Being pro choice

>Being pro choice
Are you are murderer, Sup Forums?

yes, u mad?

>Are you are murderer, Sup Forums?

Yeah, but I don't see you talking about stopping the Darfur Genocide so whatever

I are literate though

or the death penalty for that matter

>Being pro war

Are you R murderer, Sup Forums?

Why do women always use the defense "It's my body, I can do what I want with it" When actually its another human just temporarily incubating in her body, She only has to deal with slight discomfort for 9 months while we are talking about a possible 100+ year life of another human, why is nine months of comfort more important that an entire life? Why doesnt something being inside her body automatically give her rights over it. If I stick my dick in a women does she have the right to cut it off?

Instead of calling it "murder" it's more overly a huge "favor"

It's bad enough that cunts who get themselves pregnant the most are sluts who crave dick for a living. a baby would make them even more pathetic and what did that child ever do to deserve a shitty mother who doesn't know how to close her legs

I literally have a sister in law who is currently 17 and had her kid at 16. she doesn't take care of that child and the poor kid has had severe rashes and fevers where she had to go to the ER. the cunt acts like a child and doesn't realize how important her own daughter is. That little girl will grow up to hate her mom and ask herself why was she ever born- it's because abortion being called "murder".

Because she probably doesn't want to raise a niggers baby and spreading those shitty genetics.

then why fuck a nigger in the first place.

If males were the ones that bore and weened children, there would be an home abortion sets, local abortion take-out joints and huge abortion Aborto-Plexes connected to the mall.

If men were the ones that bore and weened children their place in society would be much different, and women would be making the same arguement

Why are you a redneck?
Why dont you go back to Sup Forums?

God forbid people are ever forced to have to deal with their poor choices in life. Why don't we just make USA one giant "safe space" where nothing negative ever has to happen to anybody.

I'm down with that

we certainly can afford it

It would be the same but different?

How does this breathlessly bullshit argument work in your social circle?


Yes, but it has to include guns and mental illness

It actually grows as part of her body + until the third month the fetus has no nervous sistem and therefore is not a person yet. Deal with it, ya twat.

i'm pro choice and I gotta say I don't see what is so wrong with abortion like shit man kill that thing even if it's out of the womb dude i don't give a shit. as long as the father get's an equal say in what happens to the thing.

say for instance the dad wants to have the kid but the mother doesn't, then she can have the kid and the dad can raise it by himself.

or if the kid ends up being retarded then put that thing down i mean it's never going to be able to get a job or contribute to anything it's literally just wasting everyone's money and time.


But what about in cases of miscegenation? Abortion is moral there.


Nice pet chicken

Make that little bitch dance.