Why don't Americans know the difference between tortoises and turtles?

Why don't Americans know the difference between tortoises and turtles?

other one is ninja and livings in suer.

Because they are retarded

Schools make no effort to teach difference

>school didnt teach me something most children just figure out themselves

God damn pokemon

It's never been a problem. There are no turtles in America. Only poor countries have turtles. Science.

They aren't always the brightest of people, look who they voted for.

one races hairs

Turtles are primarily in the water and tortoises are primarily on land
Or something like that

Because Americans are dumb as fuck. Countless tortoises have died at the hands of those cunts and all because they're so damn dense that they can't figure out if it has FUCKING FLIPPERS or feet. It doesn't help that the Americans worship a film called 'Ninja turtles' which depicts some kind of tortoise/turtle hybrid, continuing the confusion that plagues the "1st world country".

You have the internet and you aren't even curious about general knowledge? Besides, if the school doesn't teach you something, does that mean you shouldn't read and look things up on your own from time to time?

they both taste like chicken! YUM!!!

Go to your local aquarium and you'll find some. You also might find some rare pepes.

Turtles are primarily in the water and tortoises are ALWAYS on land. The shape of a tortoise's shell would cause it to sink if it went into water.

Agreed. The home of the brave and the autistic.


to be fair only 26% of them voted for him.

Why would I give a fuck in the first place?

Same reason you people don't know what dentist is you crooked teeth having faggot.

Because it's fucking simple, or would you like to remain fucking dense for the rest of your life? I guess it's the latter, because it's so "in" and cool to be ignorant. You're the personification of a fucking normie. Get the fuck off Sup Forums, you bastard.

Turtles can go in the water tortoises are land only. Why don't you know how to not be a faget?

How does trying to educate you cringelords make me a faggot? Your YMCMB hat isn't going to pay the bills.

We do?

No, you don't. You refer to anything with a shell on it's back as a fucking turtle.