Random image thread

random image thread


le epic door face











Hate cats but nahhhhh

Can anyone translate the (what I think is) Japanese? Also, what the actual fuck?


His kanji is a disgrace, but it roughly translates to "I hate fucking cats."


>What the fuck is this? did the dude take out all the veins of the cat? Y tho?

Who did that to that poor, innocent cat? And why?





I have seen it before. It's pretty common.














>one cunt wolfpack
>dr. gay
>fattie dick
>vag face
>i lick rape pussy









The Story is about a student who was on his last few days at university, he was staying a student abode paid by the university, and one of his neighbours a girl had a cat that would meow at night outside his window.

So in his last week he filmed, tortured and killed the cat as you can see, and left the VCD of it that he made from the footage for the next person to find.

This is not normal in Japan, in fact the majority of Japanese love animals especially cats, hence why cat cafes are so very very popular.

But there is those low numbers of scum who hate cats and find enjoyment brutalising them. It is more common with the Career Man types.

People whose life is their career and work ungodly hours, as in Japan most jobs will pay you your rate you expect but some extra for overtime - you are not paid for all your overtime if you do more. Or you may not do overtime and get paid more.

Anyway, if the business asks you to do overtime there is no real way of saying no. So people get fed up, tired, crabbit (scottish word for miserable and grumpy) and even suicidal.

So torturing helpless animals to them is a stress relief, but it is a double edged sword when caught and they always usually are, their career is gone for good. You are pretty much blacklisted.

Anyhoo back to the story, the student was obviously found, and his academic year was essentially wiped out, and was blacklisted. About 3 years ago there was a story about him killing himself in Aokigahara Forest, infamously known as Suicide Forest.

yo what if she caught those in a door or something