Turning 30 this year. For you fellow oldfags out there: What makes you fags feel old?
Turning 30 this year. For you fellow oldfags out there: What makes you fags feel old?
> go back to university at later age
> students in my year call me sir
> mfw
Similar sitaution, I get little to no social interaction because of it.
OP here, I'll start:
>Be me
>trying to better myself and finish my bachelors
>poorfag, had to settle for an associates b/c I ran out of money on my last semseter
>cute petite blonde in upper level science class for our major
>flirts with me a bit in lab
>Ask where she's from, where she went to HS
>Same high school as me
>Grew up in same part of town where I grew up
>There was literally a class of highschoolers that went from freshmen to graduating between when I graduated and when she STARTED hs.
>She was 9 when I graduated
>wasn't so flirty when she found out i was that old
I see myself in people that I hire for the position that I started in 12 years ago. 30 now.
I get little to no interaction because I'm a massive shithead but other than that my classmates are okay
>What makes you fags feel old?
Fucking women my age
So I try to keep them at 18, maximum
Im 42. Got back in shape last year. That made me feel old. Hanging with young people makes me feel old.
Im a pretty young 42, but damn if I dont realize that I am on the downhill slide.
40+, btw
I'm 25 but look like a fucking college freshman. Whenever I go back to my old school to visit friends and get fucked up, I always tell people I'm a student there. Makes picking up women alot easier.