Hey there, anonymous! I'm filling in for Reimu tonight. Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine!

Hey there, anonymous! I'm filling in for Reimu tonight. Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine!

Now you know the drill!
Start a post with...
if you need advice~
followed by your name for a nice little fortune cookie...!

Ooor just hang out with us. Relax. Unwind..! Maybe take some of Reimu's sake while she's not here...

Other urls found in this thread:


I heard bunny.

Good Evening.

Still in pain from Monday

Hello best bunny!


Wha! A bunny! Yaaaay~ We're multiplying!


And yes this is me, hello

I missed the story, physical or emotional?


Hello. How are You?


A bunny thread!!!!!!

Sounds good, I guess...
>fortune Lucas

So how's everyone doing tonight?