a silver plate, how the mighty have fallen.

I don't think that she goes nearly far enough.

Yeah, I also heard he wants to bring Hitler back to life and literally said live on tv "my objective is having every woman on earth be raped"

Does she support the wall so we can't easily smuggle dank memes over?

At least I can walk around after 8pm without worrying if I'm going to get shot at or my girlfriend getting raped, although Texas is awfully close to your shithole so we pack heat. Their day will come, push too far and we'll line them up in the sreets