How did Trump absolutely wreck the GOP?
How did Trump absolutely wreck the GOP?
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Run in an election where virtually all states are winner take all, or winner take most, and then run against 17 people.
Trump didn't win a single state by 50% until it was too late to stop him anyway.
We're not going to tell you.
He has very strong persuasion skills
The GOP rekt themselves. Maybe if they were practicing constitutional republicanism rather than globalism, we wouldn't hate the GOP. Even if Trump loses, (which he most likely won't) he burned conservacucks.
Actually offering people what they want, instead of Standard Corporate Plutocracy Platform With Pretending To Care About Abortion
and meme magic
>virtually all
are you delusional?
Now sit back and watch Trump and The Barracuda lay waste to the DNC.
>How did Trump absolutely wreck the GOP?
Because of us
Meme Magic
Becuase he realized that most Republicans no longer give a shit about gay marriage and abortion and are more worried about how the country has become a leftist hivemind where you'll get bashed for having any sort of right-wing ideas.
Trump is a master showman.
He is a savant at building the Trump brand/image.
He is a master strategist.
He is a celebrity.
He is charismatic.
He is a self-made billionaire.
He exudes power, pride and self-confidence.
He has a stunningly attractive and fascinating family.
He's ran his race on the ideals and memories of how great red-white-and-blue America once was and can be again.
From the second he entered the race, he was destined to win the nomination.
Your Trumpinator pic is classic.
This. Most republican voters may have a view on social issues, but it's not a particularly high priority compared to things that help pay the mortgage. Dicks in girls bathrooms < home interest rates.
The republicans became the reactionary party to democrats, so when dems scream about racism, the response is "we're not racist," when it's sexism, "we're not sexist" and so on. Nothing more than a backboard hoping to keep the ball from going in the basket.
Trump on the other hand was, at the very start of the campaign, considered on policy. That goddamn wall. No one else brought that shit up, he did, and thus he instantly became the only actual person running. Everyone else was just shadow puppets based entirely around whatever response there was to democrats that particular week.
By kicking an old dying dog in the face
>How did Trump absolutely wreck the GOP?
The GOP has been acting like clowns for the last 30 years
The ringleader just finally came along to put them in their place and remind them who runs the show
He's learned a lot in his life time. He plays the crowd as masterfully as any of history's great men.
Most importantly: he made my Cruz booger friend ridiculously ass mad.
The GOP was already wrecked, you can thank the Tea Party for that.
You spelled Bush family wrong.
I turned my friend into a Trump supporter today by just going over his stances on immigration and being anti-establishment. You guys would be shocked at how easy it is to get people to like Trump once you get past their thin reactionary wall that wants to label him a racist, sexist, etc.
Well the Tea Party is the reason republicans control congress and the majority of governor positions in the US. I'm giving them credit for that, despite their religious bullshit. A tea party republican is better than a progressive any day.
Nah, they were still fine.
It was the extremist TP people that fractured and alienated the moderate part of the party.
Yeah, for the short term.
In the long term they're pretty fucked, though.
So you better jam all the shit through that you can.
>the Bushes were fine
Dubya was one of the worst presidents in modern history. Fuck the Bushes and fuck what they did to the GOP.
There have been at least a dozen worse presidents.
He was inept, but not damaging to the point of losing the party's identity.
>How did Trump absolutely wreck the GOP?
By not being a cuck.
>There have been at least a dozen worse presidents.
Throughout all of our history? Post world war 2, Dubya would be at the bottom of almost anyone's list. Depending on your politics, there's like 2-3 you might place farther down.
First, his research team determined that a majority of conservatives are uneducated, arrogant bigots who blame their problems on brown people.
Then his PR team made him as arrogant and bigoted as possible...
And he instantly became the GOD EMPEROR of these people.
Point taken. I really hope that instead of flipping to democrats, the majority of those positions translate into alt-right/classical liberal candidates. With Cruz having dropped out, that'll likely lower the chance of Tea Party candidates passing muster, and then it's any man's game.
>self made billionaire
He inherited a real estate company that had lots of properties in New York City.
There is a reason that he will not release his actual financial information.
Not that you care about things like facts.
There is absolutely no proof that he is a "self made billionaire".
>There is absolutely no proof that he is a "self made billionaire".
tfw (you) are that fucking stupid.
Google it you dumb fuck. He took a million dollar loan from his father and turned it into a multi-billion dollar real estate empire with the most recognized real estate brand name in the world.