Can someone explain what the goal is of all these progressive people, SJW'S, BLM, blacks, etc... is...

Can someone explain what the goal is of all these progressive people, SJW'S, BLM, blacks, etc... is? Do they want a civil war? To turn the country to communsim? I really don't understand what's going on nowadays

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Most of them dont know what those words mean. I have no idea what they want other than to be allowed to riot with no repercussions and to get attention.

It's a shit test. They want to be put back into their proper place.

To get even with white by removing them from existence

Relatively few of them have the intellect to carry those things out.

> I really don't understand what's going on nowadays
They don't either.

Souls. They eat souls.

They do it to impress others. A conservative believes that a rising tide lifts all boats whether they be dinghies or yachts. A liberal believes some boats should float and others should sink but will resort to infighting when it comes to the decision of who deserves a spot on the few floating boats remaining.

Nice gät
>literaly niggerish attention whores


They want the same things as you:

>free healthcare
>free college
>more black students
>more black professors
>special segregated communities for Blacks
>special segregated colleges for Blacks
>no police
>no prisons
>mandatory ethnic studies classes
>mandatory gender studies classes

you know normal stuff

That hamburger looks good mmm

Validation. That's all.

I'm black and I don't want most of those things

>They want the same things as you:


have you heard of the Cultural Revolution in China? these sort of group mechanisms are larger than the sum of separate individuals

Progressive pawns

Front for gay rights and non-Black minorities

Remove White Supremacy

That's because you don't know any better. I bet you didn't even vote for Bernie.

To make people think they're altruistic

Well if you're here, you're probably not an sjw, so the Color of your skin is not relevant.

They fight for "fairness." Someone having more money than someone else "isn't fair." Someone living in a better country than someone else "isn't fair."

However, they are too blind to realize that by demonizing their own kind(whites), the hatred that they invoked on themselves will end them.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

nah sjws don't care about countries. they think a white Romanian bum is a as rich as a white middle-class American

cultural marxism going wild and exposing it self even for the blue pills

somebody post link to vid, zzzz
I dl cuz cops


I don't see bernie winning, Hillary reminds me of that evil lady from Harry potter, prof umbridge I think. Trump is trump, but honestly I'd vote for him over Hillary

Nice get
>literally political prostitutes

hitlers final solution was a solution to the problem of such huge populations statistically being unable to get along and unite and propel humanity into the future via nationalism, the progressiveness thing is just a way more challenging uphill battle to the same goal, but with much less mass death

They aren't aware enough to know what they actually want. They're just impressionable parrots.

But if you look to the foundations funding them, and ask yourself what their motives are you will find a different story.

Cui Bono

The financiers are trying to balkanize the general population so we're to busy arguing and fighting among ourselves to see who is really pulling the strings. Its high-level misdirection and potentially worse. Foment Chaos.

Black Americans don't want much of anything, even when people are screaming muh racism, blacks still rank crime as a bigger concern than police britality, racism from whites, etc. it's mainly just people with social power milking the cow for their own money, and trying to whip up criminals into violent frenzies to make their crazy prophecies come true.

Here's the real red pill, blacks aren't as unified as you think. Black areas are riddled with crime not because blacks are naturally all criminals, but because their liberal overlords slap them on the wrist and rerelease anyone no matter the charge. Black criminals run rampant, almost completely unchecked, and fuck over everyone (except the rich liberals in gated communities). Even the NAACP begs for higher sentancing.

Our biggest issue imo is not blacks, but the bullshit story they've been sold in their garbage schools, mainly that the republicans and democrats magically switched names after republicans took every important step in freeing blacks.

Much more, you mean.

They are not progressive, they're liberals. They want to be able to do what they like without state censure. Even the berniefags are scared to do something about the free market and free trade because they're still fundamentally nihilistic liberals who have more in common with lolbertards than either genuine progressives or communists.

SJWs are a natural result of capitalism and the market conspiracy against rational, responsible, principled citizens.

This is the face of conservicuckdom.

I'm pretty sure no one is funding tumblrinas, and more popular feminists are funded by their book sales/cushy university job.

I'm talking more about Woman's studies type programs at University, BLM, etc. Who is financing all these groups?

They don't have any actual goals. They're all so vapid and brainwashed that they latch onto these retarded social "movements".

Parents who don't watch trigglupuff videos on YouTube.

Parents who don't watch trigglypuff videos on YouTube.

The goal is for Israel to rule a bunch of mixed race workers through a monarchy

This. They're just useful idiots being used by a greater evil to weaken the west and destroy the white race.

also "thinktanks"

nice hitler dubs but no, nothing as specific. sjws hate Israel even more than the West

Virtue signaling.

They want a post-scarcity communist utopia where nobody works, everyone gets along, and everyone has access to free, unlimited soma.

I seriously believe that SJWs and others just want to see the world burn, they hate themselves, their parents and their country.

sure some want communism, some want everyone in the world to swap genders, some want to wipe Palestine off the map, some want to teach kids about fags, some want reparations, some want to rid the world of all religion

theres a lot of different goals, some contradict with each other

but the common goal that brings them all together is getting rid of the white race

We just want equality and a society not run solely by white men

One of their biggest goals is to chip away at free speech. Really dangerous stuff.

>Hey Jamal, did you ever think about how white people are responsible for all of your problems?
>Naw but now dat u mention it muh homie Tyrese got locked up last week and he dindu nuffin
>Well that's because of something called systematic racism, see white people hate and always will hate blacks. It's programmed from birth! We must do something about this!
>Sounds like I gotta do sumfin about you

Literally SJWs are young whites screaming about how people should hate whites. They live in a world of self inflicted hatred basically begging Jamal for assisted suicide. This is natural selection at its finest.

Cultural Marxism = Sabbateanism aka satanism

How about you dont use words you dont know the meaning to?

I had one of those. They're pretty good.

>use reliable nigger votes to flood the hood with spics
>marginalize republicans as a minority party with no national power
Bingo. White working class has no political power, nowhere to run, and will continue working for generations to feed the gibs machine so that kikes can play god with the shitskin hordes.

You know how Jews run everything? We believe whites run everything.