Get it off your chest
Get it off your chest
I'm no longer in love with her...
i hate my life
You are a sub-human sack of shit. Your baseless, immoral, reprehensible actions are the result of you being too weak willed to make a monogamous relationship work. You then proceed to use "but it is human nature to mate with multiple females" as a pathetic excuse to justify your degenerate behavior. The fact of the matter is, you aren't coherent enough to ignore human nature in order to give your all to one person.
You are weak.
One day it will catch up to you.
my pops is a piece of shit that doesn't believe my potential for anything :(
Oh shit that are my initials.
god I'm 21 I need to fuck some girl before its too late
I may get my mate killed. but I don't feel any remorse because he raped a 12
year old girl. I'd do it again.
It's been 4 years since my last deployment, I can't continue to drink and islolate myself.
You in a "poly" relationship?
I'm drunk, but if I see that girl at the burger bar I'm just gonna straight up ask if she wants the D because god damn it she's a qt and she is just my type. Also rock music is the best for a hard day of being fucked over by the man
lol muh due are you the guy who made the the thread recently sabout turning 21 cuz I'm the guy that keeps going on about Jim Beam kekekekekek
Haha what the fuck does "kinda" mean, explain?
I'm lonely. I also fucking hate chads and staceys and normies. That is all.
I personally hate some retards today, I want to glue all the tards, except the ones I like and shove them of a cliff,
normie girls are the best qt's in the world user, aim for them, they will make us all happy
No, I'm not that much of a pussy, I only want the edgiest, least autistic qt I've ever laid eyes on, "edgy" normies don't do it for me because they're likely to leave me for Chad McSportball
I actually kinda like niggers.
Mill house is a fucking meme you summernewfag hybrids
The summerfags have already arrived?
>Going through a divorce
>best friend is there for me
>had a girlfriend but dumped her because she was hitting on me.
>2 weeks later she reached out to me
>invites me over to talk
>I know I shouldn't
>go ahead because he said he's done with her
>talk and watch a movie
>start drinking
>lays down with me on couch
>turn to each at the same time and end up kissing
>10 years with the same woman dick is diamonds
>whispers * "oh yeah user,we're gonna fuck
>we fuck all night
>tells me I can come anywhere I want
>blow my load in hear mouth
>she swallows without hesitation
>next day he tells,me he still has feelings
Im a terrible friend and am not sure what to do.
>>had a girlfriend but dumped her because she was hitting on me.
turns out he was he was damn right
you're on the rebound, enjoy the ride, don't let her convince you it is anything more than a fuck
feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose, you stupid fucking faggots.I feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose, you stupid fucking faggots.
sometimes when a cute boy butt thread gets me hard i have to finish to faggots pounding each other on pornhub. assplay gets me off so sometimes i shove the handle of my razor in my asshole in the shower
>be 37
>21 yr old gf & I both think 17 yr old girl @ party is hot af
>gf gets her drunk, seduces
>it's working- she's all up on us
>backfires- 17 yr old can't handle her shit, barfs
>we leave her at party, head in trashcan
>confession: even though she was 17, I still probably would have let it happen
Thanks user. I still feel shitty and am scared of losing our friendship for a piece of ass.
>Be me, white conservative 7.5/10 American. ?>Have stable relationship.
>Girlfriend is solid 9.5/10.
>Everything I want in a woman. I am in love with her for the past 4 years and we plan on marrying.
I "cheated" on her with a girl I hate. (pic related)
Lemme explain. I put cheated in "cheated" because while there was no sex or even kissing, I did dishonor my relationship, we'll get to that. The girl I cheated on her with, let's call her Jennifer.
>meet Jennifer the same day I met my gf, first day of higschool.
> I was annoying betamale... barely 14 years old, what can you do?
>Grow strong friendship with Jennifer, she's pretty cool. I share an academy and a computer club with her.
>She's kinda fucked up, cries her eyes at when she makes a grade on anything less than a 90. Has strange obsession about spiderman. Asshole vegan.
>Meh, similar interests and niche humor so why not?
>Always go to her with advice when me and gf are fighting.
>Best friend
Fast forward to junior year.
>Jennifer and I have been best friends for years,
>Gf is jealous of her
>Jennifer doesn't like her
>I don't give a fuck eithier way, I love them both in different ways.
>Friendship with Jennifer gets a...little too close.
>One day I go over to her house for her to tutor me in math... we were joking one day and basically my hands ended up on her boob.
>Feels...really nice.jpg
>"I can take my bra off user"
>Play with boobs through her shirt for the rest of the tutoring.
>Now lemme just say, Jennifer has gone from a 5/10 to a 9/10 in the past year. Thighs, long hair, NICE tits.jpg
>Playing with breasts overtakes tutoring every session now. Not for her sexual stimulation, she's oblivious to my pleasure. She lets me from every position and angle.
>Texting her one night...
>Make another friendly joke about the topic of nudes
>She sends me a text saying "sned noots"
> I jokingly send a picture of my neck
>She responds with her tits, bare.
(Part 2) soon
>she was 17
you cant fuck 17teens legally - trash country
17 is the age of consent in a lot of states
I need help. Please, someone... anyone. Its the existential dread, it has me in its grasp, and I cannot escape alone. please
check'm btw
Actual pic related this time (hopefully, this is my third post ever on this site)
Part 2
>She responds with her tits, bare
>cycle continues over months until I have literally seen 50 pictures of her breasts and ass
>She is so fucking oblivious to the fact I am getting pleasure from the fact
>Each picture is like a joke, like I will ask her to pose with a kitchen utensil
Remember, this girl makes straight A's in AP classes. No clue how she is this oblivious
>She get's...kinda weird.
>We've both always been liberal(her) and conservative(me)
>Start pushing further on both spectrums
>Argue... a lot
>Abortion, gun rights, etc
>I go full Ron Paul
>She goes full tumblr...
>She is terrible at arguing, argues with me when we even share the exact same opinion sometimes
>Our friendship outright...stops for a year...
>She says she wants to "take a break from our friendship"
>Months go by...
>Don't talk to eachother despite having extremly close bond emotionally and knowing eachothers secrets.
>gf is happy she is gone, but knows I cared a lot about her.
>End of junior year
>I reach out to her to be friends again
>"user, I thought you didn't want to be friends."
>Take my blessings and not start another argument. I tell her I want to be friends again
>gf is accepting of it.
>Go...right back to routine.
>Take her to beach one day
>Play with her ass through thong and bikini top the entire time
>Kinda grind past her in the ocean
>Still oblivious.
Three months later
>She still starts debates but I eithier concede or agree because I don't want to miss our friendship or her ass..
>Get about BLM
>I tell her I do not support their movement and how completely misguided their supporters are
>Calls me a white supremacist and never wants to speak to me again.
>Be in senior year
>We still talk... occasionally... but distant. Like acquaintances with similar senses of humor.
>Both get internships for the city
>Fucking awkward
Part 3 soon
I'm sorry for those affected. But i needed the money to pay rent. I took what i needed and gave you the acounts back. Please forgive me
im fucking sick of college, less than one week left of a 4 year course with bucket loads of paperwork and Im asked to make an app that would connect me to IBM watson analytics.
I dont care that you broke your elbow.
Nice fake story you got goin there
Nudes? And bump
me: Time to live a rich and fulfilling life
me: 5 seconds later
Oh wait Im fucking ugly and destined to suffer haha
lol that fucking blows
If i don't get my shit together in the next two or three years, it might be time to an hero.
Part 3. The Finale.
>One day after working together, laughing, after 4 hour shift she gives me a ride home
>" are your boobs?"
>I had nothing to lose,
>She sighs, gives me a half smile half annoyed look
> she leaves over for me to play with her boobs while driving
>Feels great as always
>"How about your ass?"
>"1 dollar user."
>"I need money... 1 dollar"
>"I give her 1 dollar, make a decent amount of money for an 18 year old. Spend most of gf tho
>She stops, lifts up her skirt and shows her ass and lets me play
>30 minutes go by of smacking, grabbing and such.
>Process continues everytime we work. $1 for ass, $2 for both. For 30 minutes
>6 months go by
>Start making apointments afterschool just to grab her ass and tits
I can do way more with my gf for free but... fuck man that is why I am getting it off my chest
>She gets boyfriend
>Insist on one last time, because I would pay in advance every month
>Gives me angriest look I have ever seen from her, no joy, no laughing, no character
>I had to stop, she wasn't consenting, she was dealing with me
I am well liked in school, people know she hates me for claiming I am a white supremacist and being rude to everyone. Everyone gives her dirty looks, everyone dislikes her because everyone likes me.
If anyone ever found it. RIP
I regret it, I have kinda told gf that we would joke about touching her breast over the top... but not grabbing.
It's out there now.
be good looking
all you will ever need
do something you legitimately think is fun or would be interesting.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend a fuckton on a date. Take her to the zoo or planetarium if you don't want to do the typical movie and dinner date. Bowling is a pretty good thing since you can drink, but honestly that's more of a group date thing.
One other keynote; don't just wait for your turn to speak when talking to her. Really listen. Don't stress about always getting it right or you might come off as quiet, but even pretending like you give a shit makes you seem better as a person.
I mean it's the purpose of getting it off my chest. I don't care really if you guys believe me.
I honestly would (blocking out her image) But one day the guilt and mostly fear someone would find out overcame me and I deleted every picture of my hard drive and phone. I regret it though for those frequent fap sessions.
They put me into another position at my job,,, i was with a girl at my original place, working together, it was awesome, we did pretty well
But stuff happened and i'am needed at this other position,, its not necessarily bad.., actually as far as the actual work is concerned i guess it doesn't matter much which one i do.
Im fine with both, you could say, this was a step forward on the ladder for me. HOWEVER, i dont really care about that... cause i miss her like hell, even tho, it not even a month yet... i already know how much this new place gonna suck, cause im not with her... i can feel it
im already thinking about, how to get back to my previous position.. but really there is not much i can do yet,,
its just i really liked her, and now, we are not far away, but we cant really chit-chat all day and etc.. i can go to her, but cant really stay there, maybe just say hi and stuff like that... but its not the same
eehh... FML............
I'm gonna ruin a bunch of careers in a very public way and there's nothing they can do about it. I can't believe that fat faggot thinks he's going to Disney world because of this. What a joke!
he's only "kinda" a degenerate
its only May dont tell me the summerfags are here already
I really want to fuck my female friend but I am in a relationship, also I want to fuck every other girl on earth
You must be new. They came in 2010 and never left.
In addition, if you can go fuck any girl you want, why do you choose to pursue homewrecking as a hobby.
I'm gonna leave my fiancé.
Does she know?
I don't know what I want to do with my life after college, and the idea of not having a plan frightens the shit out of me
I'm sorry I was never able to make it up for you.
You sound like a complete beta. You should be glad of the promotion and if she cared half as much as you do she would put some effort in meeting you halfway. There are plenty of women out there. Get over your oneitis and go out and get some pussy.
No. Wel maybe I've been distancing myself and haven't spent anytime with her today at all. I leave the room when she comes in. I love her tremendously but I she has changed and hardly pays me any attention now.
I'm secretly hoping she's pregnant, even as I act like I'm not that keen on a kid yet to her face
I can't get lube without my roommate noticing and my dick is starting to peel. It's not painful, just itchy.
Brothered asked me sto sober up before we head out, I feel like a peice of shit for having him have to ask me that. what have I become??
>Istill hope that girl is there
Also thread is still going strong, nioce
I wish i wasn't so lonely.
I'm a piece of garbage that contributes nothing positive to anybody's life.
I got up this morning and noticed that she had gotten some Snapchat shit from a guy that we have already talked about. She is an easy 8/10 so I'm used to her getting hit on all the time. But every other time she has showed me that she has told them to fuck off and then blocked them. This time the guy is still sending her shit. This doesn't really come to surprise me as she hasn't had sex with me in over a week and is almost always on her phone. We used to have sex multiple times a day.
im not a racist at all, i think its common sense to treat others equally regardless of race. but i really hate niggers, you know, real niggers with the saggy pants, there not intelligent, cant pass highschool, smell like shit, and are just a waste of a member of society.
Be married almost ten years. Love wife. Very happy together.
Wife has rare disorder that causes her spine to break. She is under 30 has three blown disks in her spine. Literally from her lower back to her neck. Shes always in pain. Always suffer. Cannot/does not leave the house for weeks at a time.
I take care of everything. Household stuff. Earning. Everything.
Five years ago we apply for Social Security Benefits so she can have some sort of income.
Initial claim, Denied
Appeal, Denied
Court Case, postponed for more medical tests.
Wait another year.
Today, is the big case. Go to lawyer's office. Her case file is literally six inches thick with medical records. Court hires some sort of employment specialist to testify. He has never met her, never talked with her just a blind stranger. He testifies she can do three types of work. She cannot. One of them is house keeping...fucking house keeping. She cannot keep her own house due to her health but that can be her job.
Asshat offers his testimony. Our lawyer counters it. Judge thanks us for our time and ends the call. All said a five-year legal battle came down to 20 minutes on the phone. We get the verdict in two weeks but lawyer said it wasn't good.
What the fuck do I do?
Find a different lawyer. Original lawyer sounds like a complete idiot and if he couldn't have fought that "professional counsel" you shouldn't have him. Then sue original lawyer as well fuck that don't give up
I feel like I'm in college for the sake of going to college. Still as clueless as when I graduated HS on what kind of living I want to work towards and if I want to work in the first place. My days are numbered and I have to make a decision, classes aren't going well either, do I drop out and take my chances in trade school and admit to my parents I couldn't handle a shit tier University?
Well just be glad you didn't marry her. A lot of women think us men don't need to be complimented or shown appreciation. But some do. I went thru the same shit only I was married with kids. And the reason she started becoming more distant? Yeah, a coworker told her everything she wanted to hear and she ended up having an affair. So thank your lucky stars it hasn't gotten that far. You can start over and someone will treat you the way you deserve to be
I love my wife. We still have incredible sex even after 18 years. But I keep thinking something bad is gonna happen and she's going to die. Then in my mind I think of my backup plans. Probably gonna become fuck buddies with her sister who is a super disfunctional alcoholic. Lately her sister has been more physical than usual when we hang out. Hands on my shoulders and shit. I have an entire fantasy about how it will go down. Sister stays with me for a few days to help out with the kids. I tell her I can't sleep in the bed by myself. She'll offer to sleep next to me. Next thing you know we're all over each other. I feel guilty as fuck for even thinking about it since my wife is still alive. But it would be a great fuck buddy scenario. Convenient since neither of us would want to get into a real relationship again.
Happily married man age in 30s.
Have best friends who are a couple +10 yrs (him) and +11 yrs (her).
I've never cheated, and actually I've never actually had sex with anyone other than my wife (been together since middle school).
We drink and do molly on the reg. About 20% of the times when heavy drinking or rolling is involved she finds a way to pull me aside and forcefully kiss me when no one's looking, probably moreso when drinking. When rolling she makes a point of extra laying me (it's the nature of our relationship...)
I'm sure she just gets off on teasing me but she totally makes a point to do it in such a way that's 'away' from everyone else.
She's SMOKING HOT by the way and I'd totally fuck her in a consequenceless world. We probably never will, I'm pretty happy with our current life and that would totally throw a kink in things. But god damn if I don't consider it.
I know I'm a loser but i'm not even trying to fix it
What's your major? What are your interests in life? What do you want to do/be user?
vaginas are creepy
Become a nurse. Good pay, easy degree, and being a man in a female dominated career awards certain luxuries like guaranteed employment and preferential treatment.
Yeah it's pretty fucked that no one understands that men need some kind of positive re enforcement or we will feel unappreciated. I just have more or less felt used in this situation. I have the house, the money, everything. And this shit starts happening
Thanks Annon.
I am so exhausted from this fight. I cannot help but think he fucked up (lawyer).
Get this,
My wife uses marijuana instead of opiates after several years of opiate addiction thanks to her doctors. We lived in WA state and they gave her buckets of narcotics, moved to Oregon and they refused to treat her with them so she had to come off.
Weed is the only thing that's ever helped her but for some reason, the judge picked that out and said that she was having paranoia and anxiety because of the weed. She never reported that, never suffered from that, never discussed that with any doctor but they added it to the record and he didn't fight it. I am beside myself. She is devastated. We are destitute. FML
Doesn't make them taste worse.
Like I said, you will overcome. Just stay focused. Hell, let him have the bitch. You deserve a good woman that will appreciate you. Don't lose frame and don't ever sell yourself short
Yeah your original lawyer is fucking trash. Everything that you've said so far a lawyer right off the bar could fight this shit with no problem. He is just a lazy pos. I'm sorry your going through that man. I understand that opiate addiction. Doctors have a problem with over perscribing opiats. I was on about 320mg of opana a day. Doctors rather treat the symptoms then the problem
I like drinking alot. I drink every weekend. I life with my family of me, one wife, my son and daughter in this big house middle of a massive forest. I have 3 friends. I some times drink with them in bar. But most i just drink alone in my house in a room where my family wont go because they know, that i am drinking there or in the forest. Sometimes when i am alone in the forest drinking. In the dark night, i hear voices in the forest who say to me: Kill your whole family and burn the house. Now always i drink even in the bar where i dont hear the voices. I get a strong feeling like i need to do, like the voices says.
Yeah I'm not fighting that shit anymore. I'm just sitting back and waiting till I have concrete proof and then dropping her fucking ass and watch her burn. She has nothing here.
Transfer the deed to me user, and then kill your family by burning them. No need tto waste a good house.
I know my EX was shitty but i do wish it were more like the happier times however i have no feelings left just wish things had been better.
This girl i like does not like me back and its shitty and im trying to still stay friends with her atleast cause she is still cool and i know i can move on from it.
Fuck why am i so unlucky with women?
Thanks Annon. I hope you found something that helps your pain.
If I dont pass my IB exams I seriously consider ending my life and streaming it
long term relationship lacking sex. fuck this. relationship might lack sex but I'm not going to!
Stupid plan.
Find something else to do if you cannot pass IB Exams. Drop everything and move to South America if nothing else.
Fucking hate it when tards get in my way. The aides that walk around with them should pay the fuck attention and stop letting the things walk on their own.
Then remove yourself from the relationship and fuck bitches.
I look like a chad.
Great job.
Have anything a man can want.
>MFW mental illness /w religious parents.
I like stuff up my butt when I jerk off, but I'm not gay.
There is literally nothing wrong with having fantasies, user
GF I broke up with a few months ago came over just now to give back something of mine she found. I kept my cool and didn't say or do anything stupid, but goddamn once she left I nearly lost it. Fuck