Alright Sup Forums, i need your help here

Alright Sup Forums, i need your help here.

Few years back, i used to smoke pot every now and then. Was fun, never really had a bad trip with paranoia or anything, it always used to make me feel pretty relaxed and happy.
Thing is, there was this time that i had a sort of... let's call it traumatic experience while being high. Shit was pretty intense, and led me to experience a drug induced psychotic attack.
After that, i dropped it for a while. Didn't smoke for like a year, maybe. Thing is, ever since then, whenever i smoke, the feeling was never the same. At first it feels pretty good, and i start to remember the way i used to feel before that night, and how nice the mellow feeling is, but then it takes me right back to that night. I start experiencing some delirious ideas and all that sort. Stuff that never used to happen to me before, or anything. Never enough to experience a panic attack, or anything extreme, but enough to ruin the experience.

Bottom line is, can i fix myself and enjoy the ride again Sup Forums? or em i just fucked forever, banned out of pot?

As an additional note, i've done it a few times ever since that night. I feel the "negative" symptoms are a bit more "controllable" with each time, but there again i haven't done it that often to be able to be entirely sure.

What the shitbiscuits?

depending on how long it's been since you last smoked, it could be that you "forgot" what it's like to be high and got too high. idk if this happens with any quantity but you could try smoking less and then building up to it. you could take a few hits and get baked, then next time smoke a bowl, w/e

Yeah, i thought about that. Here's the thing, the "symptoms" DO feel lighter the less i smoke, so of course i tried to keep it in a small dose, but it has never been too much anyways.
What i'm trying to say is, even smoking enough to get just high, not completely baked -in smaller doses than when i first started in fact- is enough to shift my way of thought that way.
What you say about forgetting what being high is like does make sense, because it does feel that way. The thing is, i want to know if it may be possible for me to actually "remember" it the right way, without inducing some sort of lasting damage on my brain due to a psychotic attack, or something like that

Sounds like text book panic attack...has got FUCK ALL to do with weed and EVERYTHING to do with your own psychology.
Shit, I now have a genuine phobia of French people after watching irreversible.

Just got to recondition yourself , faggot

It's not a panic attack, because i don't fear i will die or lose control. I don't even hyperventilate myself, nor increase my heartbeat either.
The day of the night, it WAS a drug induced psychotic attack, but what happens afterwards are not big enough to be called that, nor give me the symptoms of a panic attack. Not according to DSM.

That's exactly what i want to know, if it is possible for me to recondition myself, or if i risk fucking myself up for trying to fix it.

I do know a guy who started experiencing psychotic symptoms similar to schizophrenia for "overdosing" pot. But he's a different story. He had no control over it, and just took it to the limit every day, mixing it with alcohol whenever he could. So yeah... i know it's pretty different scenarios, but i jsut don't wanna risk a similar outcome

I recetgave it up myself kinda had same thing you where talking about I just believe it's like the honey moon period in a relationship first 2 months or what not are fun but then the novelty wears off with is why I just said fuck it, it's a big waste of money in anyways just like the first few time u get drunk you think it's the shit but after a while you don't drink as often cause you know what the next day entails etc...


Not to sound like a granola crunching hippie, but the same thing happened to me and it was kind of life changing. The anxiety and paranoia is usually because there are things about yourself that bother you. Things that you do that you're not proud of. The best way to re enjoy weed is to work on yourself and improve the things about yourself that you hate, if you find this difficult and overwhelming, then there's a good chance you have depression and need to fix that. The other fix is to take acid.... seriously. There is nothing more inspirational or life changing than acid, it will definitely set things in your head straight so you can enjoy pot once again.

It's all in your head.