Are you sure that, every pic you have downloaded from /b is of girls, 18 or older?

Are you sure that, every pic you have downloaded from /b is of girls, 18 or older?

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Nobody lies on the interwebs!!!

he is right you know, nobody lies

what a cute pussy

DUBS dont lie

Do i care?

hope not

I love her pussy.

I feel this guy

>Pic related

All I want to do is to scream myself to sleep.

I like younger than 18

Implying your government rules the world. Some counties, 21 is the age of consent.

ofc not, from 15-25 its basically impossible to know from a pic.

Let's be honest. You can't get in trouble for downloading an image that looked 18 but wasn't.

Hell, pepsi didn't give a guy the harrier jump jet he won because "nobody should have thought it was an attainable prize, and was obviously fake".

>downloading pictures of grills from b
who and why would ever do that

Of course, it would be unlawful to have posted them here otherwise.

with dicks a lot of them yes

I mean fuck they will try to but at the end here whos the real winner

you can go onto Mless right now and find cp.
so Sup Forums can suck it

sometimes its even on the front page

George Foreman does all the time.

Child porn statues are different from age of consent ones. The former are usually based on an international treaty concerning sexual exploitation of children, while the later are purely domestic law. This leads to some weird situations, like you can tag team a 14 years old in Hungary, but if the same girl sends you a pick of her tits it's child porn.

prolly have done that.

I had a collection of videos that were questionable but I deleted them. What a big mistake

they're all 18+, but some are no.


Waiting for the first one to post the wrong picture

Most are about 15-25. So does it really matter. Ive probably posted those ages too.


There was a time on Sup Forums when you only downloaded girls under 18.
I still regret deleting Catgoddes from my old toaster.

Don't have any on my phone and can't access my server right now

They can't convict me because I live in the US, and for me to be convicted they have to prove intent, which they can't.



Right is cute

I live in US too I just was saying cuz I feel they go hard on that shit



yeah Id fuck her too

>18 or older

what about her ?

Trolling isn't lying.

Nope. The age of consent is 16 here in Canada. Teenage pussy, ahoy!



Fuck no op

Muh canfag nigga

I guess that's why in my country is blocked for cp


shut up, post pics

I must be the only one who prefers older pussy. Teenage girls are just ugh .

18 yo pussy

I like pussy of all age and races, friend.

you're entitled to your opinion. thanks for pushing the thread from 5th page to 2nd tho! :)

i feel the same way user

Fuck younger date older..

>Are you sure that, every pic you have downloaded from /b is of girls, 18 or older?

Like I give a fuck? Girls are not cute when they're a minute under 18? That's insane.


Where could I find underage pics

underage pics


Wrong terminology anonkun

I knew a girl who got tatted at 14, you just need a parents permission. She's got 3 nigger kids now

Still illegal if you upload a naked pic of them you nonce.

Have you tried looking in your own database Mr. FBI ??

You sure it's not 7 now?

Yeah ain't nobody got time for a nigger fucked pussy.


Guess who's taking a trip to Hungary!

Wanted to hit it.. She had C tits at 14 and showed them off a lot. Her sister got knocked up with two kids tho

Why can nudist then post pics online?

If they were all 18 and older, I would have had little to no reason to download them.

fucking South Korear 20 year olds!?

Good times. Are they going to abolish this rule anyway?

Where do I find underage porn

booking tickes to Angola and Nigeria, tonight!

Then be prepared to be arrested for sex tourism when you get back to the states.

how young is old?

Wouldn't go there user

>re you sure that, every pic you have downloaded from /b is of girls, 18 or older?

Of course they are.
It's not like the mods are nigger dick sucking, cum guzzling virgins who can't make a distinction between an adult woman and a child.
I happen to know that the mods here re held to the highest standards and their abilities to discern allowed content from illegal content is approved and stamped on their 4cins mod credentials by none other than moot himself.

Besides, everyone knows that every girl in the orld ho is even 1 minute shy of her 18th birthday is too busy playing with dolls, or skipping rope, so how would anyone even be able to acquire this underage content you allude to?

Underage girls, on Sup Forums?
Don't be fucking ridiculous.

Why? age of consent is 11!

i find her very attractive

i bet her name is emily

but niggers, niggers everywhere.

Apparently she needed parents alright



Daddy wasn't there, mommy was an idiot


yeah... in america... too...
