We did it!
Other urls found in this thread:
[spoiler]test kurwa[/spoiler]
Biffcarrington checking in
About fucking time.
No Sup Forums didn't you faggot
What did all you neggers do
It was thanks to other people
What are we hoping the outcome of this probe will be my fellow anons and Kek worshipers?
This thread isn't getting a lot of attention, what gives?
I dont like to read articals.
Gimme a quick run down
The title says it all basically.
these parents put up 'prank videos' on youtube where all they did was yell and sometimes physically injure their kids. apparently it got so bad that they lost custody.
So prank videos aren't fake?
not fake enough to keep their kids apparently
Some are some are not.
If you have seen their "pranks" then you would know they aren't fake.
I'd rather suck a corn infested log from Andy sixx's asshole than contribute to the huffington post in any way
Fake news
One time, my father after beating me gave me a hammer and forced me to smash my own dreamcast up, all because I got my trousers muddy when playing outside.
These videos reminded me so much of that.
We did it r/eddit!
We did it reddit!
> forced me to smash my own dreamcast
> smash my own dreamcast
> dreamcast
> dream s
SXE Phil did it dumbass. Fucking Sup Forums had nothing to do with it whatsoever.
Why do I keep seeing this? Have the bots finally figured out how to solve the CAPTCHA?
If it weren't for Phil I'd have no idea who that faggot and the landwhale were.
I dont like watching videos. Screen shot some of it w/ caption. Thanks big man.
It's a bunch of clips of the youngest kids being slapped and thrown around by the older ones. And a few clips of the parents yelling and mentally abusing the redheaded boy.
> Mentally abusing
Is he gonna get ptsd from it i mean this is a typical life of a family. Grow up.