Why were the celts so shitty?
Why were the celts so shitty?
Because white supremacy is a meme
they weren't , they made romans shit themselves for quit a while
The Romans were probably just genetically smarter.
wtf is thos
>american education
BTW I hope you aren't the descendant of the Lusitani because they were just as shit.
They had as much potential as Germanic people but they were geographically challenged. Celts got pushed to the far west by Germanics to the north and Romans to the south while Germanic peoples were able to invade down from the high north.
Because they were happafags
Is that Ian from Forgotten Weapons?
Why are Brazilians so ugly?
Welsh and Irish are still dumber than the average English person. Celts were just genetically stupid.
A lot of Romans had some respect for the "noble savages". The artist that made that sculpture did. It was meant to that he was defeated and dying, but was actually somewhat respectful.
This is true.
Germans bred in massive numbers in a few different periods. Roman sources put germanic army figures in the hundreds of thousands even during the times of the Roman Republic. And they travelled with their whole tribes. Roman sources describe how frightening they were with their blonde hair and grey eyes and large stature relative to Italian men. It makes me lol when I read stormfag revisionism that Romans were white and got browned by migrstions into Italy.
nice b8 m8.Asshole.
>Once held sway over most of Europe.
>Survived for thousands of years.
>Sacked Rome.
>Defeat Romans, Greeks, Etruscan, Thracian and others in battle many times.
>Ancestors of many modern nations.
Not as unified as Romans though and tribal ways led to lack of technological innovation and ill discipline in war.
>It makes me lol when I read stormfag revisionism that Romans were white and got browned by migrstions into Italy.
True senpai it was the opposite.
Those were mostly Germanics who did that.
The proof is in the pudding, America is mostly German and Canada is mostly Celtic. Proof is in the pudding.
No. It was European Celts.
What does this even mean? They were an ancient people that were as shitty as all the others at that time.
No, it was Germans.
You just want me to post free porn. Go find your own degenerate American leftist.
>Roman sources describe how frightening they were with their blonde hair and grey eyes and large stature relative to Italian men.
This never happened.
t, history PhD
No, infact most Celtic is bred out completely everywhere.
Germanic peoples may have done similar things but this came after the Celts. Why deny the Celts did these things when it is written in history? Bizarre.
Have you seen genetic testing done within the last couple of years? Apparently people were wrong about Celtic blood. Even Ireland is 1% not 75%,
If they are not Celtic then who are they?
nice source leaf
Says who
They apparently are Spanish than anything.
However, the lastest research into both British and Irish DNA suggests that people on the two islands have much genetically in common. Males in both islands have a strong predominance of Haplogroup 1 gene, meaning that most of us in the British Isles are descended from the same Spanish stone age settlers.
>signs of the times
>Does not state which study research comes from
Let's give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's a legit study.
"Parts of Ireland (most notably the western seaboard) have been almost untouched by outside genetic influence since hunter-gatherer times. Men there with traditional Irish surnames have the highest incidence of the Haplogroup 1 gene - over 99%. "
It isn't clear here whether he is talking about the whole or Ireland or just men from the Western seaboard and there is are no sources, pictures from the study etc.
However I do know there is a genetic link with the basques and Irish/Scottish Celts but if we descended in majority from them wouldn't we have any cultural or linguistic evidence to go along with that?
The basque influence could also have arrived via Celts that intermixed with basques in Spain before coming to Ireland.
it was the Cimbrian Wars
>checks flag
>American education
It appears the basque DNA link comes from over 10,000 years ago in the Iberian peninsula before these people became the Celtic peoples.