Ca we get one these counter signal meme threads going?

Ca we get one these counter signal meme threads going?

Other urls found in this thread:

ill dump some of mine











this one is amazing




>implying a scientist cucked enough to call it "global warming" would be willing to say something rayciss






Kek that's my oc.

Should we call it «global increase in the capacity of the atmosphere to retain energy»?

have so many I put them on Imgur

top kek.

fug you not all of us are open borders :^(


cops are violent dipshit, they're just niggers that almost always get away with it

because *trespasses and shoots small dog* dey *throws grenade in baby's crib* dindu *shoots deaf guy in the back* nuffin


Me and this guy


Thanks friendo

thanks Ghoul

Here's mine.

Oh boy. I remember when I wasn't smart enough to hide my power level and this happened to me all the time.



Don't you die on me







>Horsey won two Pulitzers
That actually hurts a little, guys.




Holy fuck I get triggered when I see someone share a "DESTROYED" link.



Here's a new one I made.

>cop getting issued a grenade
for what purpose?

>Dr Who


babies have had flashbangs go off right next to them before
fucks them over for life

choose one


Don't keep babies in crack dens.
But what do I know...


Cops get hard at the thought of playing soldier and the federal government gave them a bottomless toy chest.