Uninformed newfag here

Uninformed newfag here.
Educate me on why we should hate jews.

Other urls found in this thread:


they're big noses


needing a reason in the first place -.-

their nasal passages are quite colossal

>took palestine
>got banks
>fuckin huge noses
>gay hats
>made female comedians
>nose dude

>took palestine
Thats a good thing tho

You'd get better replies at Sup Forums

All people r the same. Love, not hate!

Funding ISIS, Al Qaeda, marxism, russian revolution, third wave feminism, black lives matter, hate towards white men, homosexuality and pedophilia propaganda through hollywod, usury debt slavery system, using american troops and money for zionist interests, etc, etc, etc...

Nice try Schlomo.

>took palestine

Muslim detected

huur im edgy

They hide money in their nose

try again
also redneck detected


Interesting. I wasn't aware of this.
That means Hitler was trying to save our species...

Basically this. But sadly they control all media, police forces and banks. So no matter what the world thinks nowadays we're way beyond the curable stage now, we're terminal.

>hating jews means you have to love palestine

just neck yourself.

Indeed my good fellow.

It is Isreal ffs.
Kurdistan is real tho

Better go to Sup Forums. A lot of blue pilled faggots here. youtu.be/mII9NZ8MMVM (((Banks)))

>Sup Forums

Yes... That sounds like a good idea. Should've done that beforehand.
Thank you for your time.