Civil war

if the US was a faschist dictatorship and a rebellion started today, would the rebel fighters even have a chance?

drones, hipachi's, tanks, all the militairy equipment would just put them down.

so its obvious the rebels would lose, so why are guns even necessary? whats the point of holding onto your mosin nugget if the moment the government decided to destroy you theyd destroy you.

usa has population of 300 million, if lets say half of those joined the rebellion, they'd have 150 million cannonfodder, and some special forces, they could easily crush the army by sheer manpower alone, just swarm em like the commies did to the germans.


jesus christ

Lol ever heard of asymmetrical warfare? What about TATP? Were strapped over here mate and some of us are nuts.


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compared to the us army youre holding a stick to battle. you couldnt possibly win against the militairy in a civil war its impossible to beat such an overwhelmingly large force

Only old people need to worry about hip aches my dood

>says the country that literally has to use a stick in fights
there would be so much desertion it wouldn't matter what machines they have


I doubt most American soldiers would be willing to kill 150 million of their own kind.



I find it hard to believe the US Military would turn against their own citizens.

Maybe they will be used in small situations, but to take over the entire country?

I hope it doesn't happen.



Same faggots said that in 1776.

How did the US lose the Vietnam War?

Never underestimate man's will to fight





Yeah just like under equipped muzzies are losing right now

yes, drones can be hacked into



Many drones will auto-land when their destination is deleted mid-flight. That's how Iran took one of ours a few years ago.



>tfw you can get buy semi-auto AK's and AR's for about $550 at many regular shops.


If the US was a fascist dictatorship I would fight for the government instead of the rebellion

>This whole thread

>The military will side with us! They'd never hurt another American!

>Also, we'd kill their families, no one ever fights against someone who threatens their family!

underrated shit post

Quite humerus.

>Just get more drone pilots even if they all get killed multiple times

guess he thinks drone pilots grow on trees

No, because they would not be fighting the government, they would be fighting the other citizens. Totalitarian dictatorships propagate through control of mass media. All you have to do is paint the rebels to be freedom-hating terrorists on par with ISIS and the burgers will line up to kill them.

Facts don't matter whatsoever - look at what they did with Michael Brown or Trayvonn Martin. You have the narrative, and you stick to it, and any naysayers are racist neo-nazis. Everyone but a few meaningless voices buy into it, no questions asked.

So that's what will happen: a few false flags here and there, and the Americans will put down the rebellion for the government. The lie will be more effective in America because of their unique form ideology - America is not simply a country, but an idea similar to a religion. Anyone who questions it hates freedom, and you should kill them to protect your country and family.

And never forget it. We will bring freedom everywhere.

>An american that actually gets it
You're alright, user.

It sounds easy to say it, but realistically, its going end bad for the government. The only reason USA will get their fat ass out of the couch is when they can no longer get food on the table. I am certain, most American view the government with suspicion, even the left.

LMAO. Liberalism is the most brilliant dictatorship, because it allows you the illusion of freedom

I don't think you fully appreciate the force multiplier that is a firearm.
The issue with fighting in the modern age is thanks to guns anyone can be a viable combatant, in ye olde days you had to at least be reasonable fit to stand a chance in a fight.
But with guns, any fucker can grab one and be a threat to a trained soldier.
In a civil war situation every single person who ISN'T confirmed on your side is potentially a threat, and even then what's to say the people on your side aren't moles?
You can't just steam roll a revolt or the modern word for it today without going full scorched earth

Most generals would probably defect/ be the starters of the rebellion anyway thanks to the enlistment oath that everyone in the armed forces had to take.

I don't think you understand just how much firepower the US civilian population owns. The US army is dramatically outgunned.

Is this a joke? Even assuming that the entire armed forces was suddenly ok with firing on the general population, all it takes is one guy with a hunting rifle to take out a substation in the power grid and cause mass rioting in any given city. Also if NATO decided not to help the insurgents you can bet your life savings that Russia would have boots on the ground within a week.

If the US became a fascist dictatorship I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of the army would defect.

That said, a military coup would be different. Either the army would break like in a civil war or they would fuck the people over.

That said, you always need boots on the ground to take over an area, which is why you could still hold out with a Mosin.