Editor of Ebony Magazine Laughs in the face of privileged white women #BlackGirlMagic

LOL. silly white people.

White people can't take jokes like, you oppress people of color for millenia and when someone pokes a lil fun at you, all the ugly ginger women lose their minds and yell reverse racism.

Come live in Southside of Chicago and witness what white supremacy does to people of color....god...

Oh and don't you dare come in here with your racist bullshit, this thread is for people of color and allys of people in color....

Jokes on her--she's still a nigger.

Fuck you cracker. Don't call her a racial slur. She's one of the most successful black female editors of all time. She has revived Ebony magazine into the forefront of African American media. FUCK YOU

k nigger dont care

I know this is a troll post but it's so true how butthurt white people get when they're satirised or caricatured in any way despite doing this to literally everyone else for as long as the mediums to do so existed.

Chicago, I am suprised you blacks ain't burnt your city to the ground yet. Reminder you need us we don't need you.

I'm a #Cruzmissile now.

What's Ebony magazine? Is it porn?

inb4 white privilege makes it happen

No one cares. No one wins from this X vs Y bullshit propaganda. Blacks are a huge population, and also a huge majority of the crime statistics. If white people were gone, North America would turn into the likes of an African country that's in an eternal civil war.

Say what you want about Mexicans, but they balance things out for whites and blacks. If only Americans knew that. Mexicans are the only thing standing in the way of all of us becoming an Islamic Muslim & African continent.

Niggers are so fucking stupid they have to blame the whites for their problems

And whites don't even care because it's not true and we're always superior

Dumb niggers kill each ofher the most yet black lives matter what a twisted joke

A National Geographic spin off


idk what any of this means

Your people are going to go extinct when whites stop feeding you.

Blacks now the oppressor because cosmic justice
whites deserve it

> the black I'm oppressed meme
Turns out they got a lot of hate in their heart. Just think if any black people were actually salves or actually oppressed
Sure the show will be watched by all black people everywhere and will be 30 mins of feel good racist tv.


>pre existing banns on iraqis gaining citizen ship and no fly list are the only thing preventing america from turning into a sharia law zone


yes, you would know something about satire right mohammed? why do mudslimes like you lose their shit over cartoons?

whites are under sustained attack by kikes. It needs to be pointed out everytime because its a clear double standard.


I'm not trolling lol, but glad you agree with me

I actually live in Brooklyn...but I know people who live in Chicago...

He dropped out yesterday moron

Your a idiot

Your an insensitive prick. Black on black crime is a myth. Whites kill each other too you fucknut

Just a reminder, black people are beautiful and your life would suck without them. Without black people this world would have no soul! Ooh I wish this was facebook so I can screenshot your ass publicly

>Mexicans are the only reason this country isnt total shit
>a fucking leaf

>Come live in Southside of Chicago and witness what white supremacy does to people of color...

"Come to the ghetto where people are murdered every day and there are drug dealers/addicts everywhere, because those are the places where whites aren't in control!"


The best part is that she's mixed.

Blacks are literally incapable of living even moderately successful lives without white DNA somewhere in their vicinity.

It's the truth. If you didn't have Mexicans and Hispanics there, the blacks would've had more room to breed. You would've been much worse off right now.

First off I'm not black..I would never pretend to be black like I'm Rachel dolezal lol...

What proof do you have that blacks would go extinct? America wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for slavery and the cotton industry

holy shit, look at this newfag nigger, someone taze it, it's gone wild!!!!!


>Southside of Chicago
>full of black people
>somehow white people are the problem

You can deal with a little bit of what you call "racism"

Racism isn't "white people suck"...Racism is prejudice + power. Black and Latino people can't be racist in America because they don't have any power. White people run the show and they are suppressing black and brown people

The truth is that alot of Blacks prefer to be barbarian apes. They like the idea of being “African” and not American. They don’t want to accept the same moral code, way of living, styles, or goals. They also ostracize all other blacks who differ from them. Blacks are raised with the idea that everything that ever happened in the history of their worthless race is the fault of white people and they're the most racist, selfish braindead individuals on this planet. When 9 out of every 10 victims of interracial crime between Blacks and Whites are Whites, it is unequivocally clear which group is the most "racist." Blacks do more harm to their race by being racist themselves....

America in a nut-shell. Whites build, blacks destroy. Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Ferguson, Atlanta, Compton, Chicago. Wherever they are in masses, violence and poverty.

Every other civilization in human history had slavery. Muslims had (and still have) slavery. If slavery makes all the difference, why was the US the only country to become a superpower because of it?

they're both women

both of their opinions are invalid

That made no sense you idiot. White people sucked out all the resources in the black community. Through discrimation and bank lending policies.

You guys are really dumb, this is way to easy

Why is first post always best post !!?

Like clockwork

>Ebony Magazine

Nigger here. White peopel deserve our utmost respect and appreciation for all eternity because they took us out of the jungle where were we killing each other and living in the mud. They took us to a whole new world of opportunity, safety and they educated us. All they asked in return is to pick a little cotton or cut a little sugar cane. Now in 2016 it's considered cool to be an ungrateful nigger that shits all over white people for no good reason and when we get btfo by logic and common sense we start yelling "It's a joke man, can't you take a joke? It's just a prank bro!" I'm willing to bet my 12 inch dick and swole as fuck nigger balls that if the races were reversed there would be mass protesting by the "black community" all over the USA. Dem niggers need to show a little gratitude. Be nice to white people like I am.

>most successful black female editors of all time
How about you list some of her accomplishments instead?

Your a fucking racist piece of shit. IQ is bullshit first off. 2nd off if your entire race was subjugated to slavery you would still have some ptsd from it in your genes. Black people didn't choose to come to America you fucking asshole. Without black people America would be boring as fuck and black women are beautiful so fuck you

Wow so you hate women and black and brown people....

What kind of fucking lunatics are you. This is why I FEAR trump becoming president if you guys worship him....oh god..

What if this joke was reversed, what would you say?

> Racism is prejudice + power
> Minorities can't be racist

almost as new as a freshly fried piece of chicken at a nigger convention. bout to get torn apart.

You are completely retarded. The reason the black population hasn't increased is because they kill each other at a faster rate than they breed. Also because welfare has been absent for most of American history, leaving niggers in a position of being unable to pay for kids let alone themselves.

The two groups really have nothing to do with each other. The blackest areas of the United States often have the smallest number of Mexicans, and vice versa.

Again, you are a retard.

>2nd off if your entire race was subjugated to slavery

You do realize blacks were the first slave owners in America, and it was blacks who sold their kin into slavery.

>you would still have some ptsd from it in your genes.

Image related, stop making excuses you sack of shit. You are the cause of your problems.

>Come live in Southside of Chicago and witness what white supremacy does to people of color....god...

im white and live in the south side of chicago. do i win anything

Everything you said is shit. Black people are the main offender on black vs white crime because who's going to rob a broke ass nigger? Most black people who commit these crimes live trapped in ghettos, where they are brainwashed into thinking the gang mentality is a good mentality

And somehow what you said is even stupider. PTSD in your genes? Just stop killing each other and protest the existence of the ghettos.

>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
>You must have power in society in order to have a belief

Nigger are you serious? Black on black crime is rampant in this country, we wouldn't have such a homicide epidemic if it wasn't for niggers killing each other, and you wish ebony was a porno magazine, it would be more respectable.

Brainwashed by who?

I'll go out of my way to give it one star

Here come the dindu nuthins

This is just tragic. You can do better.

First post best post

Lol,fuck off nigger

>allys of people in color....
How can you be an ally of someone who hates you based on your skincolor???

Basically their own culture. Niggers beget niggers. You get out what you put in and all that.

This, look what happens to white "allies"


> come live in Southside chimpcongo and see what people of color do to people of color
I'd rather not- wouldn't want to catch a stray bullet just because some nigger doesn't know how to aim his hi-point

It's just the ghetto culture. It's themselves and the media which perpetuates the stereotype.

>still have some ptsd from it in your genes
Holy fuck, is this what your camp actually believes? It's no wonder then that your IQs are amongst the lowest.

I love when I see this shit, just makes it easier for me to block these niggers and negresses on twatter so I don't have to see their chimping out

first post best post every god damn time.


He's gonna win just because communist niggers should be gassed.


Exactly. The black movements all fail to achieve because their true motives come out before they can actually change something

OP picture is a good example of a racist black woman hating on people of a different skintone because she thinks it's funny.

Racist as fuck.
Btw, "reverse racism" meme must end. You're either racist or you're not, end of story

holy troll batman

lol k Nigger.

>America wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for the cotton industry
>niggers are responsible for building cotton farms
Top kek.
This is like praising some retarded construction worker for building something their boss told them to.
Niggers. When will they learn.

Name 3 cities safer than Chicago:

2. Fallujah
3. Mogadishu

American dindus are some of the most sensitive people I've ever seen aside from Muslims, they're so sensitive that a bunch of tweets made by trolls, will make it into the news.
The model with the fish lips got global news coverage because some of the comments.

True, America wouldn't be a pile of shit if we hadn't imported a bunch of feral niggers- but now we can't seem to get rid of the god-damn apes. No matter what we do, no matter how much we push abortion in the inner city and pit rival nigger gangs against each other, they somehow haven't gone extinct. We should probably cancel welfare- ending foodstamps would probably be the most effective way to end the nigger menace.


Your an awful human being. Congrats youve been screenshotted. I'm putting your message with a trigger warning in reddit....fucking white man asshole pig

Just in case you aren't b8 don't forget to add this.

Instead of boycotting just make a show called
"Dear black people"
Black """"""""""""""People"""""""""""""????
Sorry I mean "Dear niggers"

That's a made up story. Almost 75% of my friends are black and they don't do any of that. In fact they are some of the most empathetic people I know

You earned it porch monkey

Pls stop this meme too. Just say "something that makes you upset" or whatever

The tumblr and Twitter bleeding into real life is the reason the cancer in this world is growing (think gender bullshit, BLM, thinprivilige, 1% etc)

I wish the media ignored the demands of retards


Joke's on you nigger- I'm mexican.

First post best post

please answer to

> African American media

Why have I never heard of this term being used before? Is it maybe because it isn't relevant enough to matter. Just might be...


And it's a pretty simple one.
The movie barely made any money. It made 4 mil all of which went to the publishers and producers. Netflix has a high level of subscribers that watch this type of race baiting bullshit.

Simple. Don't pay attention to this film. Don't "boycott" it. Don't talk about it. Don't discuss it as legitimate. It's nothing dude. The more people talk the more people will be exposed to this dumb shit.

If it's not up your ally then don't watch it. If you don't like netflix (that already produces much worse dogshit shows like Sense8) then stop buying netflix.

Don't be stupid guys. You'll make this thing bigger than it has to be.

They clearly aren't killing enough of each other. First post best post indeed

>mad niggers upset that their have low average IQs.

>This kills the white trash

>the kids must be shitty, not me
What a jackass

>ebony magazine editor

There's like a 70% chance she's getting bleached. For some reason the sheboons who are involved in black rights shit are practically always getting white slammed.

>get ruthlessly mocked on national television
>get ruthlessly mocked in schools
>get painted as the most evil race ever that's responsible for everything wrong with the world
>get the sole blame for slavery despite the fact that Africans were enslaving each other long before we came around
>still paying reparations in the form of diversity quotas that fuck us over, all for something we had nothing to do with
>put up with snide jabs all the time that would be racist "microaggressions" if they were said to any other race
>we can't make any jokes back or else we'll lose our jobs and have our lives ruined
>we ask minorities to stop making fun of us

Black Feminism is kind of weird like that. This all stops once Black people start building for themselves

everything she is wearing, using and fully dictates who she is, how she lives and how she speaks is and was invented and built by whites.