What's a life lesson that you learned the hard way?

What's a life lesson that you learned the hard way?

The inherent limitations of every formal axiomatic system.

If youre going to suck a log of shit out of andy sixx's asshole, make sure he's sedated first.

I managed to suck the log out but holy fuck Andy puts up a fight

Smoking causes cancer

Kill them. Kill them before you leave. You might never have another chance.

man i oughtta quit

College is a scam

If andy sixx is constipated, give him a fiber one bar or else your lungs will pay for it when you go to suck a log of shit out of his asshole.

Stay in school and study hard if you want to have a decent life

Women are shit.

Be kind and give Andy Sixx a reach around while you're sucking the log of shit from his asshole.

County jail isn't as cool as they make it seem on TV.

>Just because you are related by blood does not mean than you are bound to your family and have to help them no matter what

>It's okay to be selfish

>Suffer now, have fun later

>It's better to come off as rude than it is to be quiet and pushed around

awalt... fuckin allwoman are lying selfish delusional ok maybe 95% ...so marriage or relationships are not worth it... its a jail sentence...

>She was never yours.
>It was just your turn.

Don't mix business and pleasure. Lost my friends and my business.

When was jail ever made cool on TV?

Don't visit Sup Forums

Every now and then life crushes me so fucking bad I stop hating people and realize we all just need to love each other. Sadly the lesson doesn't seem to stick and I'm still a generally unfriendly asshole.


Holy. Shit.

Hit me fucking hard, user. But accurate.

Never drink once

>What's a life lesson that you learned the hard way?

Your mind will come up with 1,001 reasons why you ABSOLUTELY NEED to stay in a miserable situation even when a way out is easy and apparent. This is akin to a drowning man refusing to grab the life preserver thrown him.

It is an instinct that served your caveman 1000th great-grandpa well, but one that will ruin your life.

Whether you're thinking of leaving a miserable relationship, job, religion, hobby or anything else just know that your instincts will kick into overdrive to try and stop you. Recognize that it's a primitive instinct that no longer serves a useful purpose and make the change!

Not knowing this gave me two years of a miserable situation. I'd like to save you from the same fate.

Trusting people that say they care about you. Gtfo with that shit. Nobody cares. At the end of the day they only care about themselves and their needs.

Getting into a relationship, and falling in love with the wrong person. Normal fag shit. The worst is finding out that most girls aren't worth being with forever, marriage is rigged and humans, like animals, are naturally polygamist.


she is so goddamn cute though

Mine: Take the chance. Know and understand what you can of your surrondings, but ultimately, you have to take the chance.
Generally, things only get worse from here (wherever here is).


wow edgy

Sup Forums is for fags. I missed you so

Agreed. Don't drink once. Drink every night.

she wont be so cute with that drink on my carpet

yeah she would

Same. An oldfag came out of lurking late one night and laid that on me.


When a relationship goes wrong first look at what I did wrong and my shortcomings that contributed to the failure, look at what the other person did wrong and their shortcomings that contributed to the failure and then decide how I can fix my flaws.

This way i wont become a myopic, cynical fool that generalizes a gender or race of people and plays victim card all the time.


pussy isnt worth it,just jerk off.

sticking a burrito in your ass does not feel good

true dat.

Why is the truth edgy?


Ouch that's me right now. I'm the one that is only caring about my own interests and well-being, while screwing over someone that thought I cared. Although small, it's weird seeing oneself being in the bad guy situation

Don't put your dick in crazy, Lesson well learned
