I've always been curious, what other boards do Sup Forumstants frequent?

I've always been curious, what other boards do Sup Forumstants frequent?

For me its almost exclusively Sup Forums, though I was a Sup Forumstard way back when and sometimes I still visit /p/ and /gif/

Just Sup Forums and /vg/ for /hgg2D/. I also sometimes go to /gif/ for faps

Last couple of years Sup Forums is the only board I check daily. I used to go to Sup Forums way back when it wasn't as cancerous.

i have a hard time browsing even just Sup Forums, even this board is aids now but there's not a lot of good places to discuss music on the internet, surprisingly

Besides Sup Forums just /vg/, sometimes /fit/ and /lgbt/
I also like to check /soc/ threads when i'm bored just to see how ugly you guys are

mostly Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but also /ck/ and /vg/ occasionally

Sup Forums is my main board, and by far the one I spend the most time on.

I go on /ck/ pretty often, as it's the comfiest board, especially if I'm hungry.

/r9k/ is my guilty pleasure, but sometimes I feel the need to go there. Although I try not to since it fucks me up mentally a bit.

And /x/ at night when I can't sleep.

Well there's Sup Forums, which I'm starting to go less
And there's Sup Forums and Sup Forums
I browse sometimes Sup Forums for the offtopic posts

>still browsing Sup Forums

this board hasn't been good in years. fact.

Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums are the main ones

But I have never really listened to any video game, movie or anime soundtracks. I don't know why. I can enjoy or even love them in their mediums, but I've never been like "yeah I'm gonna throw that OST on."

Sup Forums and /fa/ mostly although I've started lurking /ck/ and it just might be the funniest board on this entire site

feel free to leave at anytime

Mainly Sup Forums, /k/ and /u/

Sup Forums is more like a side board

why does Sup Forums have such a shitty taste in music

that was my first post in years. bye now

No love for /wg/?

Sup Forums, /vg/, and /lit/. Haven't been here in a while though.

Sup Forums, /fit/, /fa/ and Sup Forums. I only come to Sup Forums to skim the catalog for a decent hip hop thread (which is very rare) or to try something new in the sharethreads.

/gif/, /wsg/, /vg/, Sup Forums, /an/. varied shit.
occasionally visit Sup Forums when drunk

Sup Forums and here are the two main boards I visit, Sup Forums has been my main board for years, sometimes visit /fit/ and /trv/ and that's it really nowadays.

/o/ /m/ Sup Forums and /p/

If I need to, I visit /hoc/ and Sup Forums sometimes.

I used to go on Sup Forums and Sup Forums but Sup Forums is shit.

/r9k/ and Sup Forums

is great that and music are god-tier weed smoking activities

/k/ and sometimes /fa/

Sup Forums for rugby, cricket and f1
Sup Forums and Sup Forums for general browsing

Sup Forums and Sup Forums

/lit/ also but less frequently

/tg/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are my only boards and my only interests

i used to go on /r9k/ but i'm certain it gets worse every year

crossboarders get the fuck OUT

Mostly the following;
Sup Forums, /r9k, on the odd occasion Sup Forums or /lit/.

Sometimes go on Sup Forums if there are any bullying threads or ones of cute girls crying and being devastated.

I frequent all of the boards on a regular basis. Keeps things lively.

/sci/, Sup Forums, /vr/, /lit/

>since it fucks me up mentally a bit.
What the fuck? Explain.

Just Sup Forums.

unlike roastie and frogposters, lookism/sluthate migrants actually have the right ideas

finding out that I have a subhuman fWHR, shit gonial angle, low IPD, horrible midface ratio, negative canthal tilts, and a retruded maxilla, and reading NCBI studies that confirm that these are objective measurements of attractiveness, was a horrible blow to my confidence

Face >>> Height > Frame is all that matters, specifically eye area, in terms of attractiveness. then again, even /fa/ has aesthetics threads where they discuss these things, so it's not an exclusively /r9k/ thing

what the fuck does any of this even mean you autist

What do any of these buzzwords even mean?

Mostly Sup Forums. Sometimes I check out /c/, /fit/, /3/, /vg/ for fgg, /jp/ for djt, /wsr/, and /qa/ before it became /2hu/
Anyone here frequents /bant/? How is it?

/ck/ is so good. If I'm not here I'm there.