Alright so I'm not trying to shitpost, but I checked this out based on yesterday's thread and thought it was super interesting as a piece of art. Is there anything else like this?
Alright so I'm not trying to shitpost...
Other urls found in this thread:
old Sup Forums threads that aren't just memes or anime
/r9k/ threads without pepe, wojak, or some thot as the op pic
Any suggestions? Also, is there anything in album form similar to Buyer's Market?
I don't know what the fuck this is. Can you please be more clear?
It's album made by someone from a *chan imageboard that tried to emulate buyers market by creating something within the similar vein, but in reality it's just an cp audio compilation.
Which by the way, is illegal.
Wouldn't recommend looking it up or downloading it.
Yeah if it's actual CP I'll pass, that's a bit fucked for my taste. I'm just looking for something as visceral as Buyer's Market.
If you want something as visceral as Buyer's Market and don't mind ear raping noisy shit get into the Power Electronics scene. Start with Whitehouse
Conceptually, just check out various Industrial projects and scan around for the tragedy aesthetic. It's very common. Some Throbbing Gristle could be a place to start in terms of early stuff.
Great, thanks for the suggestions guys.
it's basically a creepypasta meme like the grifter or the Treadwell Death Tapes. People on the internet claim it's some super spooky contraband macguffin but in reality it probably doesn't really exist
whitehouse- birdseed
very similar yet not as good as buyers market
it exists, it's on soulseek
If you're still ITT check out Throbbing Gristles first three albums. Here is a song of their first album called Very Friendly. It is about a murder done by the Moors muderers. It's a true story.
SPK were also known for their fucked up use of tapes and sampling.
Also check out Doll Doll Doll by Venetian Snares.
And you probably knew already about Swans but if you have not check out their album called Soundtracks for the blind. It also uses a lot of tapes from FBI sources. None of this album is on Youtube sadly so you will have to download that one before you can listen to it.
Someone posted scatmother, which isn't really there at all. But whitehouse basically it
Ignorance is bliss isn't it?
I want something like this but of torturing, schizophrenic episodes or people talk about stuff, or scary audio.
I guess you're aware that Peter Sotos is also a writer. If you're not strictly looking in the realm of music, then check out some of his books. He sometimes uses the technique of that album, but in a literary format, so cutting and pasting snippets of newspaper reports, for example, but coupling it with his own writing which fluctuates between the fictional and autobiographical.
title track