I think I might have an issue with alcohol, Sup Forums

I think I might have an issue with alcohol, Sup Forums

Tell us about it. When did you start drinking? Why?

first step is admitting it, partner

Didn't drink when I was young at all. Started binge drinking every weekend around age 21/22 (never before throwing up). A couple years later I started binge drinking three times a week, and now I get hammered about 5 or 6 times a week. But the main issue is that I find it really hard to stop. I've tried many times, but I never last more than a week.

do you go through intense physical withdraws?

Just recently quit drinking after 5 years of hardcore drinking. Couldnt do anything without it. After stopping,I fell better than ever, even though it was tough as fuck to quit. Almost thought i was going insane for a bit. Kinda had to relearn how to live.
Fuck alcohol.

Is it to mitigate stress, numb feelings, or do you just enjoy being drunk?

im more or less the same, when i went to uni i picked up the habit and now a couple years later i go through a bottle of whiskey a week.. doesnt even seem that bad compared to other people but still pretty bad, im probably fucking my health

Describe intense physical withdrawal.

I just don't understand getting one drink, once I have one I wanna drink them all.

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>actual advice


Have you tried reducing your drinking amount ?
Could you manage to get just one or two beers, but not more ?

All of the above to be honest.
That's the thing, I'm concerned for my health and my brain. I recently got some medical tests (somewhat unrelated reasons) and apparently my liver is swollen —consistent with having a fatty liver.

puking, the dreaded liquor shakes, can even cause convulsions

Ok, not better than ever. I miss my teens when I was semi innocent and life didnt suck. I wasted precious years after doing nothing but drinking. Im no where near as depressed amd anxious as I used to be. Feel a lot healthier too.
It took me three tries, about a year apart each to finally get ahold of myself and quit. I now maybe drink once a week if i get a wild hair in my ass

I can't do that. That's what I've tried since I know I cannot really cut alcohol out of my life, but I always end up getting drunk.

not there yet I guess.

How is alcoholism even real? Like nigga just don't fucking drink. Just throw it out hahaha

you're depressed
>welcome to the club

>Go get hammered before you die or don't w.e none of it matters anyway
>best of luck to you

Same here, drink about a 5th of whisky 3-4 times a week.
I know for a fact I have a problem.
And it's in the family, dad, granddad, grandma etc. Alcoholics all of them.
I guess that's what I get for being Irish..
Anyways, tried to stop but feel incredibly bad. Physically and mentally.
It's a drinking life for me laddie..

i think i could replace it, like you just need something to replace it, i tried green tea and made it a couple of days

then don't worry about man! no physical dependency means you can keep partying!

Loss of control is the main indication of alcoholism.

You have a problem!

I started drinking coffee. This helped a lot.
Also weed. But I know thats not for everyone. Helped with my being bored and wanting to turn to the booze, among other things

Are you in a civilized country with healthcare, or do you have to pay a fuckton amount of money for your doctor ?
'cause dude, you need some serious help from medical institutions before you go too deep into alcohol

i drink coffee all day but gotta sleep so dont use caffiene after work
i mainly drink to just settle myself down after work, does a great job of relaxing me

how do you deal with friends? I feel like going to the bar is the thing my friends do. I cannot change that.

what about the liver, man?

Yes, I'm pretty sure I have a problem.

meh. I've always been depressed, but I wasn't drinking like this before.

I live in California, and I have health insurance.

life has its ups and downs, you in more a down rn
Hence the booze, you might just get tired of it one day, or not. but until you truly want change nothing will change, it comes from within. Go balls to the wall and maybe youll have a moment,.

Maybe. I guess I'm just worried about the longterm consequences of it all. And it just fucking sucks being foggy and not having a clear mind for work.

I'm on the same boat man, get home from work around 5pm and have 3 huge gulps of rum then do the same every hour or so, have tried quitting but always end up jumping back on it on the weekend then the cycle starts again, really need a way to distract myself from coming home and wanting to get drunk,

Gym helped me for around 2 weeks but still couldn't shake the urge to hit it hard again

If it´s a issue. Stop it.
Glad you noticed it. Most people dont

Used to drink everyday until I switched to weed, haven't touched a single bottle in over a year now, weed is a very good alternative thank for it

Go see an actual doctor then

sure is, i mix my liquid marijuana with rubbing alcohol and do shots. being drunk and high > just being drunk.

Fuck me to op. I started slow promising myself I would become like my dad and uncles who both died of liver failure due to alcohol. But I've Ben getting hammered like 5 days a week and the other days are hell. This Ben going for about two months. I can't be here, this can't be how it ends. My liver is starting to hurt but scared to get it checked out

yeah after uni i moved away and dont really go out anymore
if i was still in that city i'd be getting fucked up every day, now i just have a couple of whiskeys and a couple beers if i have any lying around

Sounds like the problem is you never learned how to drink as a teen, like everyone else.

Yes, I know.
You think? I'm just like that about anything. I binge on anything.

its easy to get trapped in the mindset of "what I need to do next, fuck ___, need to ____"
But this causes a lot of mental turmoil and will often put you in a worse situation.
You have to scratch an itch you have been neglecting, new job? new home? new ____.
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast, slow it down homie.
Clearly this causes you pain inside you need to focus on yourself, find a passion if you can and make some money out of it.
Be more selfish and focus on you until you get in a better spot.

If i didn't start drinking until inwas 21 I'd go crazy with it and think its the best thing ever. But like most people i drank as a teen thought it was the best thing, then git sick a few times. And learned to enjoy it responsibly. No way would i be a responsible drinker if i didn't binge as a teen.

is your issue that you haven't had enough?

Why do you want to quit? Yourself? Someone else? Do you really want to stop, or is there something buried deep down that you want to suppress? If you have physical withdrawals it would be best to enter rehab to get help. Sometimes therapy is a way to go. From experience, AA isn't always great if you can't give yourself up to a higher power. Find your demons and kill them. One step at a time. Dealing with alcoholism can take a very long time. I drank myself stupid almost nightly for a year. I was lucky though, a non accident dui arrest set me straight from drinking to excess. I have a beer every now and then but don't have more than one even though I want to. I'm still dealing with my alcoholism and doubt I'll ever stop fighting with it. Willpower. Best of luck to you.

When there are substances around I binge on anything.
I wanna have a clear mind that's why I wanna quit, and I'm concerned about long-term consequences. I guess I don't really care as much as I believe about these things given that I still drink.

The end of what you said is key: willpower. I have none.

Really? Cause to me it sounds like you were too much of a pussy as a teen and now your catching up. Your 'Alcoholism' sounds like arrested development to me. I don't know anyone who started drinking at such a late age. Like your in this teenage "omg booze is so cool guise" phase in your drinking career. When you should be in your "not another one ladsm i got shit to do tomorrow" phase. Ya dig daddyo??

Maybe have a weed habit instead?

Maybe. I don't think that's it, but you might be right.

I don't enjoy weed that much. Sure, I'll smoke some every now and then, but I'm not a big fan.

Believe it or not Sup Forums used to be a lot like this. People would discuss their concerns, relations, problems etc and people would offer advice and insight. Now its "lol get rekt fgt" and then it get gets 404'd to make room for a new porn thread.

Weed isn't as easy as other drugs to get into. But once your into it your really into it, kinda like motorbikes.