If you see this post you are now cursed,reply with a funny pícture or you will die

If you see this post you are now cursed,reply with a funny pĂ­cture or you will die







One of the funniest pictures I've ever seen't.

No... Fuck you


We all will eventually anyways.
























who is diz semon demon???

Stop fronting. I know what you really want













Jesus. Did someone cut it off?

Its an expression of feminism. A pig like you wouldnt understand










oh no


Thing is, I was going to die anyway.

livestream it. I dont care if youre just sick or wat, I just wanna see the moment you die



well memed

death by snu snu please

No, you stupid nigger, I'm mortal.
I'm going to die some day.

fuck off with that nihilist bullshit. Are you actually too autistic to know what people mean when they say 'youre gonna die'? Are you really still at that stage in your life that you think its clever to bring up the fact that youre mortal in this kind of situation? Just fucking die today you fucking useless waste of my time.

U mad bro?

Just the kind of answer I'd expect from this fucking retard. jfc

im cursed...





>Implying I care









OH - Fuck you

old school puppy troll





wus gud






what is the curse

I am sorry for what I've done

