How dis make you feel white bois?

How dis make you feel white bois?

black guys can have the whores

the whole family is fucked in the head
all blacked even the mom after the trap dumped her, so that pic doesn't bother me at all op


He's handsome, successful and seems relatively intelligent. Passing his genes onto Kardashian children would improve them.

they were raised by a mentally ill father so choices like that aren't really surprising

Please, take all the Kardashians. Do what you will.

Ahhhhhhh the hot one is dating a nig too?

Lmfao now this dumb bitch has aids too!
Once u go black, you get aids and die.

No, because when i drop for on the floor, no matter how delicious it is, i know i have to throw it away into the garbage, when some animal will eat.

It's the civilised thing to do.

Sincerely, a sandnigger.


that hover hand lol

ASAP is attractive.

Kim and Kylie took their picture making out

This is what Kendall thinks of white bois now.

Is she still the attractive one?

Who's that?

A Jenner/Kardashian dating a nigger!?

Why that can not be!

"fucked in the head" how?

They're so rich they can do anything.

>being rich from Jews giving you a show to promote race mixing means you aren't fucked in the head

user............ you're a dumbass

A Kardashin dating a nog?????


Justin Bieber's ex is dating the Weeknd. lol

When white women become independently wealthy, they date black men.

this pic is equally as pathetic as the blacked b8

My waifu would never do that.

>A Nigger fucks a gutter slut

talk about high standards. lets see your picture champ.

Word is his dick is huge too she's probably ruined by now

You're bullshitting. Selena would never date a nog.

you need a waifu with some standards bro this nigga look like he work at target

Seriously, fuck this whoever Jennner; This is now a Selena Gomez thread

Best feet I've ever seen besides Olivia Munn's.

Lucky nigger gets to lick those

If the weeknd wasnt famous he would never get laid

She is a dyke
She was dating Karlie Kloss last fall/winter
It caused Kloss and Taylor Swift to break up
The mother hates fags and refuses to accept
So they pretend she is dating this guy or that guy
Girl only likes cooch
(She also only likes them white)

Dude..... She's dating a dreadlocked NAPA

The ugly girls always have nice feet

You can dream


frankly a monkey passing on his genes to a Kardashian would improve them.



you niggas put pussy on a pedestal


The real question here is how do you feel nigger?

I've already accepted the fact that Kendall is way out of my league Nx have settled for a cutie who rocks my world now.

Why are you a kissless virgin you nigger faggot.

But some goofy looking NAPA is in her league?

Kardashians are not human


A mudshark is not human.

>asap rocky
thats a shitty way of spelling travis scott

White? Aren't they part sand nigger?

I'm not sure why she is famous or why everyone thinks she is that hot. Forgive me, I live under a rock... but I think Swedish girls are hot. Hence why I trapped one and made her my wife... But with my luck, we would make a blond/ginger Viking looking kiddo. Never the less blonde and blue eyed girls for the win... That Kanderel girl doesn't look all that classy if you ask me. I mean who wears a fishnet stocking as a dress?? #notaWhore #stayClassy #FuckHashtags