Tila attacks Ben Shapiro on Twitter!
Tila attacks Ben Shapiro on Twitter!
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I love this crazy bitch.
Holocaust jokes are not funny
Man, the Alt-Right really is full of mentally ill retards.
Queen of Sup Forums
no they're Hitlerious
System34 this!
poor little Benji even a schizo chick is reking that manlet kike
Jesus. I would ditch my white heritage to procreate with her.
This is no way reel
Tila never left Sup Forums as we can see here
She is either trolling the fuck out of us... becoming more and more doubtful. If that's the case she better at it than evalion on jewtube. Or she is redpilled as fuck and reads /pol. If so, keep up the good work Tila- you beautiful honorary Aryan.
you forgot the "never" before "not" user
tila comes across as just mentally unwell and impressionable
You guys are awful. how can you mock the deaths of 6million people?
Yeah, don’t make fun of the holocaust. My grandfather died at Auschwitz. He got drunk and fell out of a guardtower
The holocaust isn't funny...I had a Great Uncle that died in it...he was shot out of a guard tower.
like this
"hahaha dead jews!"
just because i said it doesn't mean i really think that, of course it's an atrocity but there's comedy to be found in almost everything
Man I'm reading her Twitter and this bitch is 500% cuckoo.
Our relatives might have been at the same camp!!!
doesn't she believe she has multiple personalities as she stated on (((Howard Stern)))?
Isn't more likely that she is just a narcissistic moron?
They are fucked up. I'll NEVER forgive the Nazis for the way they treated my grandfather, passed over for promotion times & again.
She just gave a shout out to Milo
I thought 11 million people died, 6 million of those a Jews? So I can just make fun of the goys that died in it?
Seriously, it's not funny. You guys are really triggering me.
>All Sup Forums mascots are either retards, traps or shills fooling everyone
>(((Howard Stern)))
where did this meme originate? seen it a couple of times now
This woman is amazing
The coincidence detector plugin. It helps you see pure coincidences.
Fuck I love telling this joke.
They're funny when people get offended by them
>Or she is redpilled as fuck and reads /po
she posted here for like 2 months in 2013 you tard
She may be a crazy asian nazi chick, but god damn, she's fucking BASED
based tila tequila
gettin all nostalgic about her show
wew lad
>sent back to Israel
In that exact order.
Is this bitch fucking stupid? She's hurting Trump's campaign. Now more people are going to invoke guilt by association.
Why the fuck does she like Nazi shit?
Yeah I don't find them funny either, my uncle also died in a concentration camp. He was killed by a guard who fell out of a tower.
>ugly jungle asian
>queen of Sup Forums
>ED has started ghosting Tila's tweets again
How can you not love those motherfuckers
it's been 100% proven already, she does read pol, i was here when she posted that she reads it and then posted to her site where it has a chat system and we were all chatting with her as the admin. lol she's literally the queen of pol but a lot of people have forgotten.
>someone saved my OC
ben "when im losing an argument i bring up the holocaust regardless of relevancy" shapiro!
Reminder that the only reason she's become a nazi is because of brain damage cause by attempted suicide via drug overdose. If you think this degenerate is queen of anything, fuck off.
she isn't hurting shit, people have been calling trump "literally hitler" for the last year.
She was a poltard for a while and then started actually posting pol shit on twitter and facebook.
TMZ went fucking apeshit about it and a lot of news sites attacked her.
She even got kicked off celeb big brother in the UK over it all so she stopped posting here and vanished for a year or so.
Google it.
i laughed at it
i tip my fedora to you, goodsir
Her Twitter is 1/3 sexy pictures, 1/3 schizophrenic ramblings, and 1/3 pictures of her young child, it's quite a trip to go through
Whats the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
The pizza doesnt scream when you put it in the oven.
>tequila on her name
I say yes
>Revealing power level on national television
Classic rookie mistake.
That's not funny mate, my grandfather died at Auschwitz when somebody fell on him from a guard tower.
why can't we laugh at fictional shit? Isn't this a Mongolian anime image board?
Not funny m8
>Not wanting Tila Tequila to beg you to red pill her with your white cock
Bunch of faggots I swear.
>every outspoken Sup Forums user is a Sup Forumsesmoker
Well, not if it is a toaster oven or electric oven.
Tila's power level is greater than all of ours combined. Tila shitposts more before 9am than you do all day.
stop babbling and post screenshots, newfag
I want Tila Tequila to fart in my face.
What do you think her gook farts smell like Sup Forums?
you'll never know, leaf, she only likes proud whites, sorry no niggerfaggots.
I love this woman.
For those interested for research purposes, here is she blowing a guy and getting banged:
I really like Tila she is wild women but better human then the majority of world population , the things that run from her mouth are the mirror of this shit civilization mankind pure cancer
Alberta has no Niggers. Thats strictly East coast shit famalam.
One day ill get her to dutch oven me after some Korean BBQ just you wait.
so what? You gonna tell me you momma never performed a BJ in her life? Or never open vaggo for mister meat stick?
Your point?
how can one woman be so based
She thinks the world is flat. At some point Sup Forums became the meme itself.
She looks like Orbity.
Stop bullying him...
I liked her rimming porn video.
what a waste of trips
That looks really difficult.
Holy shit, Tila Tequila responded to my tweet!
Tila is a living Sup Forums meme
Tila has been lurking and shitposting on pol long before either of us
Somebody tweet her about Sup Forums pls k thx
>she stopped posting here
No. She just learnt to hide her power level.
she's been here longer than you have
based tila
Isn't she like
She has brain damage lol I can't believe how low pol has fallen
>ITT: faggots get their dick hard over mongoloid waste that looks like dog because she spouts Sup Forums memes because she has a pussy
This reminds me when you guys were creaming over that sheboon the other day; and you even posted on her twitter about "pol isn't really like that" and "they were trying to divide and conquer". Has this page really become just a bunch of cuck reddit fags? Seriously, fuck you faggots.
She's fucking tiny. I bet she would be a wild fuck.
The Illuminati attempted to disrupt her power levels with their neural disruptor and the resulting aneurysm only succeeded in increasing her power level.
I already did