While you faggots jerk on Sup Forums, I enjoy my luxury wine and a loving girlfriend

While you faggots jerk on Sup Forums, I enjoy my luxury wine and a loving girlfriend.

What do you guys have?

Post it.

I have a 16.9 inch dildo and a buttplug shaped like the fist of a porn actress.

You trying to tell me YOU have a good life? What an insecure faggot lmao.

A rich, attractive wife.
An attractive physique
A great job
A beautiful home.
A large dick.

The things everyone wants


I'm sorry your wife has a big dick.

I have a bag with more MRE's than you have hairs on your legs.

Aint got a wifey but that comes after defending cucks like you.


What do I have? Not a shit-tier uncut cock.

I have a 9/10 independent wife with 10/10 tits and pussy. Bought my house brand new. 65" plasma. Hot tub outside. Dirt bike, atv, jeep. No debt other than mortgage (although have 40% equity). Good job.

WTF is luxury wine? Kill yourself, faggot.

Ok honestly, i never get a good answer from you jew wannabes.

Why are you so mad your parents made your decision for you so you have to act like a complete nigger to compensate. I mean this is litteraly on the same level as the "You mad whiteys" posters, and god damn they are some degree of cancer.

japanese wife, kid, home in tribeca, g-wagon and a kush job with which i work maybe 2 weeks a month