I barely get any matches with girls on Tinder. Mostly just bots and obese girls. Only option seems like plastic surgery at this point, but fuck that I'd rather fap.
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I barely get any matches with girls on Tinder. Mostly just bots and obese girls. Only option seems like plastic surgery at this point, but fuck that I'd rather fap.
What do Sup Forums?
your fine
The issue is your description, I guarantee you.
you need to get off tinder, tinder has only worked for me when I recognize someone I have already met
Check out /fit/. Eat a shit ton of meat and veggies, take vitamins, lift like a mother fucker. Eventually ur self esteem will increase and it will get easy to approach girls irl assuming ur not a full blown autist.
I honestly dont know what makes a bio good - didnt think bio matters so much. My bio is "Enjoys dank memes and is a connoisseur of guacamole. I write spaghetti code the rest of the time. 6'1" yes I'm an autist but w e
Maybe like the other dude said I need to get off tinder and work out
are those your pics? The same pic 3 times and one with shit lighting? Shows that you have nothing to offer. Also you look like a toothpick
my pictures pepe i get like 2 matches a day.
I'm pretty skinny though. I'm 6'1" 155 lbs. What kind of pics would show I have "something to offer"? Which pic has bad lighting? Appreciate the criticism.