I signed up for a porn site for $8 to gain a free trial to another site that was the one I actually wanted...

I signed up for a porn site for $8 to gain a free trial to another site that was the one I actually wanted. I did it because the girls I was interested in have no torrents and I wanted to see more of them outside of the free galleries we get. Now I think I'm stuck in some shit.

The first site was canceled successfully, however I cannot cancel the second site. I did press the cancel button in my account settings the night I started the trial, and up until today it said it was canceled. Now it says I have a monthly subscription to it, which I guess it's not so bad considering it's only $19 out of my pocket. Either way I'd still like it to be canceled. I contacted the biller through phone and he said he was able to cancel both sites, but my account page says the second one is still going. How much did I fuck up, Sup Forums?

what site is it?

there are a few sites that come to mind that are notorious for this


sort of embarrassing to mention what site it is because i know it's pretty soft and not many people around here are into soft porn

Call your credit card company. Tell them not to authorize any future payments to the biller.


is CC bill the credit company running it?

there's a way to cancel payment subscriptions on bank sites, do it through there

It's actually on my debit card, which that bank is closed right now.

It was billed through RocketGate.

>paying for porn
>just kill yourself

brb getting noose

A letter from your lawyer promising a lawsuit if said subscriptions are not cancelled within a certain period of time and charges hence refunded works wonders. It's not like some skeevy pr0n site is gonna send a lawyer to small claims to defend.

It's a layup.

>It's actually on my debit card

You are dumb for this one.


CC bill is notorious for this kind of shit. i don't know anything about rocketgate.. but when you sign up for anything to do with CC bill they automaticlay create a account on there page not the actual site you signed up for.. they email you a username and password for there site it always gets sent to a spam folder so you gotta look for it after the fact and then you have to actually go to there website to cancel

better to have a small bank account charged than have credit pile up on my plate. it's totally not like i carry 80% of my weekly paychecks and put the other 20% in the bank

> not using cryptocurrency

First of all, you're a moron for paying for porn, and especially a moron for subscribing on your debit account.

Secondly, I don't know what country you are in (I guess the US), but in my country you can always cancel an automated regular money transfer on your bank account. Not many people know this but it works for pretty much anything (phone company, housing corporation, etc). You can cancel the payment right after they booked it through your internet banking or whatever you have. But again, this might not be possible in the US. Also be aware of any credit rating consequences.

>21st century
>paying for porn
KY user. You have augured in.

Call the number on the back of the debit card. Should have service 24/7, if not call during business hourrs.

>on Sup Forums
>paying for porn

If you're going to pay for porn, always use a gift card.

None of what you just said is relevant in any way.

Credit cards are better soleby because of chargebacks and consumer protection.

Yeah, if you have an amex they'll go to war for you man. Other anons said threaten to sue but if you use an amex you won't ever need to because you can dispute charges no questions asked