Who is the H.P. Lovecraft of music?

Who is the H.P. Lovecraft of music?

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HP Lovecraft



>an author that scares you by saying he can't write down what he's thinking about cuz it's too scary

so, a musician who tries to scare you by being really quiet...


Flotation Toy Warning

Early status quo

>>an author that scares you by saying he can't write down what he's thinking about cuz it's too scary
>t. someone who didn't read Lovecraft, or entirely missed the point

these too

Not I.

I love Tom Waits but I don't see how he fits in with H.P. Lovecraft, he's a much better equivalent to Bukowski.
I agree with too, though.

Exuma or zero kama?

I can't even think of a literary equivalent to No-wave Gira.

you wish

Lovecraft borrowed the same method as Dante did, especially during Dante's journey through Inferno-- it's powerful. You honestly just didn't get it if that's all you took away from it.

Also Darkspace / Paysage d'Hiver

I did read Lovecraft, and I realized something truly horrifying. I'd tell you what I realized, but it's so horrifying it would warp your mind. In fact it has already warped my mind.

Sorry lol just thought I'd give you a spook that a lovecraft defener might appreciate

Shub Niggurath

Lovecraft also wrote a book where he walks through hell and finds all his enemies conveniently there being punished for being assholes to him?

Morrissey. Moderately talented, lots of pretentious fans who think their interest is intellectual, kind of racist.

Nah, saying events are simply too gruesome or enigmatic for him to truly understand because he is simply mortal, so he isn't even meant to be witnessing these events anyway.
Shoulda went after Lovecraft for making stories that generally get somewhat predictable; wasted opportunity, user.

I don't like either of them. However, both are recluses who have severe social anxiety.

true; he always gets me with that twist ending of the narrator going insane from what he's seen


When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

sounds like steve albini desu


...but right on the money.

Not very scary though.

This is my favorite poem of all time, truly captures the truth of niggers and their kind.

not much a steve albini fan though, where should I start with him?

Ba-ba-baaaaiiiity. Squish, squish, squish, ah, splurge.

Fools. No one. But have a Current 93 anyway.


Or a ho-ho-hole better example.
