>nearly 65k likes
What is it about this incredible taco bowl that makes it so alluring?
>nearly 65k likes
What is it about this incredible taco bowl that makes it so alluring?
>you will never taste mexican food
ayy lmao
is this his most favorited tweet?
oh god i love it
it's just... i can't stop looking at it
Because it's not fucking Mexican.
You wouldn't like it anyways. It's all haram.
Yeah sorry, we are out of tainted donkey meat and contaminated water
He's a meme machine. An absolute madman.
It's crazy how much free publicity is getting from all these libtards on facebook sharing his pic. He literally recruited all of his haters into the Trump meme army with one tweet.
How the fuck does he do it? Insane!
Its not even on the menu ATM.
However, Ivanka's salad is.
Who wants to toss it?
He did that on purpose you idiot.
The irony