Have you seen this before? Cracked me up

Have you seen this before? Cracked me up.

it indeed is

It's not a boulder. It's a rock.

fuck you

Fucking rockists
at this size, its clearly a boulder

That's not a fucking boulder, dipshit.

Are you fucking retarded

Looks nothing like colorado at all

It's a picture of a boulder you fucking cuck. JPEG is just the compression algorithm

trips of truth

It's not a .jpeg it's a .jpg which is technically the same thing but it isn't spelled the same.

you're all retards. it's called jpg not jpeg.

A boulder is typically loose, although in one place due to being heavy. This, is obviously a rock outcropping jutting from the earth, like an earthen nipple. Or a Gaia skin tag.

It is a jpg of an image of a boulder sandwiched in between text.

that is quite clearly a .gif of a tree tho

It's not a jpeg it's a jpg

The pioneers used to ride those babies for miles

did you assume my gender OP ?

everyone ITT is clinically retarded

We won't argue about anything. We all collectively agree that OP is a faggot

PFfff my rock is better and has some bush.

This is the one true answer.




Its jpg

trim your fucking rock what the fuck user.

literally a fucking neanderthal



I say we make it a monument.

This is actually not true.
JPEG stand for "Joint Photographic Experts Group"
JPG just stands for "Joint Photographic Group"

The JPG compression algorithm was created and relased in 1986 by the joint photographic group.
It wasn't until a few years later, in 1992, that the JPEG was formed. The E (Experts) was meant to be a jab at the JPG, which was mostly comprised of hobbyists.
There was a lot of debate over which was better, and in the end, the JPEG bought out the JPG and took over the .jpg file extension for use with their own algorithm.

who says that the boulder isn't just a protruding piece of rock, out of a much bigger rock layer? can a rock layer be considered to be just a "boulder"?

No its not its a nigger
