Le smug banter man

>le smug banter man

Other urls found in this thread:


>le big ears leftie

>le think of the (((kids))) man

>getting upset by other peoples opinions

alt-right is just as bad as SJWs lol

>le shit on the pitch man

both need to be gassed desu

>le butthurt redditor man

Lineker was alright before he got his twitter account

>le alt-right maymay

>le skeletons in his closet man


his brother is way more based

how is it a meme?

His brother is a convicted fraudster and sex pest



living the dream

Who is this boring cunt?

whats boring.

also im only the second of the two posts you quoted

being a racist tory is super exiting right

>being this redpilled on /sp

Everyone is a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

t. reddit

>le it's racist to question a ''''''child's''''''' age man

>le handsome man

well strawmanned

not an argument

>le doesn't know what a strawman is man

neither was his. as soon as you strawman you lose the arguement

>le bets losing man
>le wears the pants man

Today you euro fags see a real mans sport.

this thread is literal proof of being right

everyone who dislikes him now because of his opinions are doing exactly what SJWs do lol

it's so cringe seeing Sup Forums do exactly what they claim to hate

it's funny though

I'd be smug too if my hairline was that good in my 50s


>le samefagging fucktard man

>orange wannabee plastic gangster

>le crisps paki man

SJWs actively try and ban people/opinions they don't like. People here are just calling him an idiot.

SJWs just call people racists and wont discuss rationally

Sup Forums just calls people reddit and wont discuss rationally

And what do you do, you easily-triggered boring cunt?

Great thread, lads.

The Sun (right wing newspaper, very popular in Britain) called for Lineker to be sacked though.

the minute you start caring about politics either way is the moment youre fucked

instead of trolling both sides you get angry if someone doesnt have the same view as you

brexit/trumptards and sjwcucks are both retards that you can troll without any effort

the absolute state of this guy


the sun called him to be sacked, daily express likewise

tons of people on twitter did too, and i mean literally hundreds

there was literal petitions on the government website about this

get over yourself

>agreeing with the sun

thats when you know youre a retard

aren't alt right dweebs literally boycotting star wars at the moment

>People here are just calling him an idiot.
Who here works for The Sun?

Why is the boring cunt getting upset about people poking fun at Lineker?

>sees messi running around
>"the little magician!"
>"he fills me with joy"

god I hate lineker

I don't really follow teh news. so he made a joke some people didn't like and now they want him sacked?

the right gets triggered just as much as the left nowadays desu

No. What happened was he started berating people who questioned the ages of the Calais children who were granted asylum a few months back, calling them idiots, hideous racists, etc. refusing to engage in any debate and just insulted anyone who challenged him.

Some numpties, not understanding that his Twitter account is personal, not professional, questioned his suitability as a BBC employee and began calling for him to be sacked.


that's not what happened. i'd recommend you google it rather than asking in the echo chamber that is Sup Forums

he was calling for more to be done about the situation, extending his sympathies for refugees and so on

and as always, the right got absolutely bootyblasted by someone having a different opinion to them and even called for him to get the sack lmao

>y-yeah b-but we're not SJWs heh..

yeah, no. fuck off

>tfw I turned the thread political with the first reply

he should have been fired immediately

He made some political comments on his personal twitter account, mainly about the refugee situation and calling for more to be done to help them. Even if you don't agree with him, he should hardly be fired from his job as a sports pundit for that.

I think the guy who replied to the first reply really kicked things off. You were the Gavrilo Princip to his Austria, the Uncle Owen to his Luke, the Simpsons opening gag to the main plot of the episode.

desu twitter was a mistake

celebs cant help posting their shit opinions and triggering poltards and sjws

not an achievement on neo (dead) Sup Forumsol

lefty is a compliment

>that's not what happened.
It's exactly what fucking happened.

>The former England striker and sports broadcaster suggested the attitudes of some towards young refugees fleeing war-torn countries was “hideously racist” and “utterly heartless” and questioned what was happening to Britain.



You're completely ignoring the nuanaces of the two for your own personal bias. SJWs are far worse because they actually impact real life, video the media, video games, academia,etc. Your alt right boogie man meme, is no where close to doing that shit. So fuck off with that "muh alt right are basically SJWs" bullshit you got from plebbit.

I wonder how many refugees this guy has personally helped with his own time and/or finances? How many stay in his house?

Protip hint: 0

Oh definitely. These asylum seekers/refugees never end up in the areas that Lineker/Lily Allen/Benny Cumbucket et al live in. They get pushed to already impoverished towns and cities that have numerous social and economical problems to deal with and now have to deal with more people who cannot actually offer anything but just take.

Lineker is part of that elitist media clique who have convinced themselves that the British folk are mostly bad and all foreigners are good righteous, respectful and courteous people who never do wrong.

>le salt and lineker man

>le alt-right boogeyman

>le 'two sides of the same coin' meme
>le 'centrists aren't spineless fucking morons' meme


Yeah, if you own a vagina.

I own your mum's

i've been saying this. i don't think Sup Forums realize how annoying they are.
"hey lets go talk about politics in a place where people come to talk about sports"
i don't care what your politics are. i don't wan to hear it. just talk to people who want to hear it. simple.

the amount of replies to this post is just pottery lmao

It's never Sup Forums that starts it though, it's ALWAYS people crying about the Sup Forums boogyman who start it.

>le lestah bandwagoner man

>It's never Sup Forums that starts it though
You been to Sup Forums lately?

it's both. and both sides know fuck all about sports.

Piss off you easily offended pussy

Maybe if are Gary didn't think he was a political commentator all of a sudden people wouldn't complain about him
