Hey /b whys everyone on here so retarded lmao

Hey /b whys everyone on here so retarded lmao

Most of us aren't.

Just a place to act like a retard with no consequences every now and then

why don't you fuck right off

Not OP but fuck you are triggered.

Why don't YOU 1v1 me irl noscope

Probably because they are American.


You sound rlly cringe js

And so are you.

I'm gd I'm gd I'm great

Less complaining more sucking

not guy who you replied to but you can't call someone else cringe while using "rlly" and "js" you autism fitfest

Hey, fuck u meng

I can say whatever I want lmao, eat my ass bitch boy

of course you can, won't stop the world thinking you're retarded nimrod


I think you missed a word in that sentence dumbass

I never usually visit this crappy site anyway so idc

Nigger lips


there are instances in language where you don't have to include words, especially in casual conversation (let alone online Sup Forums chat lmaoo)

commonly said by normal human beings unlike yourself you 15 year old weblord


I'm 22 idiot

What the actual fuck is that

hahahahha even worse

Okay buddy how old are you? :)


If I was the mother of the person who drew or made this retarded shit I'd commit

I hope one day a AI save's all our info and sends people to help and that time doesn't exsist how we think. Maybe they just trying to weed out the super broken ones... maybe this website is the way to do it.

its just pokemans

Because the internet has finally reached the backwater flyover towns. Kinda like another AOL invasion, 20-some years later. And just as retarded.

You know the people who sit alone because they're weird? That's us

found the ghetto nigger

I wish u would cry


So sad somebody actually took time out of their day to make that, some guys are so stupid


We're trying to be up to your performance, OP.

Stay in the kitchen not on the computer

I love cooking I'm not hungry rn, might go to bed soon tbh but thanks for caring :))

newfag found

>asking retards, why they're retarded
are you stupid fam?

Show them tits