Look, I like the guy and will vote for him but shit like this happens and its cringy. Cringy because there is no absolute tact on his end. One tweet blatantly screams "BERNIE SUPPORTERS PLEASE SUPPORT ME" and the other is so bad especially with the I love Hispanics at the end. You have to admit this. Why the fuck does he think this is a good idea, especially the Hispanics one?
Look, I like the guy and will vote for him but shit like this happens and its cringy...
I think as a rich man he lives in a bubble and by living in a bubble he thinks if he goes on twitter, eats a taco and says he loves Hispanics they will gush over him. Like maybe in 1995 that worked but today that's laughably naive. Why does he do this?
>Why the fuck does he think this is a good idea
Because its hilarious and it's fucking Twitter, you moron. You're supposed to be funny.
How it is hilarious?
Hes just playing the game, all this shit is huge publicity for him. I've heard about that taco bowl so many fucking times.
I think the bigger question here is why does America celebrate cinco de mayo?
Its a Mexican holiday about a Mexican military victory, does no else find this strange?
He shamelessly plugs taco bowls from Trump Tower Grill. He's grinning at the camera giving the "thumbs up" with one hand while he prepares to dig into his food with the other. Finally, he declares his love for the Hispanic people. How is that not funny?
He's a zionist. They're all about playing with your heads
>voting for a zionism
I wonder where he got that idea....
The real question everyone is wondering about is, did this tweet cause sales of taco bowls to spike this cinco de mayo? My guess is yes.
No one celebrates it they just go to a mexican bar and use it as an excuse to indulge in excess. Same with St Patricks day.
The likes keep rolling in. The media keeps him in the spotlight. He gets more and more popular while you bitch and moan on Sup Forums like the ineffectual cuck you are.
The top 3 most liked replies on that post are people slandering him. Thats all moderates will see.
>mfw all of the libs on my goybook collectively clench their anuses and write walls of text about how angry this makes them
all white btw
Because people can look at and go "wow, seriously? Haha you could at least try lol" - its funny in its audacity
Must be why his numbers only get better as time goes on. There needs to be more stages of denial to compensate for you.
I could understand Mexicans celebrating but it just seems weird how its become a national holiday in the US too
its not really a mexican holiday
I live in NYC. The only ones I see really into it are liberals and latinos here. There is your answer.
Hahah exactly, it's fucking hilarious, Trump is the ultimate troll master
It's like he's trying to lose the election already
Trump Tower Grill doesn't sell that dish though.
>For one, it does not seem like the Trump Tower Grill actually serves taco bowls.
He doesn't want them to support him. He wants to make bernie go independent to fuck hillarys numbers up badly
The restaurant does however.