Turning 30 this year. For you fellow oldfags out there: What makes you fags feel old?
Turning 30 this year. For you fellow oldfags out there: What makes you fags feel old?
> go back to university at later age
> students in my year call me sir
> mfw
Similar sitaution, I get little to no social interaction because of it.
OP here, I'll start:
>Be me
>trying to better myself and finish my bachelors
>poorfag, had to settle for an associates b/c I ran out of money on my last semseter
>cute petite blonde in upper level science class for our major
>flirts with me a bit in lab
>Ask where she's from, where she went to HS
>Same high school as me
>Grew up in same part of town where I grew up
>There was literally a class of highschoolers that went from freshmen to graduating between when I graduated and when she STARTED hs.
>She was 9 when I graduated
>wasn't so flirty when she found out i was that old
I see myself in people that I hire for the position that I started in 12 years ago. 30 now.
I get little to no interaction because I'm a massive shithead but other than that my classmates are okay
>What makes you fags feel old?
Fucking women my age
So I try to keep them at 18, maximum
Im 42. Got back in shape last year. That made me feel old. Hanging with young people makes me feel old.
Im a pretty young 42, but damn if I dont realize that I am on the downhill slide.
40+, btw
I'm 25 but look like a fucking college freshman. Whenever I go back to my old school to visit friends and get fucked up, I always tell people I'm a student there. Makes picking up women alot easier.
u shouldn't feel bad about that... i have a 30yo woman in my class at uni and i get along with her like any other girl of my age... well, that happens cuz i was the 1st guy she felt comfortable to say hi
And grey hair.
I find keeping them about ten years younger than me works well. I find any less than 25 and they get a little too inexperienced and naive
are you me???
Yeah I'm actually not alone. There's even a pensioner doing a bachelor in medicine
There were always plenty of 30+ adults in my uni. Not sure why you social rejects are so autistic about it.
>a little too inexperienced and naive
>says it like it's a 'bad thing'
>be in flashing thread
>see pictures of chicks flashing at a house party
>attention immediately goes to background
>open new tabs to amazon and home depot to look for stuff to turn my hall closet into a pantry
>never fap to flash
>i got a nice pantry now tho
>40+, confirmed
Post secondary education in Toronto is very much a mixed bag. It's almost equal parts "fresh out of school" and people in their late 20s+
This is of course dependant on the courses offered and location. Certain areas have higher age groups.
Used to be a good thing. Not so much now. I'm starting to enjoy talking to what I'm puting my dick in. Call me a fag, I'm sure it's warrented
ITT: a bunch of manchildren.
I'm 23 still feel 17. i plan kn being 100 years old to see all the cool shit that will happen, mars colony, alien contact, probe around alpha centaury, aids cancer cure, nuclear attack on major city.... Be fucking thankful that you got to the age youre at. I personally cant wait to get older because everyone my age is a fucking retard
Enjoy it dude. You should be pulling mad tail if that's the case.
>be me
>buy sweet ass new pick up truck my second year out of HS
>Maintain my new vehicle, it runs fine
>Refuse to ever trade it in
>In 4 more years it's now eligible for an antique tag
When the girl blowing me asks "am I doing okay Mr?"
Haha yes I totally do, so many vaginas am I right
Is that Roger Moore?
>everyone my age is a fucking retard
That's a felling that will last you a lifetime
No it's Sean Connery
Damn, dude. Fucking lost it.
yeah thats pretty dumb. save the talking for guy friends, fucking for girls
once you talk to them too often they change how they act
currently 25 and turning 26 in 5 months.
even I feel like an old motherfucker because I work in a pizza delivery and they are mostly 16-20
closer to 30 than to 40, but it does make me feel old. I'm right about the level where I get the same pleasure from doing something like that to appease the girlfriend and getting a night alone to smoke weed and play xbox as I do having a night of regular routine sex. Sad, but it's a decent living
What makes me feel old?
Finding out a few moments ago that Jackass finished 15 years ago
meh - dude i work with is 33, he has like a fuck ton of girls on tinder, he basically fucks a new girl every weekend.
Keep living bruh
Or your favorite video game is getting a 25 year anniversary edition.
LOL. How about being 72?
I just turned 30 also OP. Mostly the no gf thing makes me feel old because my parents want grandkids. Otherwise I'm pretty good, I still go out and rage face on weekends.
Oh also just realized I've been coming to this fucking website since I was 18.
I'm 34. I was sitting Indian style in my office chair last Monday. Just browsing Sup Forums, youtube, porn etc. Cough slightly. Hear a pop from lower back. I'm still in pain. This, faggot, makes me feel old.
Very true. The more I talk to them, the more we get to know each other. That shit transfers into the bedroom. If you figure out what they actually like, and not just take them at their word (because nobody is ever 100% upfront) the sex gets better. If the talking leads to stupid shit then I friend zone them and start shopping again. I'm in no hurry. I'm getting old. I need a break every now and then anyway
what makes an antique there? I think it's 25 years here. What truck? Is it still running?
First time it hit me was when some shitass teenagers ran out in front of my car on their bikes and I said out loud to myself "fuckin kids."
That plus gray hair and daily body aches and pains. I'm only 25.
>What makes you fags feel old?
That I have socks older then you.
I still play Command and Conquer Red Alert on a PS1. Screen comes up; copyright 1997
What makes me feel old is realising that you can fuck girls born in the 2000s legally. They can't even remember 9/11.
Getting older in gaming. Mobas especially, notice I'm slowly starting to be treated like an old horse where I get taken out back and shot. Friends disappear to join other younger gamers. I have years of experience thru my own work carry idiots almost every game, but feel the darkness surround me as I slowly get left behind
I've done the same, I'm only 30.
This made me shiver
Speaking of 9/11 it's funny that there's basically no one trying to claim that Bush did that anymore and the whole jet fuel can't melt steel beams thing became an ironic maymay.
36 here. i've accepted my age. but still drive a essentially a hot wheels car, still play video games, blow money on stupid shit, and for all intents and purposes, i don't regard myself as old. and life is short, so i try and enjoy it... im very much a kid with dick and fart jokes and the like. (that's why i'm on Sup Forums)
i feel old when teenagers hide their cigarettes from me
i feel old when other parents refer to me as "that man" over there (it doesn't bother me now as much as it did when i was in my early twenties)
when a waitress or liquor store clerk cards me and i can tell they're just trying to make me feel better
hell even today, i took my wife's car to get a muffler delete (2016 Charger R/T) and then brought it to work, she's an elementary teacher, and while i was waiting on her to come out and hear it because she was excited, the school called the cops on the "creeper prowling the parking lot"
so while i don't feel old... the rest of society does. and it's a shitty feeling.
i'm 28 i'm not feeling old yet
i think its more about the inner spirit
Women in their thirties are wearing out fast. I try to stay im the 18-25yo range for dating. Current gf is 22. I only feel as old as the girl I'm fucking.
39 year old here
still have the mentality of a 16 year old. eat fast food & drink mtn dew & bud light every day.
only thing that makes me feel old is I'm not as fit as I was 15 - 20 years ago.
The fact that most kids these days wouldn't understand the picture you posted. That shit makes me feel old. I'm 33.
Honestly for me it's less about feeling old and more about "damn all this shit I still need to do before I bite it"
Wonder why....
o hello brother
its not becoming 30 per se what fucks me
its how much i have accomplished till now
or better said havent
fuck my Life
i am a Joke
getting married made me feel old.
yeah I know. I just don't have the desire to work out any more. not much time either - I have 3 young kids
37 checking in
Get over yourself faggot
knowing life was better before the internet & smart phones makes me feel old.
Brian your old get over it, get off B and go enjoy your birthday....
Thinking of picking up studies again but this frightens me tbh. Couldnt even think of topics to discuss anyway. 33
>12y.o. grade school dropout, detected
>Dick Swaab
Well stop treating your body like shit. It doesn't bounce back the way it used to. That alone will help if you "can't find the time" to exercise
51 year old here. Just wait until the AARP card shows up on your 50th birthday. I was like "you niggers got the wrong address". But it had my name on it :( Also no one told me that the colonoscopy you get at 50 gives you internal hemorrhoids. Fuck this shit.
Honestly it was the best decision I ever made. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was a kid and now I definitely made the right choice
All of my fucking medical conditions that keep adding up as I get older. 42 here
Teenage pussy
Or medical conditions?
thanks for the help spell check
>the colonoscopy you get at 50 gives you internal hemorrhoids
Chances are you had 'em already. Just be glad they're internal, as opposed to external. Nothing more fun than harvesting cherries while your asshole feels just like the cherries look.
28 yrs old for reference.
This skinny jeans bullshit
I'm not overweight I just am not cut like I once was. I miss being in better shape but I don't miss it enough to do anything about it.
& I didn't have kids until my mid 30s. fucked me up.
Remembers that tony hawk pro skater was released 15 years ago
Oh yeah fuck that shit
Medical conditions. First the bipolar, then the carpal tunnel, then back issues, then the diverticulitis, then the hemorrhoids... fucking STOP!
You got the best of both worlds - grew up with no social media shit and now you get to come on here and check out the gf pics young anons post - sweet
true in a way. but seeing people my age & older addicted to facebook type shit is really sad imo.
Same here. Bladder infections. Prostate examinations and what not.
My sister (33) is brutally intelligent but for some reason she can't stop messing around with every next fad it's insane
post her tits or this story is fake
oldfag doesnt refer to age you stupid cuck. its about time spent on /b
49 here
Bad: Don't heal like I used to. Got fat...5-10 pounds a year for a couple of decades adds up over time, but it's only like one extra cheeseburger a week, so it sneaks up on you.
Good: Still pretty healthy. Still have good boners. Confidence thru the roof because I don't give a fuck what everyone else thinks anymore. Less stress because I made lots of money.
Regrets: Should have fucked more chicks when I was younger instead of always trying to get into relationships. Should have just pumped and dumped them.
oh, one more bad thing - when I think about buying something I take into account how much lifespan I have left to see if I will get good use of it.
this. I try & advise the young guys to never pass up new pussy. you will regret it later in life like I do.
Yeah, fuck these medical issues. Spent 2 weeks in the hospital with microperforations in my bowels.
>uses oldfag to refer to age
>kys new fag
man... just turned 30 this week and i feel this way. i just finished my master degree and realised im fucking old. there is this girl i guess she is 22 yet i feel like she's just a kid.. she likes me but makes me feel my age.
Picking up women gets easier and easier. For some reason the ones I pick up also get younger and younger.
Not knowing 75% of the people in the Fappening2.0 lol
It can be hard to relate to young chicks these days.
"Remember when we had to dial up to the Internet?"
"Remember the VHS vs. Betamax wars?"
"Remember when Star Wars didn't suck?"
"Remember when we had to look up shit in an Encyclopedia, and if that didn't have it we'd have to go to a library?"
"What's a library?"
Post pics of your kids.
it is more like "i snapped you some shit" "hey facetime me sometime" and shit like dabbing and other stuff i find just worthless.
and im like ... dude, im so glad everyone dies at Rogue One
y so grumpy grampa? Did you shit yourself again?
Yeah, every generation has "their things", and when things change enough it's hard to relate.
I'd still bang any legal chick tho. Life experiences don't matter when you're balls deep.
I'm going to be 29 in a few days. Getting old is depressing...
I'm 26 and still feel like I'm 16. .... is this normal?
Like I don't make the same stupid choices I did back when I was a teenager but I still like the same shit I did as a teen and think like one also.
Maybe I'm young at heart?
I can't imagine myself as one of these grumpy ass 40 year old men who get all pissy about anything and everything.
I didn't start really feeling old until nearing 30. At 26 I was still pretty wild, doing shit like flying 15 hours to go party in Australia.