Dear Liberals, why are you so against America...

Dear Liberals, why are you so against America? Why can't you suck it up that you lost and no one wants your supposed values?

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Self bumping here, c'mon Libs. Admit it, admit that Conservatives will always win the culture war.

You can hate all fithy liberals all you want, but don't talk about being part of America with a pic of a man that is against it

Against America? Liberals founded America. All of the founding fathers were radical liberal revolutionaries raging against the machine, willing to die for their beliefs to create a form of idealistic government that the world has never seen before. All for the cause of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

The pursuit of happiness. That's official American doctrine. There was nothing conservative about that at the time, and there is nothing conservative about that now.

At the time, conservatives at home and in London thought the founding fathers were radical anarchists.

Shit-tier bait, newfriend.

We were founded like that because times were clearly bad so there was good reason to rage against the machine. Back in the 50s and 60s we were the greatest country in the world in pretty much all ways so there should have been absolutely no fucking reason to rage against the machine anymore. Instead the liberal mentality is one that NEVER stops raging and will always do their SJW shit on whatever current agenda is popular. So yeah the idea of change can be good if things are bad, but if things are great, you're ONLY going to fuck shit up and ruin things, which is what SJW/liberal filth is doing now.

You're correct about the founding fathers being radical liberals, but your analysis is flawed.

The founders were classical liberals, or what we would today call "libertarians".

As for the use of the terms "liberal" and "conservative", they depend entirely upon time period and context.

In 2017 OP is correct. In 1776 you are correct.

The point is this, modern day conservatives and liberals are NOT the same as our founding fathers. Modern day libertarians are as close as it gets to the politics of 1776.

>We were founded like that because times were clearly bad so there was good reason to rage against the machine.

That isn't true at all. The 13 colonies had one of the highest standards of living in the entire world before the revolution. Life was not bad in the colonies. Most of the founding fathers were filthy rich, especially George Washington, who may have been the richest man in America at the time.

The revolution had nothing to do with harsh or rough times. It was entirely about principles.

>Back in the 50s and 60s we were the greatest country in the world in pretty much all ways

No. Only if you were white and wealthy.

And in the 50s and 60s the Soviet Union was considered our equals, and maybe even superior in many ways (like with rocketry and jet technology).

The United States only became unmatched in power and influence in the early 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And that has continued until today.

>absolutely no fucking reason to rage against the machine anymore

Just yesterday Donald Trump said he thought that there wasn't any reason to fight the Civil War.

That's really fucking scary.

We have a man (Trump) and a movement (white nationalists) that want to turn back the clock to a less tolerant and less enlightened time. That is more than enough reason to rage.

That's an even better reason to fight the system than the founding father's concern over the methods of taxing.

>The point is this, modern day conservatives and liberals are NOT the same as our founding fathers.

No, this is where you're mistaken. We are still the same. There is an unbroken line of liberalism from our founding fathers to us. Why or how is that? It's because liberalism is our national character, and, as Alexis DeTocqueville noted, national character once established is indestructible.

We fought the Civl War for the same reason we fought for independence. We fought for Civil Rights for the same reason we fought the Civil War. We fight against Trump for the same reason we fought for Civil Rights.

In fact, it would be completely accurate to say that ALL Americans are liberals, and that conservative Americans are just conservative liberals. In fact, when we compare an average American citizen with an average citizen of all societies in history, there isn't any way one can accept the American constitution and not earn the label of extremely liberal.

sure kid

its kinda scary that someone can be so blind to actually believe this

This is another fake thread.

Dear Conservatives do you really think God Exists?

Tells liberals they can't take loss.

Continues waving confederate flag for over a century

Dear Trumptards, why are you so retarded to buy the narrative that all Liberals are against America?

It's easier to blame someone that doesn't agree with you for your problems than to blame the person you like that is causing your problems.

This guy gets it.

Oh the irony.

You just fucking killed this troll. Killed hard.

that is true, but its mostly because we see a problem and some idiot that propose an idea that in order to address that 1 problem creates 3 or so way bigger problems in the future
its hard to tell a person like that wants to help and not destroy your country

islamo jihad keep it outa here
kennedy tax cuts, for toy wholesalers plumbers to morgan stanley guys in tribecca on their 3d marriage & alimony to exes
retail sales,what;s the best possible thing to be done for purchasers and sellers? let them keep more of their own MONEY
YA WANT MORE OF A COMMODITY? tax it less,want that commodity to run shortages? let da guvermint run it
illegal immigration,laws been on the books for years,,enforce the damn things,
norks putin the iranians china threaten us with atomic thuggery, fuckem,say hi to the 3d & 7th fleet
300 more in the works on the way.
fuck you liberals get preparation H sqwoosh it up to your appendicks
dickless pajamaboys

indeed, 5d chess levels of irony, and still growing

Trump's campaign is spent saying how shit America is and how the Constitution (not just the 2nd, ALL OF IT!) is 'very bad' and he wants it scrapped.

Remind me who hates America again?

We aren't against America fag, were against the unqualified golfer-in-chief

if it was just that it would be ok
but you cant say liberals arent against america when they defend open borders and plenty of gibs me that for people who never did anything to deserve





Shit tier bait but I'll bite.

I hope you're aware that not only America but the entire world as a whole is steadily moving towards a more progressive and liberal society. That's the way the overarching trend has gone and its going to continue that way. Trump may be a speed bump but he is not "the end of liberalism" so buckle up buckaroo and get used to sharing the bathroom with a lady that looks like a dude


>Being this retarded to think we actually want 100% open border with no vetting process.


and why do you want to pay health care for that kind of person if they dont want it ?
why not let jesus take care of them ?

Except that you and yours have been loosing for the last 100 years. If conservative world was so great meth and declining buying power wouldnt be your current reality

I wish that is real. Is it?

i think the jews may be the the ones spreading anti-trump properganda to make people less likely to vote him before he was president because they worried that there were going to be less forreners to make more mega mud babies

Talkin point , 100% not true, Obama deported more illegals that both bush presidents combined

its funny that you dont understand it moves like a pendulum
I guess hillary losing wont be the only surprise you'll see then

Because fuck you and fuck this racist amerikkka.

We won the popular vote. Just wait 'till 2018.

Why would we be surprised when America becomes Nazi Germany?

and let more come in too

2018 you'll finally understand that popular vote doesnt win elections ?

i'm still waiting for adolf hitler 2. i can't go back in time to kill hitler, but i can still warn people about 2nd hitlers, and i do it all day every day because im mentally retarded.

No shit Sherlock?

Congressional elections are determined by the popular vote.

sure kid


you're retarded too kid


weak bait

weak bait and stale memes.

>Hurr durr I can't counter so I'll call you retard too

Rural people shouldn't vote and Trump proves why.

Generation of faggots and cucks who didnt get beat when they were kids or go outside.

They never learned not to be whine bag children. Hence all the bullshit rioting and tantrums.

They just suck as human beings and need to learn to be a fuckibg adult and shop for work boots while not being samesex having degenerates

Liberals always win in the end. They let the right wing fucktards win every now and then for the lols, I mean look at Trump, he's guaranteed to ensure the Libs win for another 20 years. Cuckservatives behave better when they think they're winning, so it's good to fool them once in a while or they shoot up schools and shit.

And we have our first butthurt.

Name 1 specific reason that isnt made up bullshit cnn cucknews network shit.

Protip: u caint

I don't like liberals either but everyone of them that I have encountered has sounded far more intelligent than you.

Triggered u into bamping. Cuck

AThis is a fake thread.

At least we arent sgitposting that cuck faggot falure obama pics while waiving rainbow flags and dildoes u asspained shitlib

This is why...

Nice bait.

Hurr durr all liberals are Antifa. Just like all conservatives are like Westboro Baptist Church people.
Being this fucking retarded. Sad day for America.





>no one wants your supposed values
>everywhere else on the world they have liberal governments
>except for 3rd world and muslim countries

So which one is the USA & UK?


Wax statue user

Oh thank you. It looks real.


1 example of racism. And no. A wall cant be racist carlos

Most liberals are not upset about Trump's policies per se; They are basically the same as any other republican policies: Tax cuts for the richest, tax cuts for the friends of the richest, slashing welfare for the poorest, deregualtion of industrial and environmental oversight etc etc

So far so republican

What liberals are upset about is the fact that they cannot convince Trump supporters that they elected a man who goes against their own interests and does not represent them; That he literally just said anything to get elected and whenever liberals try to use reasoned debate explaining how Trump is pretty toxic for the country they are met with a wall of: "Cry more libcuck".

And even when the most serious and damning claims are laid at Trump's door; the fact that he has compulsively lied his way into office ("I fund my own campaign", "I have the best people for the job", "I will rid Washington of corruption" "Oh thanks, a 200million dollar donation? Would you like to become Secretary for education? I can't fit more than 5 goldman sachs insiders inside the cabinet so I suppose a multi millionaire donor with no relevant experience or knowledge will have to do") then liberals are met with the Trumpcard:

"Yes but he's not Hillary."

Which is fair enough. Noone really liked Hillary. Some liberals supported her because she was not Trump, but most of us here on the far left saw her a centrist career politician wanting to be elected due to a sense of entitlement; that it was her turn.

And yes, we get it. She was toxic. (we wanted Bernie). But nothing the liberals say to Trump supporters seem to convinve them that he is even more toxic.

Which is understandable. Trump ran of a platform of us v them. He made it so any attack against him became an attack against his followers; Hillary gave him plenty of fuel to reinforce this which only stoked his supporters to even greater levels of fanaticism, seemingly making them blind to their own leader's many lies.


I think you're confusing millennials with liberals. I live in the south and my retired neighbors had HRC signs in their yard.

>implying corporations won't fuck you in the ass
>implying socialism isn't the best way to run an economy


Unironically calling the right cucks.

Your wife and her bull need their camera man back u faggot

sure kid.

Go to Venezuela and eat some zebra then.


Oh yeah, easy ti sound smart when u got free school and no jobs.

U bumped the thread again jose

the mind of a liberal folks.

Git nothing better to do besides shitpost on the click user.

nah this is real, people actually think less regulations are good and think poor people deserve to fend for scraps and die, such is life

I find it funny when the Trumpeteers talk about salty Libtards, but when faced with facts etc about Trump they are even saltier.

Then the denial with made up facts and figures ensues.

Then non-Americans are accused of being American and Liberal.

Then someone starts posting Korean Models because the reprisal failed.

Every Trump thread.

The best liberal i know shots guns and drinks beer with me. Stilll wanna punch him in the neck rather than argue his bullshit left ideals

Yea that would be such a shame if the rural filth stopped voting. How could the country go on?

Its pretty fucking good. Was kek "erected" at trump tower i think or in front of it?

Yeah and the Internet magically appeared out of nowhere. Pretty smart liberals.

>Socialism is the best way to run an economy
>look at venezuela, prime example

Only in the mind of a liberal


I dunno. Sadly i am technically a melenial being from 85. I like the south a million times more than new york with all the cucks.

>disregards modern liberals to shitpost about how much of a fanboy for historical liberals he is

Jobless cuck on neetbux detected

>United States constantly trying to sow discontent
>Venezuela suffers because of it
Hey maybe you're right


lies like this user?

"you have to take out their families"
you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families you have go take out their families

I dont think they should die but they needa get a fucking job. Fyckoff my tax dollars