Okay Sup Forums my first advice thread. Today met 9/10 qt arab woman...

Okay Sup Forums my first advice thread. Today met 9/10 qt arab woman. She's into me and we were literally having to hold ourselves back from going straight to the bedroom. Trouble is I am married to a lovely, but fat, woman. So what do Sup Forums, do I jeopardise my marriage for some 9/10 model standard arabic pussy? Pic related.

Yes! And don't ever look back


Do you love your wife or is she a cunt or do you have kids or anything


marriage is a bond deeper than the moment. If she is fat and wasn't before then you need to ask yourself what happened between your wife and you and fix that.
>protip it is not all her fault. be a man and claim the part of fault that is yours.

Love wife, kids from previous marriage. Present wife can't have kids. Insta connection with qt lady, like nothing b4, really weird.

fuck yea

Was fat when married. I look past it as she has 10/10 personality.

post pic

You already know you're going to.

if her personality is no longer a 10/10 then refer to my previous protip. If she was good enough for you to marry before, then she should be good enough for you now. Don't kid yourself into thinking that you are any better now then you were when you married her, if anything you are most likely older with more undesirable miles. Oh, and if you get cancer tomorrow don;t expect your new qt to stick around and clean up your piss and cook for you. and honestly your wife probably shouldn't either after this.

Is the love worth this 9/10 who's most likley taken miles of dick
Also do the kids like your current wife?

Haven't taken one. OP pic is very close, just older, both of us in our 30s.

Yes they do.

When the sauce is just right

Then she's not worth it stay with wife

do it faggot

Dubs of truth

Almost quads to its a sign OP

Shes ugly as fuck and also i bet your wife became fat once you gave her kids that she takes care of while you go jerk off the other ladies huh?

His current wife can't have kids fucking read before you assume